"; j++ } a += b; var r = "»"; r += "«"; r += "" + c.getFullYear() + "年" + (parseInt(c.getMonth()) + 1).toString() + "月"; if (arguments.length > 1) { arguments[1].parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("ul")[1].innerHTML = a; arguments[1].parentNode.innerHTML = r } else { var s = b + "
"; return s } } function _selectThisDay(d) { var a = d.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; a.targetObj.value = d.title; a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } function closeCalender(d) { var a = d.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } function CalenderselectYear(a) { var b = ""; var c = a.innerHTML; for (i = 1970; i <= 2020; i++) { if (i == c) { b += "" } else { b += "" } } b = ""; a.parentNode.innerHTML = b } function selectThisYear(a) { HS_calender(a.value + "-" + a.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[1].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerHTML + "-1", a.parentNode) } function CalenderselectMonth(a) { var b = ""; var c = a.innerHTML; for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { if (i == c) { b += "" } else { b += "" } } b = ""; a.parentNode.innerHTML = b } function selectThisMonth(a) { HS_calender(a.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerHTML + "-" + a.value + "-1", a.parentNode) } function setDate(a) { var b = new Date(); if (a.value != '') { b = new Date(a.value) } var c = document.createElement("span"); c.innerHTML = HS_calender(b); c.style.cssText += "position:absolute;z-index:996;"; c.targetObj = a; a.parentNode.insertBefore(c, a.nextSibling) } j6.extend({ calender: function (a) { if (!a.nodeName) a = document.getElementById(a); j6.event.add(a, 'focus', function () { setDate(this) }) }, setDate: function (a) { setDate(a) } });
-function simpleDialog(e) { this._simgpleDialog = true; this.window = window; this.win = window; this.doc = null; this.id = new Date().getMilliseconds() + parseInt(Math.random() * 100); this.title = e.title; this.usedrag = e.usedrag; this.style = e.style || 'ui-dialog'; this.setupFade = !e.setupFade ? e.setupFade : true; this.onclose = e.onclose; if (e.cross != false) { while (this.win.parent != this.win) { this.win = this.win.parent } } this.doc = this.win.document; this._inited = false; this.canvas = { width: this.doc.documentElement.clientWidth, height: Math.min(this.doc.documentElement.clientHeight, this.doc.body.clientHeight), maxHeight: Math.max(this.doc.documentElement.clientHeight, this.doc.body.clientHeight) }; this.point = { x: parseInt((this.canvas.width) / 2) + this.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, y: parseInt((this.canvas.height) / 2) + this.doc.documentElement.scrollTop }; this.fixBoxPosition = function (a) { var b = this.getPanel().getElementsByTagName('DIV')[1]; if (!a) { this.point.x = (this.canvas.width - b.offsetWidth) / 2 + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; this.point.y = (this.canvas.height - b.offsetHeight) / 2 + document.documentElement.scrollTop; b.style.left = this.point.x + 'px'; b.style.top = this.point.y + 'px'; if (this.title && this.usedrag) { new drag(b.getElementsByTagName('div')[0], this.win).start(b) } } else { var c = this; var i = b.offsetWidth; var d = setInterval(function () { c.point.x = (c.canvas.width - b.offsetWidth) / 2 + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; c.point.y = (c.canvas.height - b.offsetHeight) / 2 + document.documentElement.scrollTop; b.style.left = c.point.x + 'px'; b.style.top = c.point.y + 'px'; if (i != b.offsetWidth) { clearInterval(d); if (c.title && c.usedrag) { new drag(b.getElementsByTagName('div')[0], c.win).start(b) } } }, 1) } } } simpleDialog.prototype._initialize = function () { if (this._inited) { return false } var a = this; var b = this.doc; var c = b.createElement('div'); c.id = 'panel_' + a.id; c.className = a.style; b.body.appendChild(c); var d = b.createElement('div'); d.className = 'bglayer'; d.style.cssText = 'z-index:999;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:' + a.canvas.width + 'px;height:' + a.canvas.maxHeight + 'px;'; c.appendChild(d); d = b.createElement("DIV"); d.className = 'box'; d.style.cssText = 'z-index:1000;position:absolute;left:' + (a.point.x) + "px;top:" + (a.point.y) + 'px;'; c.appendChild(d); if (a.title) { var e = b.createElement("div"); e.className = 'title'; e.innerHTML = '' + a.title + 'X'; d.appendChild(e); this.win['dialog_' + this.id] = this } var f = b.createElement("DIV"); f.className = 'content boxcontent'; f.id = 'boxcontent_' + this.id; d.appendChild(f); if (a.title) { var g = b.createElement("div"); g.className = 'bottom'; g.style.cssText = "position:relative;"; g.innerHTML = ''; d.appendChild(g) } this._inited = true }; simpleDialog.prototype.getPanel = function () { return this.doc.getElementById('panel_' + this.id) }; simpleDialog.prototype.async = function (a, b, c, d, e) { this._initialize(); var f = this.doc.getElementById('boxcontent_' + this.id); if (d) { d(f) } var g = j6.xhr; var h = this; if (!b || b.toLowerCase() == "get") { g.get(a, function (x) { j6.loadHTML(f, x); h.fixBoxPosition(true); if (e) e(x) }) } else { g.post(a, c, function (x) { j6.loadHTML(f, x); h.fixBoxPosition(true); if (e) e(x) }) } }; simpleDialog.prototype.open = function (a, b, c, d) { this._initialize(); var e = this.doc.getElementById('boxcontent_' + this.id); e.innerHTML += ""; e.style.width = Math.max(e.scrollWidth, b) + 'px'; e.style.height = Math.max(e.scrollHeight, c) + 'px'; this.fixBoxPosition() }; simpleDialog.prototype.write = function (a) { this._initialize(); var b = this.doc.getElementById('boxcontent_' + this.id); if (!this.title) { b.innerHTML = a } else { var c = b.getElementsByTagName('DIV'); for (var i = 1; i < c.length; i++) { b.removeChild(c[i]) } b.innerHTML += a } this.fixBoxPosition() }; simpleDialog.prototype.getFrameWindow = function () { var a = this.getPanel().getElementsByTagName('IFRAME'); if (a.length > 0) { return a[0].contentWindow } return null }; simpleDialog.prototype.close = function (b) { if (this.onclose != null && this.onclose() == false) { return false } var c = 0; var d = this.getPanel(); var e = (function (a) { return function () { a.document.body.removeChild(d); if (b) b() } }(this.win)); try { delete this.win['dialog_' + this.id] } catch (ex) { this.win['dialog_' + this.id] = null } e(); this._inited = false }; function drag(a, b) { this.elem = a; this.win = b } drag.prototype.regist = function (a, b, c, d) { var o = this.elem; a = a ? a : o; var f, sy; var g = this.win == null ? g : this.win.document; o.style.cursor = b || "move"; var h = c || function (e) { e = e || event; window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() : g.selection.empty(); if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); with (a.style) { position = "absolute"; left = e.clientX - f + "px"; top = e.clientY - sy + "px" } }; j6.event.add(o, "mousedown", function (e) { e = e || event; if (e.button == 1 || e.button == 0) { f = e.clientX - a.offsetLeft; sy = e.clientY - a.offsetTop; j6.event.add(g, 'mousemove', h, false); j6.event.add(g, 'mouseup', i, false) } }, false); var i = function () { j6.event.remove(g, 'mousemove', h, false); j6.event.remove(g, 'mouseup', i, false); if (d && d instanceof Function) d() } }; drag.prototype.custom = function (a, b, c, d) { return this.regist(a, b, c, d) }; drag.prototype.start = function (a) { this.regist(a, null, null, null) }; var SimpleDialog = { create: function (a) { return new simpleDialog(a) }, create2: function (a, b, c, d, e) { return new simpleDialog({ title: a, usedrag: b || false, cross: c || false, style: e, onclose: d }) }, getDialog: function () { var b = null; var c = /^dialog_/i; var e = window; var f = function (a) { var d = null; for (var i in a) { if (c.test(i) && a[i] != null) { d = a[i]; break } } return d }; do { b = f(e); if (b == null) { e = e.parent; b = f(e) } if (b) { break } } while (e.parent != e); return b }, close: function () { var d = this.getDialog(); if (d) d.close() } }; (function (j) { j.extend({ dialog: window.SimpleDialog, drag: function (a, b) { return new drag(a, b) } }) }(j6));
-function datagrid(h, k) { this.panel = h.nodeName ? h : j6.$(h); this.columns = k.columns; this.idField = k.idField || "id"; this.data_url = k.url; this.data = k.data; this.onLoaded = k.loaded; this.loadbox = null; this.gridView = null; this.loading = function () { if (this.gridView.offsetHeight == 0) { var a = this.gridView.previousSibling.offsetHeight; var b = this.panel.offsetHeight - this.gridView.previousSibling.offsetHeight; this.gridView.style.cssText = this.gridView.style.cssText.replace(/(\s*)height:[^;]+;/ig, ' height:' + (b > a ? b + 'px;' : 'auto')); var c = Math.ceil((this.gridView.clientWidth - this.loadbox.offsetWidth) / 2); var d = Math.ceil((this.gridView.clientHeight - this.loadbox.offsetHeight) / 2); this.loadbox.style.cssText = this.loadbox.style.cssText.replace(/(;\s*)*left:[^;]+;([\s\S]*)(\s)top:([^;]+)/ig, '$1left:' + c + 'px;$2 top:' + (d < 0 ? -d : d) + 'px') } this.loadbox.style.display = '' }; this._initLayout = function () { var a = ''; if (this.columns && this.columns.length != 0) { a += '
'; for (var i in this.columns) { a += '
' + this.columns[i].title + '
' } a += '
'; a += '
' + '
' + '' + '
' } this.panel.innerHTML = a; this.gridView = (this.panel.getElementsByClassName ? this.panel.getElementsByClassName('ui-datagrid-view') : j6.dom.getsByClass(this.panel, 'ui-datagrid-view'))[0]; this.loadbox = this.gridView.getElementsByTagName('DIV')[0] }; this._fill_data = function (a) { if (!a) return; var b; var c; var d; var e = ''; var f = a['rows'] || a; e += '
'; for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { b = f[i]; e += '
'; for (var j in this.columns) { c = this.columns[j]; d = b[c.field]; e += '
'; var g = this.gridView.getElementsByTagName('DIV')[1]; g.innerHTML = e; g.srcollTop = 0; this.loadbox.style.display = 'none'; if (this.onLoaded && this.onLoaded instanceof Function) this.onLoaded(a) }; this._fixPosition = function () { }; this._load_data = function (b) { if (!this.data_url) return; var t = this; if (b) { if (!(b instanceof Function)) { b = null } } j6.xhr.request({ uri: this.data_url, data: 'json', params: this.data, method: 'POST' }, { success: function (a) { t._fill_data(a) }, error: function () { } }) }; this._initLayout(); this.load() } datagrid.prototype.resize = function () { this._fixPosition() }; datagrid.prototype.load = function (a) { this.loading(); if (a && a instanceof Object) { this._fill_data(a); return } this._load_data() }; datagrid.prototype.reload = function (a, b) { if (a) { this.data = a } this.load(b) }; j6.extend({ grid: function (a, b) { return new datagrid(a, b) }, datagrid: function (a, b) { return new datagrid(a, b) } });
+function HS_DateAdd(a, b, c) { b = parseInt(b); if (typeof (c) == "string") { var c = new Date(c.split("-")[0], c.split("-")[1], c.split("-")[2]) } if (typeof (c) == "object") { var c = c } switch (a) { case "y": return new Date(c.getFullYear() + b, c.getMonth(), c.getDate()); break; case "m": return new Date(c.getFullYear(), c.getMonth() + b, checkDate(c.getFullYear(), c.getMonth() + b, c.getDate())); break; case "d": return new Date(c.getFullYear(), c.getMonth(), c.getDate() + b); break; case "w": return new Date(c.getFullYear(), c.getMonth(), 7 * b + c.getDate()); break } } function checkDate(a, b, c) { var d = ["31", "28", "31", "30", "31", "30", "31", "31", "30", "31", "30", "31"]; var e = ""; if (a % 4 == 0) { d[1] = "29" } if (c > d[b]) { e = d[b] } else { e = c } return e } function WeekDay(a) { var b; if (typeof (a) == "string") { b = new Date(a.split("-")[0], a.split("-")[1], a.split("-")[2]) } if (typeof (a) == "object") { b = a } return b.getDay() } function HS_calender() { var a = ""; var b = ""; b += ""; var c; if (typeof (arguments[0]) == "string") { selectDate = arguments[0].split("-"); var d = selectDate[0]; var e = parseInt(selectDate[1]) - 1 + ""; var f = selectDate[2]; c = new Date(d, e, f) } else if (typeof (arguments[0]) == "object") { c = arguments[0] } var g = HS_DateAdd("d", "-1", c.getFullYear() + "-" + c.getMonth() + "-01").getDate(); var h = WeekDay(c.getFullYear() + "-" + c.getMonth() + "-01"); var k = HS_DateAdd("d", "-1", c.getFullYear() + "-" + (parseInt(c.getMonth()) + 1).toString() + "-01"); var l = k.getDate(); var n = k.getDay(); var o = c; today = o.getFullYear() + "-" + o.getMonth() + "-" + o.getDate(); var p = ''; for (i = 0; i < h; i++) { a = "
" + g + "
" + a; g-- } for (i = 1; i <= l; i++) { var m = parseInt(c.getMonth()) + 1; var q = c.getFullYear() + "-" + (m > 10 ? m : '0' + m) + "-" + (i < 10 ? '0' + i : i); if (today == c.getFullYear() + "-" + c.getMonth() + "-" + i) { p = c.getFullYear() + "-" + (parseInt(c.getMonth()) + 1).toString() + "-" + i; a += "
"; j++ } a += b; var r = "»"; r += "«"; r += "" + c.getFullYear() + "年" + (parseInt(c.getMonth()) + 1).toString() + "月"; if (arguments.length > 1) { arguments[1].parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("ul")[1].innerHTML = a; arguments[1].parentNode.innerHTML = r } else { var s = b + "
"; return s } } function _selectThisDay(d) { var a = d.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; a.targetObj.value = d.title; a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } function closeCalender(d) { var a = d.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; a.parentNode.removeChild(a) } function CalenderselectYear(a) { var b = ""; var c = a.innerHTML; for (i = 1970; i <= 2020; i++) { if (i == c) { b += "" } else { b += "" } } b = ""; a.parentNode.innerHTML = b } function selectThisYear(a) { HS_calender(a.value + "-" + a.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[1].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerHTML + "-1", a.parentNode) } function CalenderselectMonth(a) { var b = ""; var c = a.innerHTML; for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { if (i == c) { b += "" } else { b += "" } } b = ""; a.parentNode.innerHTML = b } function selectThisMonth(a) { HS_calender(a.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerHTML + "-" + a.value + "-1", a.parentNode) } function setDate(a) { var b = new Date(); if (a.value != '') { b = new Date(a.value) } var c = document.createElement("span"); c.innerHTML = HS_calender(b); c.style.cssText += "position:absolute;z-index:996;"; c.targetObj = a; a.parentNode.insertBefore(c, a.nextSibling) } j6.extend({ calender: function (a) { if (!a.nodeName) a = document.getElementById(a); jr.event.add(a, 'focus', function () { setDate(this) }) }, setDate: function (a) { setDate(a) } });
+function simpleDialog(e) { this._simgpleDialog = true; this.window = window; this.win = window; this.doc = null; this.id = new Date().getMilliseconds() + parseInt(Math.random() * 100); this.title = e.title; this.usedrag = e.usedrag; this.style = e.style || 'ui-dialog'; this.setupFade = !e.setupFade ? e.setupFade : true; this.onclose = e.onclose; if (e.cross != false) { while (this.win.parent != this.win) { this.win = this.win.parent } } this.doc = this.win.document; this._inited = false; this.canvas = { width: this.doc.documentElement.clientWidth, height: Math.min(this.doc.documentElement.clientHeight, this.doc.body.clientHeight), maxHeight: Math.max(this.doc.documentElement.clientHeight, this.doc.body.clientHeight) }; this.point = { x: parseInt((this.canvas.width) / 2) + this.doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, y: parseInt((this.canvas.height) / 2) + this.doc.documentElement.scrollTop }; this.fixBoxPosition = function (a) { var b = this.getPanel().getElementsByTagName('DIV')[1]; if (!a) { this.point.x = (this.canvas.width - b.offsetWidth) / 2 + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; this.point.y = (this.canvas.height - b.offsetHeight) / 2 + document.documentElement.scrollTop; b.style.left = this.point.x + 'px'; b.style.top = this.point.y + 'px'; if (this.title && this.usedrag) { new drag(b.getElementsByTagName('div')[0], this.win).start(b) } } else { var c = this; var i = b.offsetWidth; var d = setInterval(function () { c.point.x = (c.canvas.width - b.offsetWidth) / 2 + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; c.point.y = (c.canvas.height - b.offsetHeight) / 2 + document.documentElement.scrollTop; b.style.left = c.point.x + 'px'; b.style.top = c.point.y + 'px'; if (i != b.offsetWidth) { clearInterval(d); if (c.title && c.usedrag) { new drag(b.getElementsByTagName('div')[0], c.win).start(b) } } }, 1) } } } simpleDialog.prototype._initialize = function () { if (this._inited) { return false } var a = this; var b = this.doc; var c = b.createElement('div'); c.id = 'panel_' + a.id; c.className = a.style; b.body.appendChild(c); var d = b.createElement('div'); d.className = 'bglayer'; d.style.cssText = 'z-index:999;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:' + a.canvas.width + 'px;height:' + a.canvas.maxHeight + 'px;'; c.appendChild(d); d = b.createElement("DIV"); d.className = 'box'; d.style.cssText = 'z-index:1000;position:absolute;left:' + (a.point.x) + "px;top:" + (a.point.y) + 'px;'; c.appendChild(d); if (a.title) { var e = b.createElement("div"); e.className = 'title'; e.innerHTML = '' + a.title + 'X'; d.appendChild(e); this.win['dialog_' + this.id] = this } var f = b.createElement("DIV"); f.className = 'content boxcontent'; f.id = 'boxcontent_' + this.id; d.appendChild(f); if (a.title) { var g = b.createElement("div"); g.className = 'bottom'; g.style.cssText = "position:relative;"; g.innerHTML = ''; d.appendChild(g) } this._inited = true }; simpleDialog.prototype.getPanel = function () { return this.doc.getElementById('panel_' + this.id) }; simpleDialog.prototype.async = function (a, b, c, d, e) { this._initialize(); var f = this.doc.getElementById('boxcontent_' + this.id); if (d) { d(f) } var g = j6.xhr; var h = this; if (!b || b.toLowerCase() == "get") { g.get(a, function (x) { j6.loadHTML(f, x); h.fixBoxPosition(true); if (e) e(x) }) } else { g.post(a, c, function (x) { j6.loadHTML(f, x); h.fixBoxPosition(true); if (e) e(x) }) } }; simpleDialog.prototype.open = function (a, b, c, d) { this._initialize(); var e = this.doc.getElementById('boxcontent_' + this.id); e.innerHTML += ""; e.style.width = Math.max(e.scrollWidth, b) + 'px'; e.style.height = Math.max(e.scrollHeight, c) + 'px'; this.fixBoxPosition() }; simpleDialog.prototype.write = function (a) { this._initialize(); var b = this.doc.getElementById('boxcontent_' + this.id); if (!this.title) { b.innerHTML = a } else { var c = b.getElementsByTagName('DIV'); for (var i = 1; i < c.length; i++) { b.removeChild(c[i]) } b.innerHTML += a } this.fixBoxPosition() }; simpleDialog.prototype.getFrameWindow = function () { var a = this.getPanel().getElementsByTagName('IFRAME'); if (a.length > 0) { return a[0].contentWindow } return null }; simpleDialog.prototype.close = function (b) { if (this.onclose != null && this.onclose() == false) { return false } var c = 0; var d = this.getPanel(); var e = (function (a) { return function () { a.document.body.removeChild(d); if (b) b() } }(this.win)); try { delete this.win['dialog_' + this.id] } catch (ex) { this.win['dialog_' + this.id] = null } e(); this._inited = false }; function drag(a, b) { this.elem = a; this.win = b } drag.prototype.regist = function (a, b, c, d) { var o = this.elem; a = a ? a : o; var f, sy; var g = this.win == null ? g : this.win.document; o.style.cursor = b || "move"; var h = c || function (e) { e = e || event; window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() : g.selection.empty(); if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); with (a.style) { position = "absolute"; left = e.clientX - f + "px"; top = e.clientY - sy + "px" } }; jr.event.add(o, "mousedown", function (e) { e = e || event; if (e.button == 1 || e.button == 0) { f = e.clientX - a.offsetLeft; sy = e.clientY - a.offsetTop; jr.event.add(g, 'mousemove', h, false); jr.event.add(g, 'mouseup', i, false) } }, false); var i = function () { jr.event.remove(g, 'mousemove', h, false); jr.event.remove(g, 'mouseup', i, false); if (d && d instanceof Function) d() } }; drag.prototype.custom = function (a, b, c, d) { return this.regist(a, b, c, d) }; drag.prototype.start = function (a) { this.regist(a, null, null, null) }; var SimpleDialog = { create: function (a) { return new simpleDialog(a) }, create2: function (a, b, c, d, e) { return new simpleDialog({ title: a, usedrag: b || false, cross: c || false, style: e, onclose: d }) }, getDialog: function () { var b = null; var c = /^dialog_/i; var e = window; var f = function (a) { var d = null; for (var i in a) { if (c.test(i) && a[i] != null) { d = a[i]; break } } return d }; do { b = f(e); if (b == null) { e = e.parent; b = f(e) } if (b) { break } } while (e.parent != e); return b }, close: function () { var d = this.getDialog(); if (d) d.close() } }; (function (j) { j.extend({ dialog: window.SimpleDialog, drag: function (a, b) { return new drag(a, b) } }) }(j6));
+function datagrid(h, k) { this.panel = h.nodeName ? h : jr.$(h); this.columns = k.columns; this.idField = k.idField || "id"; this.data_url = k.url; this.data = k.data; this.onLoaded = k.loaded; this.loadbox = null; this.gridView = null; this.loading = function () { if (this.gridView.offsetHeight == 0) { var a = this.gridView.previousSibling.offsetHeight; var b = this.panel.offsetHeight - this.gridView.previousSibling.offsetHeight; this.gridView.style.cssText = this.gridView.style.cssText.replace(/(\s*)height:[^;]+;/ig, ' height:' + (b > a ? b + 'px;' : 'auto')); var c = Math.ceil((this.gridView.clientWidth - this.loadbox.offsetWidth) / 2); var d = Math.ceil((this.gridView.clientHeight - this.loadbox.offsetHeight) / 2); this.loadbox.style.cssText = this.loadbox.style.cssText.replace(/(;\s*)*left:[^;]+;([\s\S]*)(\s)top:([^;]+)/ig, '$1left:' + c + 'px;$2 top:' + (d < 0 ? -d : d) + 'px') } this.loadbox.style.display = '' }; this._initLayout = function () { var a = ''; if (this.columns && this.columns.length != 0) { a += '
'; for (var i in this.columns) { a += '
' + this.columns[i].title + '
' } a += '
'; a += '
' + '
' + '' + '
' } this.panel.innerHTML = a; this.gridView = (this.panel.getElementsByClassName ? this.panel.getElementsByClassName('ui-datagrid-view') : j6.dom.getsByClass(this.panel, 'ui-datagrid-view'))[0]; this.loadbox = this.gridView.getElementsByTagName('DIV')[0] }; this._fill_data = function (a) { if (!a) return; var b; var c; var d; var e = ''; var f = a['rows'] || a; e += '
'; for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { b = f[i]; e += '
'; for (var j in this.columns) { c = this.columns[j]; d = b[c.field]; e += '
'; var g = this.gridView.getElementsByTagName('DIV')[1]; g.innerHTML = e; g.srcollTop = 0; this.loadbox.style.display = 'none'; if (this.onLoaded && this.onLoaded instanceof Function) this.onLoaded(a) }; this._fixPosition = function () { }; this._load_data = function (b) { if (!this.data_url) return; var t = this; if (b) { if (!(b instanceof Function)) { b = null } } j6.xhr.request({ uri: this.data_url, data: 'json', params: this.data, method: 'POST' }, { success: function (a) { t._fill_data(a) }, error: function () { } }) }; this._initLayout(); this.load() } datagrid.prototype.resize = function () { this._fixPosition() }; datagrid.prototype.load = function (a) { this.loading(); if (a && a instanceof Object) { this._fill_data(a); return } this._load_data() }; datagrid.prototype.reload = function (a, b) { if (a) { this.data = a } this.load(b) }; j6.extend({ grid: function (a, b) { return new datagrid(a, b) }, datagrid: function (a, b) { return new datagrid(a, b) } });
j6.extend({ form: { getData: function (a) { var b = ''; var c = document.forms[a || 0]; return j6.json.toQueryString(c) }, asyncSubmit: function (a, b) { var c = document.forms[a || 0]; var d = document.getElementById('$async_ifr'); if (!d) { try { d = document.createElement('