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Releases: itsmartashub/GPThemes


13 Mar 13:43
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🐛 Bug Fixes:

  • Improved 2FA styling: Resolved a style issue with the enabled tag when 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) is enabled. This ensures proper display after adding a new 2FA option
  • Chat bubble footer alignment: Vertically aligned the SVG icons in the chat bubble footer for better positioning
  • Chat bubble consistency: Enhanced design consistency between Response 1 and Response 2 chat bubbles to match the style of other bubbles
  • Logo visibility: Fixed an issue that affected logo visibility in Response 1 & Response 2 chat bubbles


04 Mar 13:33
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🎨 Improvements:

  • Reverted font to GPT's default and removed Inter for design consistency. (This is temp, so it's likely to change in the future)
  • Enhanced the appearance and usability of the Stop Generating button.
  • Enhanced color contrast for the avatar icons and text using color-mix for better readability in gpt's chat bubbles.
  • Adjusted .markdown element colors (blockquotes, numbered lists, etc.) to match the accent color for visual consistency.
  • Fixed styling for the "Terms of Service" violating message. (Don't ask how this was tested... 🥲)
  • Resolved the broken background color of the note in the "Share Link" dialog when sharing a chat with custom instructions applied to ensure correct display and improved readability.
  • Updated ParcelJS dependencies to version 2.12.0 for improved compatibility and potential enhancements.

🐛 Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected the color for text-token-text-tertiary to ensure visual harmony.
  • Resolved issues with theme variable application (--text-primary, --text-secondary etc.).
  • Fixed a double !important clash in the "Share Link" dialog to successfully apply the corrected bg-colors for Any personalized data not present in the conversation won’t be shared with viewers (ex: custom instructions) note.
  • Removed unused code related to .bg-token-main-surface-tertiary for better code maintainability.
  • Switched color-mix function to srgb-linear color mode in light theme for consistent color blending.


16 Feb 18:01
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This release brings a variety of improvements, a new syntax highlights for the light theme and bug fixes due to new ChatGPT changes.

🎨 Improved UI & Styling:

  • Introduced a light syntax theme for code snippets, ideal for brighter environments.
  • Restyled the Copy Code button for a more cohesive look.
  • Improve syntax higlights theme for dark theme too.
  • Adjusted bullet position and blockquote border color in markdown for better readability.
  • Enhanced visual appeal of the icon with a background color.
  • Sharpened keyboard shortcut presentation with accent borders and colors.
  • Streamlined chat bubble width for consistent appearance across screen sizes and zoom levels.

🐛 Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved issues with sidebar active link background and theme dropdown background, both caused by recent ChatGPT changes.
  • Addressed tooltip text visibility affected by class name changes.
  • Fixed background problem in the Upgrade your plan dialog related to ChatGPT updates.
  • Eliminated extra space on the right side of chat bubble content.

🪶 Performance & Optimization:

  • Rewritten logic for syntax theme and code snippet rendering for enhanced efficiency.
  • Streamlined postcss configuration and added a plugin for unused style removal.
  • Removed unnecessary files from version control with an updated .gitignore.


13 Feb 01:57
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This update focuses on ensuring seamless compatibility with recent changes introduced by ChatGPT. There are addressed numerous issues across the extension, including:

  • Sidebar: Background color discrepancies, link hover/active states, date styles, and options menu button in links.
  • Sidebar Sticky Element: Background transparency corrected.
  • Sidebar Upgrade Button: Style adjustment due to a missing class.
  • Collapse Sidebar Button: Background inconsistency resolved.
  • New Chat View: Fixed arrow button style in random chat buttons
  • Code Snippets: Theme style fix.
  • Tooltips: Background color fix due to new ChatGPT changes
  • Theme Dropdown: Background issue addressed.
  • Shared Links: Mini chat preview color discrepancies fixed.
  • Shared Links & Archived Chats Tables: Table header background color corrected.
  • GPTs Page: Search query list and input border removed
  • Shared Chat Page: Chat container background colors adjusted.
  • Feedback Dialog: Checkbox style improved.
  • Upgrade Plan Dialog: Background issue resolved.
  • Team Plan Dialogs: Styling fixes for elements like check buttons and seats counters.
  • Reloading Theme: Consistency issue addressed.
  • Custom Instructions Dialog: Background and context menu shadow updated for clarity.

...and much more.

Known Issues:


Currently, mixing officially built-in themes dropdown chooser with new GPThemes may cause theme application issues.


04 Feb 21:26
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Major Update:

  • New AMOLED (Black) Theme: Easily toggle between Light, Dark, and Black themes with new floating GPThemes button.

Enhancements and Features:

  • Improved Scrollbar Styling: Adjusted scrollbar styles for Chromium browsers to resolve appearance issues. Firefox scrollbar styles now consistently apply only to Firefox.
  • Simplified Theme Selection: Introduced a floating button for GPThemes options, making theme switching more accessible.
  • New Code Snippets Theme: Introduced a new code snippets highlight.js theme in the OLED theme for improved aesthetics and alignment with OLED visuals.
  • Enhanced User Interaction: Implemented functionality to close GPTheme options when clicked outside or when a theme is selected.
  • content.js Logic Rewrite: Rewritten content.js in JavaScript to implement toggle theme feature: Light, Dark, and OLED.
  • Downgraded Firefox Manifest: Downgraded Firefox manifest from version 3 to version 2 for better compatibility across Firefox browsers.
  • New Permission Added: Added new permission for storage to allow the extension to store chosen themes for consistent application across pages.

Visual Consistency and Bug Fixes:

  • Addressed Visual Inconsistencies: Resolved various visual inconsistencies, clipping issues, and background color discrepancies.
  • Theme Compatibility: Corrected OLED surface colors and adjusted the background of chat bubbles for consistency with the selected theme.
  • Overlay Prevention: Adjusted z-index of modal and GPT's theme dropdown menu to prevent overlay issues with GPThemes options.
  • GPT Store Page Fixes:
    • Hover Effects: Fixed card background colors on hover by addressing global style overrides in the GPT store.
    • SVG Colors: Improved contrast and visibility by adjusting SVG colors for non-image GPT products in the GPTs page.

Code Optimization and Enhancements:

  • Efficiency Improvements: Maximizing code efficiency and performance.
  • Resource Optimization: Eliminated unnecessary resource overhead by removing unused highlight.js themes.

Development Workflow Improvements:

  • Enhanced Cross-Browser Compatibility: Installed webextension-polyfill and @parcel/config-webextension to enhance cross-browser compatibility and optimize development workflow.
  • Parcel and SASS Upgrades: Upgraded parcel and @parcel/transformer-sass to leverage the latest features and improvements.

Known Issues:


Currently, mixing officially built-in themes dropdown chooser with new GPThemes may cause theme application issues.


15 Jan 14:25
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What's Changed

🌐 Cross-Browser Compatibility

🎨 Enhancements

  • Introduced animations for menus, tooltips, pop-ups, and Settings Tab View transitions for a more dynamic experience.
  • Introduced a new code snippets theme, seamlessly aligning with the extension theme.
  • Restyled the whole markdown syntax highlighting in chat bubbles and the COPY CODE button.
  • Restyled ChatGPT Intro page - the page displayed before user Login or Register.
  • Restyled the new GPTs Store page to harmonize with the extension theme:
    • Restyled search input and search query list visibility.
    • Removed blur & transparent-ish effects from the sticky header on the GPTs Store page.
    • Altered header tags to be pill-shaped and overall tags restyle to match the extension theme.
    • Added and improved transitions across elements.
    • Rounded corners for various elements to match the extension theme.
  • Fixed sidebar active chat item not matching the extension theme.
  • Fixed sidebar chat item icons background transparency.
  • Restyled the Delete Account confirmation pop-up.
  • Removed the unnecessary animation of moving the chat bubble down on hover.
  • Introduced new animations for specific links.
  • Fixed buttons style and animations throughout the extension.
  • Aligned toast notifications with the extension theme.
  • Minor restyling for the 404 Error page.
  • Fixed tooltips text and icon colors in some buttons.
  • Minor scrollbar restyles.

...And numerous other restyles, retouches, and code optimizations to enhance the overall user experience.

📐 Responsive Design Improvements

  • Added a fixed width to agent-turn in chat-bubbles to prevent content overflowing on smaller screens.
  • Added vertical padding to the tab-panel in Settings to prevent Theme dropdown list cut off on hover on smaller screens.
  • Fixed content not-shrinking in Upgrade your plan pop-up.


19 Dec 14:01
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Installation steps

  1. Download the and unzip.
  2. Open prefered Chromium-based browser and go to chrome://extensions/
  3. Enable Developer mode in the top-right corner.
  4. Click Load unpacked and select the gpthemes-chrome folder.

You can also install it directly from the Chrome Web Store.

Have issue or suggestion?

I appreciate your support and feedback. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for future improvements, please open an issue.