Create a database with scores - mario
Display the top scores in the game - mario
Send the score to the server - mario
Use a cloud server to store the scores - mario
Single player mode:
- Base game logic - victor
- Refactor the way enemies work - victor
- Use seed for enemy and coin generation - victor
- Add levels (arenas) - TODO: pablo
Multiplayer mode:
- Define a packet structure - victor
- Refactor the way enemies work - victor
- Listen for server sent packets - victor
- Handle server sent packets - victor
- Menu for connecting to server - victor
- Interprete server sent packets - victor
- Send inputs to server - ?
- Define a packet structure - victor
- Listen for packets and send them to all clients - victor
- Send level data / enemy data to client on join - victor
- Send initial data to player - victor
- Workout how to start the game - ivan, victor
- Implement admin app api - iván, victor
- Checks fow when the match is over - ?
Admin app:
- Discover and connect to server - iván, victor
- Start game - victor
- Turn server off - iván
- Restart game
Complete maybe?
- The client will send an integer on join or an admin packet is gameAdmin
- Server implementation - victor
- Client implementation - victor
- The server will send back a PlayerPacket with the color received as an integer in previos request
- Server implementation - victor
- Client implementation - victor
- The server will wait for the admin to send a start game packet
- Server implementation - victor
- Admin implementation - victor
- The server will send a start game packet to all clients
- Server implementation - victor
- Client implementation - victor
- The server will start listening for player packets for every client
- Server implementation - victor
- Client implementation - victor
- The server will start listening for enemy packets when a player hits and enemy sending the new enemy location
- Server implementation - victor
- Client implementation - victor
The server can only have a limited amount of threads so the max number of players that can be connected has to be the number of threads used on the server