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The ivoatex/README for the targets available. + +# short name of your document (edit $DOCNAME.tex; would be like RegTAP) +DOCNAME = SODA + +# count up; you probably do not want to bother with versions <1.0 +DOCVERSION = 1.0 + +# Publication date, ISO format; update manually for "releases" +DOCDATE = 2017-05-17 + +# What is it you're writing: NOTE, WD, PR, or REC +DOCTYPE = REC + +AUTHOR_EMAIL=francois.bonnarel@astro.unistra.fr + +IVOA_GROUP = Data Access Layer + +# Source files for the TeX document (but the main file must always +# be called $(DOCNAME).tex +SOURCES = $(DOCNAME).tex + +# List of pixel image files to be included in submitted package +FIGURES = archdiag.png + +# List of PDF figures (for vector graphics) +VECTORFIGURES = + +# Additional files to distribute (e.g., CSS, schema files, examples...) +AUX_FILES = + +include ivoatex/Makefile diff --git a/README.md b/README.md old mode 100644 new mode 100755 diff --git a/SODA.tex b/SODA.tex new file mode 100755 index 0000000..164920e --- /dev/null +++ b/SODA.tex @@ -0,0 +1,1243 @@ +\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{ivoa} +\input tthdefs + +\newcommand{\xtype}[1]{\texttt{#1}} +\newcommand{\ucd}[1]{\texttt{#1}} + +\usepackage{listings} +\lstloadlanguages{XML,sh} +\lstset{flexiblecolumns=true,basicstyle=\small,tagstyle=\ttfamily} +\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} +\usepackage{todonotes} + +\title{IVOA Server-side Operations for Data Access} + +\ivoagroup{Data Access Layer Working Group} + +\author{Fran\c cois Bonnarel} +\author{Markus Demleitner} +\author{Patrick Dowler} +\author{Douglas Tody} +\author{James Dempsey} + +\editor{Fran\c cois Bonnarel, Patrick Dowler} + +\previousversion{PR-SODA-1.0-20160429} +\previousversion{WD-SODA-1.0-20151221} +\previousversion{WD-AccessData-1.0-20151021} +\previousversion{WD-AccessData-1.0-20140730} +\previousversion{WD-AccessData-1.0-20140312} + + +\SVN$Rev: 4112 $ +\SVN$Date: 2017-06-02 18:50:37 +0200 (ven. 02 juin 2017) $ +\SVN$URL: https://volute.g-vo.org/svn/trunk/projects/dal/SODA/SODA.tex $ + +\begin{document} + +\begin{abstract} +This document describes the Server-side Operations for Data Access +(SODA) web service capability. SODA is a low-level data access +capability or server side data processing that can act upon the data +files, performing various kinds of operations: filtering/subsection, +transformations, pixel operations, and applying functions to the data. +\end{abstract} + +\section*{Acknowledgments} +The authors would like to thank all the participants in DAL-WG discussions for +their ideas, critical +reviews, and contributions to this document. + +Fran\c cois Bonnarel acknowledges support from the Astronomy ESFRI and Research Infrastructure Cluster – ASTERICS project, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme (GA 653477). + + +\section*{Conformance-related definitions} + +The words ``MUST'', ``SHALL'', ``SHOULD'', ``MAY'', ``RECOMMENDED'', and +``OPTIONAL'' (in upper or lower case) used in this document are to be +interpreted as described in IETF standard RFC2119 \citep{std:RFC2119}. + +The \emph{Virtual Observatory (VO)} is a +general term for a collection of federated resources that can be used +to conduct astronomical research, education, and outreach. +The \href{http://www.ivoa.net}{International +Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA)} is a global +collaboration of separately funded projects to develop standards and +infrastructure that enable VO applications. + + +\section{Introduction} +The SODA web service interface defines a RESTful web service for +performing server-side operations and processing on data before +transfer. + +\subsection{The Role in the IVOA Architecture} + +\begin{figure} +\centering + +\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{archdiag.png} +\caption{SODA in the global VO architecture} +\label{fig:architecture} +\end{figure} + +Figure~\ref{fig:architecture} shows how SODA fits into the IVOA architecture. +SODA services conform to the Data Access Layer Interface (DALI, +\citet{std:DALI}) specification, +including the Virtual Observatory Support Interfaces (VOSI, +\citet{std:VOSI}) resources. + +Within the IVOA architecture, SODA services could be found and used in +several ways. First, a SODA service could be found in the IVOA Registry +and used directly. A description of a SODA service may be found along +with specific dataset metadata at either the data discovery phase using +Simple Image Access (SIA, \citet{std:SIAv2}) or Table Access Protocol +(TAP, \citet{std:TAP}) and the ObsCore data model \citep{std:OBSCORE} or +via a DataLink \citep{std:DataLink} service. The service descriptors and +three-factor semantics rely on UCDs \citep{std:UCD} and the VO Unit +specification \citep{std:VOUNIT}. Since the discovery of SODA services +makes use of DataLink service descriptor(s) to provide parameter +metadata, the VOSI-capabilities specified in +Section~\ref{sec:capabilities} do not make use of a registry extension. + +\subsubsection{SODA Service in the Registry} + +Resources in the IVOA Registry may include SODA capabilities. In order to +use such services, clients require prior knowledge of suitable +identifiers that are usable with a registered SODA service. This +scenario is described in more detail below in +Section~\ref{sec:reg-soda}. + +\subsubsection{SODA Service from Data Discovery} + +In the simplest case, the identifiers found via data discovery can be +used directly with an associated SODA service. The query response (from +SIA or TAP) would include one or more service descriptor(s) +that describe the available SODA capabilities. This scenario is described +in detail in Section~\ref{sec:disc-soda}. + +\subsubsection{SODA Service from DataLink} + +In the general case, data discovery responses may direct clients to an +associated DataLink service where access details can be obtained. The +DataLink output will in turn provide service descriptor(s) of the +associated SODA service(s). Service providers may choose this approach +for several reasons; for example, one entry from data discovery may lead +to multiple files or resources, or access via services such as SODA may +be considered the primary access mode and direct download is not +available or discouraged. This scenario is described in detail in +Section~\ref{sec:disc-links-soda}. + + +\subsection{Motivating Use Cases} +Below are some of the more common use cases that have motivated the +development of the SODA specification. While this is not complete, it +helps to understand the problem area covered by this specification. + +\begin{itemize} +\item{Retrieve Subsection of a Datacube} +\label{sec:use-cube} + +Cutout a subsection using coordinate axis values. The input to the +cutout operation will include one or more of the following: + +\begin{itemize} +\item a region on the sky +\item an energy value or range +\item a time value or range +\item one or more polarization states +\end{itemize} + +The region on the sky should be something simple: a circle, +a range of coordinate values, or a polygon. + +\item{Retrieve subsection of a 2D Image} + +This is a special case of retrieving a subsection of a datacube, +where the cutout is only in the spatial axes. + +\item{Retrieve subsection of a Spectrum} + +This is a special case of retrieving a subsection of a datacube, +where the cutout is only in the spectral axis. + +\item{Anticipated Future Use Cases. These use cases were taken into +account in the general design but remain to be developed and supported +in later versions of SODA.} + +\begin{itemize} + +\item{Provide the data in different formats} + +Examples are images in PNG, or JPEG instead of FITS and spectra in csv, +FITS or VOTable. + +\item{Flatten a Datacube into a 2D Image} + +\item{Reduce a Datacube into a 1D Spectrum} + + + +\item{Rebin Data by a Fixed Factor} + + + +\item{Reproject Data onto a Specified Grid} + + +\item{Compute Aggregate Functions over the Data} + + + +\item{Apply Standard Function to Data Values} + +It could be +``denoising'' with standard methods or ``on the fly'' recalibration. + + +\item{Apply Arbitrary User-Specified Function to Data Values} + + + +\item{Run Arbitrary User-Supplied Code on the Data} + + +\end{itemize} + +\end{itemize} + +\section{Resources} +\label{sec:resources} + +SODA services are implemented as HTTP REST \citep{richardson07} web +services with a \{sync\} resource that conforms to the DALI- +sync resource description. + +\begin{table}[ht] +\begin{tabular}{lll} +\sptablerule +\textbf{resource type}&\textbf{resource name}&\textbf{required}\cr +\sptablerule +\{sync\}&service specific&\tiny{(only one of \{sync\} or \{async\} required})\cr +\{async\}&service specific&\tiny{(only one of \{sync\} or \{async\} required})\cr +{DALI-examples}&/examples&no\cr +{VOSI-availability}&service specific&yes\cr +{VOSI-capabilities}&/capabilities&yes\cr +\sptablerule +\end{tabular} +\caption{Endpoints for SODA services} +\end{table} + +A stand-alone SODA service may have one or both of the \{sync\} and +\{async\} resources. For either type, it could have multiple resources +(e.g. to support alternate authentication schemes). The SODA service may +also include other custom or supporting resources. + +Either the \{sync\} or \{async\} SODA capability may be included as part +of other web services. For example, a single web service could contain +the SIA-2.0 \{query\} capability, the DataLink-1.0 \{links\} capability, +and the SODA \{sync\} capability. Such a service must also have the +VOSI-availability and VOSI-capabilities resources to report on and +describe all the implemented capabilities. + +\subsection{\{sync\} resource} +\label{sec:sync} + +The \{sync\} resource is a synchronous web service resource +that conforms to the DALI-sync description. Implementors +are free to name this resource however +they like, except that the name must consist of one URI segment only (i.e., +contain no slash). This is to allow clients, given the access URL, +to reliably find out the URL of the capabilities endpoint. +Clients, in turn, can find the resource path using the +VOSI-capabilities resource, but will in general be provided the access +URLs through a previous data discovery query or through direct user +input. + +The \{sync\} resource performs the data access as specified by +the input parameters and returns the data directly in the +output stream. Synchronous data access is suitable when the +operations can be quickly performed and the data stream can +be setup and written to (by the service) in a short period +of time (e.g. before any timeouts). + +\subsection{\{async\} resource} +\label{sec:async} + +The \{async\} resource is an asynchronous web service resource +that conforms to the DALI-async description. The considerations on +naming the resource given in sect.~\ref{sec:sync} apply here as well. + +The \{async\} resource performs the data access as specified +by the input parameters and either (i) stores the results +for later transfer or (ii) pushes the results to a specified +destination (e.g. to a VOSpace location). Asynchronous data +access usually introduces resource constraints on the +service (which may be limited) and usually imposes a higher +latency before any results can be seen because the location +of results does not have to be valid until the data access +job is complete. Asynchronous data access is intended for +(but not limited to) use when the operations take +considerable time and results must be staged (e.g. some +multi-pass algorithms or operations that result in multiple +outputs). + +\subsection{Examples: DALI-examples} +\label{sec:examples} + +SODA services should provide a DALI-examples resource +with one example invocation that shows the variety of +operations the service can perform. Example operations using +the \{sync\} resource and that output a small data stream are +preferred, as the examples may be used by automatic validators doing +relatively frequent (of order daily) queries. + +Parameters to be passed to the service must be given using the DALI +\texttt{generic-parameter} term. + + +\subsection{Availability: VOSI-availability} +\label{sec:availability} + +A SODA web service must have a VOSI-availability +resource as described in DALI. + +\subsection{Capabilities: VOSI-capabilities} +\label{sec:capabilities} + +A web service that includes SODA capabilities must +have a VOSI-capabilities resource as described in DALI. + The standardID for the \{sync\} resource is +$$\hbox{\texttt{ivo://ivoa.net/std/SODA\#sync-1.0}}$$ + +The standardID for the \{async\} resource is +$$\hbox{\texttt{ivo://ivoa.net/std/SODA\#async-1.0}}$$ + +All DAL services must implement the \texttt{/capabilities} resource. +The following capabilities document shows the minimal +metadata for a stand-alone SODA service and does not +require a registry extension schema: + +\begin{lstlisting}[language=XML] + + + + + + http://example.com/data/capabilities + + + + + + + http://example.com/data/availability + + + + + + + + http://example.com/data/sync + + + + + + + + http://example.com/data/async + + + + +\end{lstlisting} + +Note that the \{sync\} and \{async\} resources do not have to be +named as shown in the accessURL(s) above. Multiple +interface elements within the \{sync\} and the \{async\} capabilities +may be included; this is typically used if they differ in +protocol (http vs. https) and/or authentication +requirements. + + +\section{Parameters for SODA \{sync\} and \{async\}} +\label{sec:parameters} + +The \{sync\} and \{async\} resources accept the same set of +parameters. + +\subsection{Parameter multiplicity} +Common methods of passing parameters to +HTTP services allow passing the same parameter multiple times. +In the following, we call a parameter that is specified multiple times +in either way as having multiple values. + +POL is a special case for multiplicity (see below) + For all other parameters, support for multiple values of parameters is optional. +If a request includes multiple values for a parameter and the +service does not support multiple values for that parameter, the +request must fail with the MultiValuedParamNotSupported error listed +below (\ref{sec:error-codes}). For example, a service may +allow only single values for ID but multiple values for cutout parameters. +Supported multiplicity may also differ between {sync} and {async} requests. + +\enlargethispage{\baselineskip} + +In general, services would support multi-valued parameters as they may be +able to provide more efficient access to data files. Clients may attempt to use +multi-valued parameters, but must be prepared to fall back to multiple requests +if the service indicates this is not supported. A future version of +DataLink should provide a mechanism to describe parameter +multiplicity. + +\subsection{Common Parameters} + +\subsubsection{ID} +\label{sec:ID} + +The ID parameter is used to specify the dataset or file to +be accessed. The values for the ID parameter are generally +discovered from data discovery requests. The +values must be treated as opaque identifiers that are used +as-is. The DataLink specification describes mechanisms +for conveying opaque parameters and values in service +descriptor resources that can be used by clients to set the +ID parameter. + +The UCD describing the ID parameter is +\ucd{meta.ref.url;meta.curation}.SODA + +\subsection{Filtering Parameters} + +Filtering parameters are used to extract subsets of large +datasets or data files. The extraction uses a best possible match to the requested subset. In case the parameter values excede the size of the archived dataset the service operates a reduction of these values to the archived dataset size. + + +\subsubsection{POS} +\label{sec:POS} + +The POS parameter defines the positional region(s) to be +extracted from the data. The value is made up of a shape +keyword followed by coordinate values. The +allowed shapes are given in Table~\ref{tab:shapetypes}. + +\begin{table}[h] +\begin{tabular}{ll} +\sptablerule +\textbf{Shape}&\textbf{Coordinate values}\cr +\sptablerule +\texttt{CIRCLE}&\texttt{ }\cr +\texttt{RANGE}&\texttt{ }\cr +\texttt{POLYGON}&\texttt{ ... (at least 3 pairs)}\cr +\sptablerule +\end{tabular} +\caption{POS Values in Spherical Coordinates} +\label{tab:shapetypes} +\end{table} + +As in DALI intervals, open ranges use -Inf or +Inf as one limit. + +\goodbreak +Examples for POS values: + +\begin{itemize} +\item A circle at (12,34) with radius 0.5: + +\begin{lstlisting} +POS=CIRCLE 12 34 0.5 +\end{lstlisting} + +\item A range of [12,14] in longitude and [34,36] in latitude: + +\begin{lstlisting} +POS=RANGE 12 14 34 36 +\end{lstlisting} + +\item A polygon from (12,34) to (14,34) to (14,36) to (12,36) and +(implicitly) back to (12,34): + +\begin{lstlisting} +POS=POLYGON 12 34 14 34 14 36 12 36 +\end{lstlisting} + +\item A band around the equator: + +\begin{lstlisting} +POS=RANGE 0 360 -2 2 +\end{lstlisting} + +\item The north pole: + +\begin{lstlisting} +POS=RANGE 0 360 89 90 +\end{lstlisting} +\end{itemize} + +All longitude and latitude values (plus the radius of the +CIRCLE) are expressed in degrees in ICRS.\footnote{A future +version of this specification may allow the use of other +reference systems (specifically the native system of the +data).} + +The UCD describing the POS parameter is \ucd{pos.outline;obs}. + +Since it is string-valued, POS is unitless; however, the numeric values +contained in the string are all in decimal degrees. In VOTable, the +POS parameter has \verb|datatype="char"| and \verb|arraysize="*"|. + + + +POS is included in SODA for consistency with the SIA-2.0 + query parameter of the same name. Note that use of the +POS parameter with shape keyword ``CIRCLE'' provides the equivalent +spatial region as the CIRCLE parameter and POS with the shape keyword +``POLYGON'' is equivalent to the POLYGON parameter. There is no +type-specific parameter that is equivalent to the ``RANGE'' shape +keyword. There is no way for a service provider to declare support for a +subset of the POS shape keywords in a DataLink +service descriptor; either POS is included or not and if included then +all keywords must be supported. + +\subsubsection{CIRCLE} +\label{sec:CIRCLE} + +The CIRCLE parameter defines a spatial region using the \xtype{circle} +xtype defined in DALI. + +Example: a circle at (12,34) with radius 0.5: + +\begin{lstlisting} +CIRCLE=12 34 0.5 +\end{lstlisting} + +The UCD describing the CIRCLE parameter is +\ucd{pos.outline;obs}. + +CIRCLE is equivalent in functionality to \texttt{POS=CIRCLE ...}. Data type and unit metadata are unambiguously defined. + +\subsubsection{POLYGON} +\label{sec:POLYGON} + +The POLYGON parameter defines a spatial region using the \xtype{polygon} +xtype defined in DALI. + +Example: a polygon from (12,34) to (14,34) to (14,36) to (12,36) and +(implicitly) back to (12,34): + +\begin{lstlisting} +POLYGON=12 34 14 34 14 36 12 36 +\end{lstlisting} + +The UCD describing the POLYGON parameter is +\ucd{pos.outline;obs}. + +POLYGON is equivalent in functionality to \texttt{POS=POLYGON ...}. Data type and unit metadata are unambiguously defined. + + +\subsubsection{BAND} +\label{sec:BAND} + +The BAND parameter defines the wavelength interval(s) to be extracted from +the data using a floating point interval (\verb|xtype="interval"|) as +defined in DALI. The value is an open or closed numeric +interval with numeric values interpreted as wavelength(s) in metres. As +in DALI, open intervals use -Inf or +Inf as one limit. + +\begin{itemize} +\item The closed interval [500,550]: + +\begin{lstlisting} +BAND=500 550 +\end{lstlisting} + +\item The open interval (-inf,300]: + +\begin{lstlisting} +BAND=-Inf 300 +\end{lstlisting} + +\item The open interval [750,inf): + +\begin{lstlisting} +BAND=750 +Inf +\end{lstlisting} + +\item The scalar value 550, equivalent to [550,550]: + +\begin{lstlisting} +BAND=550 550 +\end{lstlisting} + +\end{itemize} + +Extracting using a scalar value should normally extract a +single pixel along the energy axis of the data; extracting +using an interval should extract one or more pixels. + +All energy values are expressed as barycentric wavelength in +meters.\footnote{A future version of this specification may allow the +use of other reference systems (specifically the native +system of their data).} + +The UCD describing the BAND parameter is \ucd{em.wl;stat.interval}. + + +\subsubsection{TIME} +\label{sec:TIME} + +The BAND parameter defines the time interval(s) to be extracted from the +data using a floating point interval (\verb|xtype="interval"|) as +defined in DALI. The value is an open or closed +interval with numeric values interpreted as Modified Julian Date(s) in +UTC. As in DALI, open intervals use -Inf or +Inf as one limit. + +\begin{itemize} +\item An open interval from the MJD 55100.0 and all later times: + +\begin{lstlisting} +TIME= 55100.0 +Inf +\end{lstlisting} + +\item A range of MJD values: + +\begin{lstlisting} +TIME=55123.456 55123.466 +\end{lstlisting} + +\item An instant in time using Modified Julian Date: + +\begin{lstlisting} +TIME=55678.123456 55678.123456 +\end{lstlisting} +\end{itemize} + +The UCD describing the TIME parameter is +\ucd{time.interval;obs.exposure}. + + +\subsubsection{POL} +\label{sec:POL} + +The POL parameter defines the polarization state(s) (Stokes) +to be extracted from the data. + +\begin{itemize} +\item Extract the unpolarized intensity: +\begin{lstlisting} +POL=I +\end{lstlisting} +\item Extract the standard circular polarization: +\begin{lstlisting} +POL=V +\end{lstlisting} + +\item Extract only the IQU components: +\begin{lstlisting} +POL=I +POL=Q +POL=U +\end{lstlisting} +\end{itemize} + +As shown in the example above, the POL parameter must support multiple values +for both \{sync\} and \{async\} requests. Unlike general filtering parameters, +all values of POL are combined into a single filter; for example, if the request +includes the three values above, the job would generate one result with +some or all of these polarization states (per combination of ID and +other filtering parameters). + +The UCD describing the POL parameter is +\ucd{meta.code;phys.polarization}. + + +\subsection{Filtering parameters and ObsCore data model} + + +Filtering parameters drive the generation of virtual datasets. The ObsCore model is perfectly valid to describe virtual data that SODA is able to generate. Hence all SODA filtering parameters are coupled with some Obscore model concepts. + +The spatial parameters (CIRCLE, POLYGON and POS) constrain the spatial support of the output virtual dataset. + + +The TIME parameter constrains the time bounds of the SODA output virtual dataset. + +The BAND parameter constrains the spectral bounds of the SODA output virtual +dataset. + +Support and bounds of the output datasets for each parameter are included in support and bounds of the archived dataset. + +The POL parameter constrain the list of polarization states in the output virtual dataset. The +valid values for this param are included in the list given by the value +of the pol\_states attribute of the archived dataset. + +\begin{table}[mht] +\begin{tabular}{l l l} +\sptablerule +\textbf{SODA}&\textbf{ObsCore utypes}&\textbf{ObsCore}\cr +\textbf{parameters}&&\textbf{attribute names}\cr +\sptablerule +\tiny{POS|CIRCLE|POLYGON}&obscore:Char.SpatialAxis.Coverage.Support.Area&s\_region\cr +BAND&obscore:Char.spectralAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Limits&\cr +TIME&obscore:Char.TimeAxis.Coverage.Bounds.Limits&\cr +POL&obscore:Char.PolarizationAxis.stateList&pol\_states\cr +\sptablerule +\end{tabular} +\caption{ObsCore utypes correspondance with standard SODA parameters} +\end{table} + +\subsection{Three-Factor Semantics} + +Parameters in SODA are uniquely defined by the triple of name, UCD, and unit. Data services are free to +support as many such parameters as is appropriate for their datasets, in +addition to supporting standard parameters. With the three factors, it +is unlikely that two service providers will by accident use the same +three factors for parameters of differing semantics. + +To identify parameters, clients must use the three factors +name, UCD, and unit. This is true for both the standard parameters +defined here and custom parameters introduced by services. For +instance, a BAND parameter that is missing the em.wl;stat.interval UCD or has a +unit that is not meter must not be treated as the SODA BAND +parameter. +With standard parameters as defined in this document, clients can rely +on certain semantics and exploit that knowledge in the provision of +special UIs or APIs. + Standard parameters defined so far are given +in table~\ref{table:standardpars}. +For the time being, instructions for how to propose +additional parameters will be given on the landing page of the IVOA +DAL working group\footnote{At the time of writing, this is\\ + \url{http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/DefiningServiceParameters}} + +Table~\ref{table:freepars} is an exemple of definition of additional custom non-standard parameters. + +\begin{table}[mht] +\begin{tabular}{l l l l} +\sptablerule +\textbf{Name}&\textbf{UCD}&\textbf{Unit}&\textbf{Semantics} \cr +\sptablerule +ID&meta.ref.url;meta.curation&&cf.~sect.~\ref{sec:ID} \cr +CIRCLE&pos.outline;obs°&cf.~sect.~\ref{sec:CIRCLE} \cr +POLYGON&pos.outline;obs°&cf.~sect.~\ref{sec:POLYGON} \cr +POS&pos.outline;obs&&cf.~sect.~\ref{sec:POS} \cr +BAND&em.wl;stat.interval&m&cf.~sect.~\ref{sec:BAND} \cr +TIME&time.interval;obs.exposure&d&cf.~sect.~\ref{sec:TIME} \cr +POL&meta.code;phys.polarization&&cf.~sect.~\ref{sec:POL} \cr +\sptablerule +\end{tabular} +\caption{Three-Factor Semantics for standard SODA parameters} +\label{table:standardpars} +\end{table} + +\begin{table}[mht] +\begin{tabular}{l l l l} +\sptablerule +\textbf{Name}&\textbf{UCD}&\textbf{Unit}&\textbf{Semantics} \cr +\sptablerule +ID&meta.ref.url;meta.curation&& dataset identifier \cr +KERNSIZE&phys.size.radius&pixel& convolution kernel radius\cr +KERNTYPE&meta.code.class&&convolution kernel type \cr +&&& (Gaussian, Airy, etc...) \cr +\sptablerule +\end{tabular} +\caption{Example three-factor semantics for convolution-related custom parameters} +\label{table:freepars} +\end{table} + +Both standard and non-standard parameters should follow DALI conventions +if at all possible. Roughly, float-valued target fields should be accessed or +constrained via interval-valued parameters (i.e., do not split up +minimum and maximum into separate parameters). Depending on their +semantics, integer parameters should either be intervals or enumerated +parameters (which typically can be repeated in the manner of POL). +Geometry fields should be +accessed or constrained using geometry values (circle and polygon xtypes +from DALI), following the examples of CIRCLE +(\ref{sec:CIRCLE}) and POLYGON (\ref{sec:POLYGON}). + +Parameter metadata, including three-factor semantics, is conveyed to +clients via DataLink service descriptor(s) as +described in Section~\ref{sec:integration}. + +\section{Integration of Service Capabilities} +\label{sec:integration} + +Finding and using SODA services depends on several other standards; +service providers can follow one or more strategies in integrating a +range of standard and custom services with their SODA implementation. +Here we describe these strategies and show how to use the standards +together. + +Within the IVOA architecture, SODA services could be found and used in two +ways. First, a SODA service could be found in the IVOA Registry and used +directly. Second, a description of a SODA service may be found along +with specific dataset metadata; this is the primary anticipated usage: +clients discover applicable SODA services while doing data discovery +queries. + +The DataLink recommendation provides a mechanism +to include ``a description of a SODA service'' using a standard resource +called a service descriptor. The service descriptor can be included in any +VOTable \citep{std:VOTable} output and can describe the parameters for +use with a DALI-sync or DALI-async compliant capability which may be a standard + service or a custom service. Since the service descriptor can describe all input parameters, +it can declare available standard parameters, extensions (custom +parameters in standard services), and parameters for custom services. +This mechanism is expected to be the primary means for finding and using +a SODA service. + +A generic SODA sync service descriptor describing the standard +parameters (see sect.~\ref{sec:parameters}): + +\begin{lstlisting}[language=XML] + + + service protocol standard id + + + access url of the service + + + + The publisher DID of the dataset of interest + + + Region to cut out, as Circle, Box, or Polygon + + + A circle that should be covered by the cutout. + + + A polygon that should be covered by the cutout. + + + The wavelength intervals to be extracted + + + TIME Interval to be extracted in MJD + + + Polarization states list to be extracted + + + +\end{lstlisting} + +This service descriptor is generic because the ID parameter uses a +\xmlel{ref} attribute to specify that identifier values come from +elsewhere in the document (usually this refers to a FIELD element that +describes a table column within another RESOURCE element). Thus, this +descriptor can be used with any ID values in that column. + +The PARAM with \verb|name="standardID"| specifies that this service is +a SODA sync service. The standardID values for SODA are specified in +Section~\ref{sec:capabilities}. + +The GROUP with \verb|name="inputParams"| shows the standard +description of the standard SODA parameters as defined in +Section~\ref{sec:parameters}. Services should only include parameter +descriptions for supported parameters; in a generic service descriptor +``supported'' means supported by the implementation and does not imply +that use of that parameter is applicable to all data (e.g. to all +possible identifier values). + + +All PARAMs in the descriptor may include a \xmlel{VALUES} subelement. This +element is providing \xmlel{PARAMETER} domain limits or list of admitted +values. See section \ref{sec:disc-links-soda} for a full description of the usage of this feature. + + +\subsection{SODA Service Descriptor from Data Discovery} +\label{sec:disc-soda} + +In the simplest case, the identifiers found via data discovery (e.g. the +\texttt{obs\_publisher\_did} in ObsCore) can be +used directly with an associated SODA service. Then the query response from +SIAv2 or TAP should include one or +more DataLink service descriptors that describe the +SODA capabilities. These would have a \texttt{standardID} parameter +specifying SODA \{async\} or SODA \{sync\} as specified in +Section~\ref{sec:capabilities} and an appropriate \texttt{accessURL} +parameter for the service. If the service is registered, the provider +can include a \texttt{resourceIdentifier} parameter which will contain +the registered identifier of the service. + +The supported SODA +service parameters (standard and custom) would be declared in the +inputParams group of the service descriptor. + +The declaration of the ID parameter will specify which column in the +data discovery response contains the suitable identifier; although this +is usually the obs\_publisher\_did from the ObsCore data model, this is +not required and the provider may have the ID parameter reference +another (possibly custom) column. + +The data discovery response will in general contain metadata the client +can use to determine the values of SODA filtering parameters that will +yield valid subsets of the data. For example, standard data discovery +using either SIAv2 or TAP and ObsCore will provide metadata for +specifying POS, CIRCLE, and POLYGON (s\_region, s\_ra, s\_dec, s\_fov), +BAND (em\_min, em\_max), TIME (t\_min, t\_max), and POL (pol\_states) +parameters. + +When a service descriptor for a SODA service is provided in the data +discovery response, it should be a generic descriptor (see above) for +use with multiple ID values. Thus, there will normally be a single +service descriptor for each available service. + + +\subsection{SODA Service Descriptor from DataLink} +\label{sec:disc-links-soda} + +The alternative scenario has the discovery service return Datalink +documents (see DataLink for the two ways to do that: via the +access\_url or via a DataLink ``service descriptor'' in +the query response). These +Datalink documents can then contain one or more SODA descriptor(s), +most typically one per dataset described. To allow SODA clients +the inference of parameter ranges and the presentation of useful +user interfaces, data providers SHOULD communicate the admissable +ranges of the parameters in question using the VOTable +\xmlel{VALUES} element. + +For float-valued intervals (e.g., the standard BAND and TIME +parameters), \xmlel{VALUES/MIN} and \xmlel{VALUES/MAX} should be used to +communicate the range of values for which clients can expect to +receive data. Example: + +\begin{lstlisting}[language=XML] + + The wavelength intervals to be extracted + + + + + +\end{lstlisting} + +Enumerated values, both for integral and textual types, use +\xmlel{VALUES}/\xmlel{OP\-TION} elements unless there are too many possible +values. Again, only values for which nonempty responses can be +expected for the described dataset should be listed. Example: + +\begin{lstlisting}[language=XML] + + Polarization states to be extracted. + + + + + +\end{lstlisting} + +In case the option enumeration becomes too large, the description +of the parameter should carefully describe what values are +admissable, e.g., by providing a link to an enumeration in the +\xmlel{DESCRIPTION}. + +Intervals of integers are described analogous to float-valued +intervals, i.e., using \xmlel{MIN} and \xmlel{MAX} elements. + +Standard VOTable semantics are insufficient for the metadata of the SODA +POLYGON and CIRCLE parameters. We therefore define special cases for +the \xmlel{xtype}s \emph{circle} and \emph{polygon} at least until such +time when a proper data model for space-time coordinates will define a +different way to communicate such coverages within VOTables. + +For CIRCLE, only a \xmlel{MAX} is given. It contains three +floating point values, separated by whitespace. These correspond +to the RA and Dec of the center of a spherical circle covering the +dataset, and a radius of such a covering circle. Data providers +SHOULD make sure they choose the center and radius such that the +covering circle is close to the minimal one of the dataset. +Example: + +\begin{lstlisting}[language=XML] + + + A spherical circle to be contained by the cutout + + + +\end{lstlisting} + +For POLYGON, again only a \xmlel{MAX} is given. It consists of +a sequence of floating-point values, again separated by blanks, +describing RA and Dec of the vertices of a spherical polygon +covering the dataset. Data providers are encouraged to choose a +minimal polygon. Example: + +\begin{lstlisting}[language=XML] + + A polygon to be contained by the cutout + + + + +\end{lstlisting} + +Angles in both CIRCLE and POLYGON are in degrees. As in the input, +the ICRS reference system is assumed, with no further metadata (e.g., +reference position) prescribed by this standard. Further metadata +should be given using standard STC annotation when the formalism to do +that is finalised. + +For POS, useful metadata cannot be given. Services supporting POS +should therefore provide POLYGON as well, and clients wishing to +use POS should infer sensible values for that parameter from +\xmlel{VALUES} given for POLYGON. + +A full example for a dataset-specific datalink descriptor is given in +appendix~\ref{app:fullsoda}. + +Providing values in the parameter descriptions of a data-specific +service descriptor implies that the resource generating this has access +to the applicable metadata. Depending on system architecture, this may be +difficult to implement.\footnote{An ``autodescription'' mechanism where the SODA +service can generate a data-specific service descriptor of itself +may be included in SODA-1.1 or later.} + +\subsection{Finding a SODA Service in the Registry} +\label{sec:reg-soda} + +Resources in the IVOA Registry may include SODA capabilities. However, +in order to +use such services, clients require prior knowledge of suitable +identifiers that are usable with a registered SODA service. As a result, +finding and +using a SODA service via the registry is not expected to be a common +usage pattern. + + + + +\section{\{sync\} Responses} + +All responses from the \{sync\} resource follow the rules for +DALI-sync resources, except that the \{sync\} response allows +for error messages for individual input identifier values. + +\subsection{Successful Requests} + +Successfully executed requests should result in a response +with HTTP status code 200 (OK) and a response in the format +requested by the client or in the default format for the +service. + +If the values specified for cutout parameters do not include +any pixels from the target dataset/file, the service must +respond with HTTP status code 204 (No Content) and no +response body, as stated in DALI. + +The service should set the following HTTP headers to the +correct values where possible. + +\begin{tabular}{ll} +\sptablerule +Content-Type&media type of the response\cr +Content-Encoding&encoding/compression of the response (if applicable)\cr +\sptablerule +\end{tabular} + +Since the response is usually dynamically generated, the +Content-Length and Last-Modified headers cannot usually be +set. + +\subsection{Errors} +\label{sec:error-codes} + +The error handling specified for DALI-sync resources applies +to service failure. Error codes are specified in DALI. Error documents should be text using the +text/plain content-type and the text must begin with one of +the following strings: + +\begin{table}[h] +\begin{tabular}{l l} +\sptablerule +\textbf{Error Code} & \textbf{Description} \cr +\sptablerule +Error&General error (not covered below) \cr +AuthenticationError&Not authenticated \cr +AuthorizationError&Not authorized to access the resource \cr +ServiceUnavailable&Transient error (could succeed with retry) \cr +UsageError&Permanent error (retry pointless) \cr +MultiValuedParamNotSupported&request included multiple values for a parameter\cr +&but the service only supports a single value \cr +\sptablerule +\end{tabular} +\caption{error messages with their meaning} +\end{table} + +\section{\{async\} Responses} + +The \{async\} resource conforms to the DALI-async resource +description, which means the job is a UWS job with all the +job control features available. All result files are to be +listed as children of the UWS results resource. The service +provider is free to name each result. + +When multiple values of input parameters are accepted, +each combination of values produces one result. For +example, if an \{async\} job included two CIRCLE and two BAND +values, there must be four results. If a combination +of input parameters does not produce a result (e.g. there is no +overlap between the parameter values and data extent), the job results +must contain a result entry that indicates this. This should be +a result URL which returns a text/plain document with a message +starting with one of the error labels in Section~\ref{sec:error-codes} +above. + +\appendix + +\section{Full SODA Descriptor example} +\label{app:fullsoda} + +Below is an example illustrating how a SODA descriptor for a dataset as +delivered in a DataLink document might look like (see +sect~\ref{sec:disc-links-soda}). Note in particular how \xmlel{value} +is used in the declaration of the ID parameter to convey the fixed value +corresponding to the dataset described. + +The particular dataset described here is a spectral cube. Therefore +no TIME and POL parameters are defined. + +The example also illustrates how a custom parameter (here, KIND) would +be declared. + +\begin{lstlisting}[language=XML,basicstyle=\footnotesize] + + + + The publisher DID of the dataset of interest + + + Region to (approximately) cut out, as Circle, Box, + or Polygon + + + A polygon (as a flattened array of ra, dec pairs) that + should be covered by the cutout. + + + + + + A circle (as a flattened array of ra, dec, radius) + that should be covered by the cutout. + + + + + + Vacuum wavelength limits + + + + + + + Set to HEADER to retrieve just the primary header, + leave empty for data. + + + + + + + +\end{lstlisting} + + +\section{Changes from Previous Versions} + +\subsection{Changes from PR-SODA-20160429} +\begin{itemize} +\item Make multiple values for all parameters optional in both {sync} and +{async} requests and introduce a specific error message if multiplicity of +a parameter is not supported. +\item Added section introducing the different usage scenarios for SODA +and how they can interact with other DAL capabilities. Moved the bulk of +the normative text to an integration section so that it follows the +primary specification of SODA resources and parameters. +\item Re-organised so that UCDs for parameters are only specified once +in the section on three-factor semantics. +\item Added CIRCLE AND POLYGON ``double array'' parameters. POS is +retained for consistency with SIA-2.0 query. +\item Interval xtype as strict arraysize=2 array consistently with DALI 1.1 +\item SODA autodescription is postponed to version 1.1. +\item VALUES for xtype=interval now use MIN and MAX rather than MAX +alone. +\end{itemize} + +\subsection{Changes from WD-SODA-1.0-20151212} +\begin{itemize} +\item POS is now unitless +\item Aligned parameter UCDs with what is in ObsCore +\item Removed gratuitous xtypes. +\end{itemize} + +\subsection{Changes from WD-SODA-1.0-20151120} + +Change the name of the protocol. Suppression of SELECT and COORD. xtype description are in DALI. Reference to this has been added. + +\subsection{Changes from WD-AccessData-1.0-20151021} + +Added general introduction on PARAMETER description to +section 3. Modified SELECT and COORD sections in order to +detach them from SimDal. Added Appendix on xtype description +with BNF syntax. + +\subsection{Changes from WD-AccessData-1.0-20140730} + +\begin{itemize} +\item Removed REQUEST parameter since the DAL-WG decision to not +include it when there is only one value. + +\item Clarified that ID and filtering parameters are single +valued for \{sync\} and multi-valued for \{async\}, with POL +being multi-valued but still being treated as a single +filter. +\end{itemize} + +\subsection{Changes from WD-AccessData-1.0-20140312} + +This is the initial document version. + +\bibliography{ivoatex/ivoabib} + +\end{document} diff --git a/archdiag.png b/archdiag.png new file mode 100755 index 0000000..4d31232 Binary files /dev/null and b/archdiag.png differ diff --git a/ivoatex b/ivoatex new file mode 160000 index 0000000..5f09429 --- /dev/null +++ b/ivoatex @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit 5f09429af9e9f56aa2c66aeb17121fb6837e7498