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File metadata and controls

472 lines (368 loc) · 15.5 KB

Laravel Grid View

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This package is to displaying the model data in a Grid table.

Grid view appearance


  • laravel 5.5+ | 6+ | 7+ | 8+ | 9+ | 10+ | 11+
  • Bootstrap 4 for styling
  • JQuery
  • php >= 7.1
  • composer


General from remote repository

Run the composer command:

composer require itstructure/laravel-grid-view "^1.1.5"

If you are testing this package from a local server directory

In application composer.json file set the repository, as in example:

"repositories": [
        "type": "path",
        "url": "../laravel-grid-view",
        "options": {
            "symlink": true


../laravel-grid-view - directory path, which has the same directory level as application and contains Grid View package.

Then run command:

composer require itstructure/laravel-grid-view:dev-master --prefer-source

Publish files (Not necessary)

  • To publish views run command:

    php artisan grid_view:publish --only=views

    It stores view files to resources/views/vendor/grid_view folder.

  • To publish translations run command:

    php artisan grid_view:publish --only=lang

    It stores translation files to resources/lang/vendor/grid_view folder.

  • To publish all parts run command without only argument:

    php artisan grid_view:publish

    Else you can use --force argument to rewrite already published files.

Where this is already used (my packages)

You can see this packages above as examples.


Make sure you use a Bootstrap 4 for styling and JQuery in your application.

Controller part

Must use EloquentDataProvider to insert data in to the view template.

For EloquentDataProvider class constructor use a model query object.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Itstructure\GridView\DataProviders\EloquentDataProvider;
class ExampleController extends Controller
    public function example()
        $dataProvider = new EloquentDataProvider(ExampleModel::query());
        return view('example-view', [
            'dataProvider' => $dataProvider

View template part

Use @gridView() directive with config array in a blade view template.

Simple quick usage

You can simply set columns to display as string format in columnFields array.


There search filter fields are displayed automatically. By default text form field filters are used.

If you don't want to use search filters, set useFilters = false.

$gridData = [
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    'title' => 'Panel title',
    'useFilters' => false,
    'columnFields' => [

Alternative variant without a blade directive:

{!! grid_view([
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    'useFilters' => false,
    'columnFields' => [
]) !!}

Setting custom options

Main columns

Simple example:

    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    'columnFields' => [
            'label' => 'First Name', // Column label.
            'attribute' => 'first_name', // Attribute, by which the row column data will be taken from a model.
            'label' => 'Last Name',
            'value' => function ($row) {
                return $row->last_name;
            'sort' => 'last_name' // To sort rows. Have to set if an 'attribute' is not defined for column.
Special columns

Besides main columns, there can be the next special columns:

  • ActionColumn - is for displaying Buttons to view, edit and delete rows.

    Set 'class' => Itstructure\GridView\Columns\ActionColumn::class in column option

    There are the next required actionTypes:

    • view - makes a link for viewing. Default url scheme: url()->current() . '/' . $row->id . '/delete'.
    • edit - makes a link for edition. Default url scheme: url()->current() . '/' . $row->id . '/edit'.
    • delete - makes a link for deletion. Default url scheme: url()->current() . '/' . $row->id . '/delete'.

    They can be simple strings, arrays or callbacks.

    For array format it is necessary set class. And optional: url, htmlAttributes.

    By callback you can change urls to your routes.

    Simple example for a column config:

        'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
        'columnFields' => [
                'label' => 'Actions', // Optional
                'class' => Itstructure\GridView\Columns\ActionColumn::class, // Required
                'actionTypes' => [ // Required
                    'edit' => function ($data) {
                        return '/admin/pages/' . $data->id . '/edit';
                        'class' => Itstructure\GridView\Actions\Delete::class, // Required
                        'url' => function ($data) { // Optional
                            return '/admin/pages/' . $data->id . '/delete';
                        'htmlAttributes' => [ // Optional
                            'target' => '_blank',
                            'style' => 'color: yellow; font-size: 16px;',
                            'onclick' => 'return window.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete?");'
  • CheckboxColumn - is for displaying Checkboxes to multiple choose the rows.

    Set 'class' => Itstructure\GridView\Columns\CheckboxColumn::class in column option

    There are the next required options:

    • field - is for a name checkbox input attribute. It is rendered as an array name="{{ $field }}[]".
    • attribute - is for a value checkbox input attribute. It is rendered as: value="$row->{$this->attribute}".

    Simple example for a column config:

        'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
        'columnFields' => [
                'class' => Itstructure\GridView\Columns\CheckboxColumn::class,
                'field' => 'delete',
                'attribute' => 'id'

There are the next filter's variants:

  • Column option to switch off the filter:

    'filter' => false
  • TextFilter - is a default filter, which renders a text form field to search, using column attribute.

  • DropdownFilter - is a filter, which renders <select> html tag.

    Set the next as column option:

        'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
        'columnFields' => [
                'attribute' => 'example_attribute',
                'filter' => [
                    'class' => Itstructure\GridView\Filters\DropdownFilter::class,
                    'data' => ['key' => 'value', 'key' => 'value'] // Array keys are for html <option> tag values, array values are for titles.

    If attribute is not defined for column or you want to set a special filter field name:

        'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
        'columnFields' => [
                'filter' => [
                    'class' => Itstructure\GridView\Filters\DropdownFilter::class,
                    'name' => 'example_name',
                    'data' => ['key' => 'value', 'key' => 'value'] // Array keys are for html <option> tag values, array values are for titles.

There are the next formatter keys:

  • html - is for passing a row content with html tags.
  • image - is for inserting a row data in to src attribute of <img> tag.
  • text - applies strip_tags() for a row data.
  • url - is for inserting a row data in to href attribute of <a> tag.

For that keys there are the next formatters:

  • HtmlFormatter
  • ImageFormatter
  • TextFormatter
  • UrlFormatter

Also you can set formatter with some addition options. See the next simple example:

    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    'columnFields' => [
            'attribute' => 'url',
            'format' => [
                'class' => Itstructure\GridView\Formatters\UrlFormatter::class,
                'title' => 'Source',
                'htmlAttributes' => [
                    'target' => '_blank'
            'attribute' => 'content',
            'format' => 'html'
Existing form areas and main buttons

Grid view forms

There are two main form areas:

  • grid_view_filters_form

    Two buttons affect search request submission:

    • Search. You can change a button label by option: searchButtonLabel.
    • Reset. You can change a button label by option: resetButtonLabel.

    If useFilters = false, these buttons will not be displayed.

  • grid_view_rows_form

    You can set a specific action attribute value by option rowsFormAction.

    One button affect a main submit request:

    • Send. You can change a button label by option: sendButtonLabel.

      Note! This button will be displayed under one of two conditions:

      • There is a checkbox column.
      • Option useSendButtonAnyway = true.
Complex extended example
$gridData = [
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    'paginatorOptions' => [ // Here you can set some options of paginator Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator, used in a package.
        'pageName' => 'p'
    'rowsPerPage' => 5, // The number of rows in one page. By default 10.
    'title' => 'Panel title', // It can be empty ''
    'strictFilters' => true, // If true, then a searching by filters will be strict, using an equal '=' SQL operator instead of 'like'.
    'rowsFormAction' => '/admin/pages/deletion', // Route url to send slected checkbox items for deleting rows, for example.
    'useSendButtonAnyway' => true, // If true, even if there are no checkbox column, the main send button will be displayed.
    'searchButtonLabel' => 'Find',
    'columnFields' => [
            'attribute' => 'id', // REQUIRED if value is not defined. Attribute name to get row column data.
            'label' => 'ID', // Column label.
            'filter' => false, // If false, then column will be without a search filter form field.,
            'htmlAttributes' => [
                'width' => '5%' // Width of table column.
            'label' => 'Active', // Column label.
            'value' => function ($row) { // You can set 'value' as a callback function to get a row data value dynamically.
                return '<span class="icon fas '.($row->active == 1 ? 'fa-check' : 'fa-times').'"></span>';
            'filter' => [ // For dropdown it is necessary to set 'data' array. Array keys are for html <option> tag values, array values are for titles.
                'class' => Itstructure\GridView\Filters\DropdownFilter::class, // REQUIRED. For this case it is necessary to set 'class'.
                'name' => 'active', // REQUIRED if 'attribute' is not defined for column.
                'data' => [ // REQUIRED.
                    0 => 'No active',
                    1 => 'Active',
            'format' => 'html', // To render column content without lossless of html tags, set 'html' formatter.
            'sort' => 'active' // To sort rows. Have to set if an attribute is not defined for column.
            'label' => 'Icon', // Column label.
            'value' => function ($row) { // You can set 'value' as a callback function to get a row data value dynamically.
                return $row->icon;
            'filter' => false, // If false, then column will be without a search filter form field.
            'format' => [ // Set special formatter. If $row->icon value is a url to image, it will be inserted in to 'src' attribute of <img> tag.
                'class' => Itstructure\GridView\Formatters\ImageFormatter::class, // REQUIRED. For this case it is necessary to set 'class'.
                'htmlAttributes' => [ // Html attributes for <img> tag.
                    'width' => '100'
        'created_at', // Simple column setting by string.
        [ // Set Action Buttons.
            'class' => Itstructure\GridView\Columns\ActionColumn::class, // REQUIRED.
            'actionTypes' => [ // REQUIRED.
                'edit' => function ($data) {
                    return '/admin/pages/' . $data->id . '/edit';
                    'class' => Itstructure\GridView\Actions\Delete::class, // REQUIRED
                    'url' => function ($data) {
                        return '/admin/pages/' . $data->id . '/delete';
                    'htmlAttributes' => [
                        'target' => '_blank',
                        'style' => 'color: yellow; font-size: 16px;',
                        'onclick' => 'return window.confirm("Sure to delete?");'
            // For this case checkboxes will be rendered according with: <input type="checkbox" name="delete[]" value="{{ $row->id }}" />
            'class' => Itstructure\GridView\Columns\CheckboxColumn::class, // REQUIRED.
            'field' => 'delete', // REQUIRED.
            'attribute' => 'id' // REQUIRED.
            'display' => function ($row) {
                return {...condition to return true for displaying...};


Copyright © 2020-2024 Andrey Girnik

Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details.