A corpus of publicly available speeches from Mexican presidents:
- Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
- Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo
Currently data is sourced exclusively from YouTube. For some videos it was not possible to get the automatically generated subtitles to source the transcriptions, for those cases a transcription is done using Open AI Whisper.
Currently there is no interface or API where the data can be queried (coming in future iterations), but it's really simple to do using a text editor, for example using Visual Studio:
Individual files in JSON format are also provided under the data
folder. Additionally, a script is provided to generate a file in CSV format with all records. Sample record:
"video_id": "_uNpYoBHukM",
"video_thumbnail_url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_uNpYoBHukM/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEcCNACELwBSFXyq4qpAw4IARUAAIhCGAFwAcABBg==&rs=AOn4CLBiA5GPXPQfIJ7UxkMLQKQY9gKhhQ",
"video_url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uNpYoBHukM",
"video_title": "M\u00e9xico garantiza derecho de asilo a solicitantes de Nicaragua. Conferencia presidente AMLO",
"video_length_seconds": 10097,
"transcription_with_timestamps": [
"text": "el INE no se toca",
"start": 1803.179,
"duration": 5.761
"text": "pero tambi\u00e9n",
"start": 1806.6,
"duration": 5.959
"text": "Garc\u00eda Luna no se toca",
"start": 1808.94,
"duration": 3.619
"text": "y en el fondo es",
"start": 1812.779,
"duration": 3.081
"text": "el r\u00e9gimen",
"start": 1816.159,
"duration": 6.781
"text": "corrupto y conservador no se toca",
"start": 1818.26,
"duration": 4.68
"text": "para eso es pero es bueno",
"start": 1826.039,
"duration": 4.941
"transcription_text": " el INE no se toca pero tambi\u00e9n Garc\u00eda Luna no se toca y en el fondo es el r\u00e9gimen corrupto y conservador no se toca para eso es pero es bueno",
"transcription_source": "YouTube auto-generated captions",
"playlist_id": "PLRnlRGar-_296KTsVL0R6MEbpwJzD8ppA",
"playlist_title": "Conferencias de prensa matutinas",
"published_time_text": "Streamed 6 months ago",
"retrieved_time": "2023-09-07 20:16:50.123990"
- Install requirements:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Get a YouTube API token and set an environment variable with this value:
- Run:
python process.py && python transcribe.py
- To generate a single CSV file for the dataset run:
python generate_csv.py
- Add persistence (db backend)
- Add API
- Handle gracefully phonetic coincidences (Krauze, Krause, Kraus, Krauz) using something like Metaphone or Baider-Morse
- Add simple app to search and query the data
- Add new field with transcribed text without stop words