0.1.0 - 2017-10-03
- Improved documentation
- Fixed configs
- Refactored with behaviors, filters and exceptions
- b468bea 2017-08-09 Fixed to prevent infinite redirect when logginig in via identitiy cookie @SilverFire
- c82ddcc 2017-08-04 Refactored to throw exceptions instead of immediate actions @SilverFire
- cea0e53 2017-08-08 Enhanced ValidateAuthenticationFilter and not-allowed-ip filter to handle cases when user is not authenticated yet @SilverFire
- 4ab3974 2017-01-06 added redirecting for totp enable/disable/toggle @hiqsol
- 8aeaf5f 2017-01-06 +
@hiqsol - ddf0b91 2016-12-27 fixed widget calling @hiqsol
- dcc87b7 2016-12-23 csfixed @hiqsol
- f54246d 2016-12-23 added
- Added sending mail
0.0.1 - 2016-10-24
- Added basics: totp and allowed ips checking
- 1538933 2016-10-24 added ru translation @hiqsol
- 8efb6ab 2016-10-22 moved validateTotp/Ips from hiam-core @hiqsol
- feb2dd9 2016-10-22 added Allowed IPs functionality @hiqsol
- 0d8cba5 2016-10-21 fixes after renaming @hiqsol
- ceea513 2016-10-21 csfixed @hiqsol
- a55a8db 2016-10-21 still redoing to yii2-mfa @hiqsol
- a6efe1b 2016-10-21 splitted out Totp class @hiqsol
- e002ab5 2016-10-21 renaming to
@hiqsol - ea2cdab 2016-10-21 add onBeforeLogin @hiqsol
- 1cb9bf8 2016-10-21 + user on beforeLogin config @hiqsol
- 3fdf6e0 2016-10-21 + require robthree/twofactorauth @hiqsol
- cc1882c 2016-10-21 added totp disabling @hiqsol
- 5004664 2016-10-20 implemented totp/check @hiqsol
- 85c4505 2016-10-20 implemented totp enabling @hiqsol
- c2ca29a 2016-10-20 redoing to module @hiqsol
- 3040ebc 2016-10-20 + config-plugin @hiqsol
- 063e68e 2016-10-19 added basics @hiqsol
- 155b1d2 2016-10-19 inited @hiqsol