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Description of TRON Abstract Syntax

Type Definitions

The Class type is just a tagged string.

case class Class(name: String)

The Cardinality type represents possible cardinalities of class field definitions, specifically use Req for exactly 1, ManyReq for 1 or more, Opt for at most 1, and ManyOpt for 0 or more.

sealed trait Cardinality { def isOptional: Boolean }
case object Req extends Cardinality { def isOptional = false }
case object ManyReq extends Cardinality { def isOptional = false}
case object Opt extends Cardinality { def isOptional = true }
case object ManyOpt extends Cardinality { def isOptional = true }

The FieldType is used mostly in conjunction with model transformation language examples, where Tracking means that the field is there to be used to intermediately track mappings between types from input meta-model to output meta-model, and Bidirectional specifies that the field has corresponding opposite field which is specified by specifying the field name (note that Fields is an alias for string). Ordinary is the default value to provide when the field does not have any of these extended behaviours.

sealed trait FieldType
case object Ordinary extends FieldType
case object Tracking extends FieldType
case class Bidirectional(oppositeOf: Fields) extends FieldType

The FieldDefinition represents the required information to define a field (except its name), which is its target class, its cardinality and its field type.

case class FieldDefinition(`class`: Class, card: Cardinality, fieldtype: FieldType)

A ClassDefinition is used to define a class with a particular name, two map from field names to field definitions (one for containment fields, and the other for ordinary fields), an optional super-class, a parameter isStandalone to specify whether the instances of this class are uncontained in general (like Strings or Ints) and a parameter isAbstract to specify whether it is possible to construct concrete instances of the class.

// We only support single inheritance
case class ClassDefinition(name: String, children: Map[Fields, FieldDefinition],
                           refs: Map[Fields, FieldDefinition], superclass: Option[Class] = None, isStandalone: Boolean = false, isAbstract: Boolean = false)

Program Syntax

The program AST uses light-weight GADTs inorder to increase sharing between the program and symbolic versions of the program syntax. We therefore define a type-level enumeration:

sealed trait ASTType
case object IsSymbolic extends ASTType
case object IsProgram extends ASTType

Our set expression syntax represent possible set expressions union Union, difference Diff, intersection ISect and variables Var. In addition, symbolic expression may contain set symbols SetSymbol and non-empty set literals with explicit cardinality SetLit.

sealed trait BasicExpr[T <: ASTType]
case class Symbol(id: Symbols) extends BasicExpr[IsSymbolic.type]

sealed trait SetExpr[T <: ASTType]
case class SetLit[T <: ASTType](es: Seq[BasicExpr[T]]) extends SetExpr[T]
case class Union[T <: ASTType](e1 : SetExpr[T], e2 : SetExpr[T]) extends SetExpr[T]
case class Diff[T <: ASTType](e1 : SetExpr[T], e2 : SetExpr[T]) extends SetExpr[T]
case class ISect[T <: ASTType](e1 : SetExpr[T], e2 : SetExpr[T]) extends SetExpr[T]
case class Var(name: Vars) extends SetExpr[IsProgram.type]
case class SetSymbol(id: Symbols) extends SetExpr[IsSymbolic.type]

We also have boolean expressions over the set expressions such as equality Eq and subset SetSubEq, and ordinary Boolean connectives like True, And and Not.

sealed trait BoolExpr[T <: ASTType]
case class Eq[T <: ASTType](e1: SetExpr[T], e2: SetExpr[T]) extends BoolExpr[T]
case class SetSubEq[T <: ASTType](e1: SetExpr[T], e2: SetExpr[T]) extends BoolExpr[T]
case class And[T <: ASTType](b1: BoolExpr[T], b2: BoolExpr[T]) extends BoolExpr[T]
case class True[T <: ASTType]() extends BoolExpr[T]
case class Not[T <: ASTType](b: BoolExpr[T]) extends BoolExpr[T]

Our match expressions abstract syntax is only used for programs, and has three constructors: MSet which lifts an ordinary set expression to a MatchExpr (i.e. to use in foreach-loops), and Match and MatchStar which represent shallow and deep matching respectively, and accept a set expression and target class to match on.

sealed trait MatchExpr
case class MSet(e : SetExpr[IsProgram.type]) extends MatchExpr
case class Match(e : SetExpr[IsProgram.type], c : Class) extends MatchExpr
case class MatchStar(e : SetExpr[IsProgram.type], c : Class) extends MatchExpr

Finally, our program syntax consists of the various kinds of TRON statements: sequencing StmtSeq, variable assignment AssignVar, field access LoadField and update AssignField, instance creation New, if-statements If, foreach-statements For and fix-statements Fix. All the constructors accept only program set expressions, and takes a metaInf argument which allows encoding of various kinds of meta-information during processing.

sealed trait Statement
case class StmtSeq(metaInf: Statement.MetaInf, ss : Seq[Statement])
  extends Statement
case class AssignVar(metaInf: Statement.MetaInf, x : Vars, e : SetExpr[IsProgram.type])
  extends Statement
case class LoadField(metaInf: Statement.MetaInf, x : Vars, e : SetExpr[IsProgram.type], f : Fields)
  extends Statement
case class New(metaInf: Statement.MetaInf, x : Vars, c : Class)
  extends Statement
case class AssignField(metaInf: Statement.MetaInf, e1 : SetExpr[IsProgram.type], f : Fields, e2 : SetExpr[IsProgram.type])
  extends Statement
case class If(metaInf: Statement.MetaInf, cond: BoolExpr[IsProgram.type], ts : Statement, fs : Statement)
  extends Statement
case class For(metaInf: Statement.MetaInf, x: Vars, m: MatchExpr, sb: Statement)
  extends Statement
case class Fix(metaInf: Statement.MetaInf, e : SetExpr[IsProgram.type], sb: Statement)
  extends Statement

To make it easier to construct statements without having to consider meta-information, we have also suitable smart constructors available:

def stmtSeq(ss : Statement*) : Statement = StmtSeq(NoMI, ss)
def assignVar(x : Vars, e : SetExpr[IsProgram.type]) : Statement = AssignVar(NoMI, x, e)
def loadField(x : Vars, e : SetExpr[IsProgram.type], f : Fields) : Statement = LoadField(NoMI, x, e, f)
def `new`(x : Vars, c : Class) : Statement = New(NoMI, x, c)
def assignField(e1 : SetExpr[IsProgram.type], f : Fields, e2 : SetExpr[IsProgram.type]) : Statement = AssignField(NoMI, e1, f, e2)
def `if`(cond: BoolExpr[IsProgram.type], ts : Statement, fs : Statement) : Statement = If(NoMI, cond, ts, fs)
def `for`(x : Vars, m : MatchExpr, s : Statement) : Statement = For(NoMI, x, m, s)
def fix(e : SetExpr[IsProgram.type], s : Statement) : Statement = Fix(NoMI, e, s)