an application framework for nim
- inverse-of-control (IoC), allowing separation-of-concerns (SoC) between application initialization/finalization and the main program routine
- self-exception handling (SEH), allowing secure execution and extended control on program flow
- modelled json settings, allowing an easy, secure and structured way to validate and handle the application configuration
- internationalization support (I18n), allowing localization (L10n) for the application messages
- multipurpose key value map, allowing an easy application instance values management in an already integrated key-value store
- arguments handling services, allowing a good handling of the parameters that the app received
- most recently used items list, allowing bring this feature up to your end users without effort
- no external dependencies (just nim and xam)
- self-documenting api (descriptive long proc names)
- full unit testing
- markdown documentation (TODO)
This example helps to understand the application IoC flow.
import rodster
let app = newRodsterApplication()
app.setInitializationHandler proc (app: RodsterApplication) = stdout.write "hello"
app.setMainRoutine proc (app: RodsterApplication) = stdout.write " world"
app.setFinalizationHandler proc (app: RodsterApplication) = echo "!"
This example helps to understand how to use the application information.
import rodster, xam
proc onInitialize(app: RodsterApplication) =
echo "loading " & app.getInformation().getTitle() & " " & $app.getInformation().getVersion() & " ..."
proc programRun(app: RodsterApplication) =
let nfo = app.getInformation()
echo "the app filename is: " & nfo.getFilename()
echo "the app directory is: " & nfo.getDirectory()
echo "the app pid is: " & nfo.getProcessId()
echo "the app unique instance id is: " & nfo.getInstanceId()
echo "the app existing time (in seconds) is: " & nfo.getElapsedSecondsSinceCreationAsString()
proc onFinalize(app: RodsterApplication) =
echo "bye!"
let app = newRodsterApplication()
app.getInformation().setTitle("info test app")
This example helps to understand how to use the application settings.
import rodster, xam, json
proc onInitialize(app: RodsterApplication) =
let sets = app.getSettings()
if sets.loadFromFile("config.json"):
echo "loaded preferences for version " & sets.getAsString("version") & "!"
echo "failed to load preferences"
proc programRun(app: RodsterApplication) =
if app.getSettings().getAsString("version") == $app.getInformation().getVersion():
echo "good settings :)"
echo "bad settings :("
proc onFinalize(app: RodsterApplication) =
echo "bye! " & parenthesize app.getSettings().getAsString("version")
let app = newRodsterApplication()
app.getInformation().setTitle("config test app")
app.getSettings().getModel().loadFromJArray(%* ["mandatory string version"])
This example helps to understand how to use the application localization.
import rodster, xam
proc loadLocalizedMessages(i18n: RodsterAppI18n, locale: string) =
echo "loading " & locale & " messages ..."
if not i18n.loadTextsFromFile(locale, locale & ".json"):
die "ERROR"
proc onInitialize(app: RodsterApplication) =
let i18n = app.getI18n()
loadLocalizedMessages(i18n, "EN")
loadLocalizedMessages(i18n, "ES")
loadLocalizedMessages(i18n, "PT")
loadLocalizedMessages(i18n, "FR")
loadLocalizedMessages(i18n, "IT")
loadLocalizedMessages(i18n, "DE")
proc programRun(app: RodsterApplication) =
let i18n = app.getI18n()
# example using current locale
echo "[EN] " & i18n.getText("strings.hello", ["World"])
# examples changing the current locale
echo "[ES] " & i18n.getText("strings.hello", ["Mundo"])
echo "[PT] " & i18n.getText("strings.hello", ["Mundo"])
# examples without using the current locale
echo "[FR] " & i18n.getText("FR", "strings.hello", @["Monde"])
echo "[IT] " & i18n.getText("IT", "strings.hello", @["Mondo"])
echo "[DE] " & i18n.getText("DE", "strings.hello", @["Welt"])
proc onFinalize(app: RodsterApplication) =
# example without values to be replaced and that will resort back to the default locale to be loaded
echo app.getI18n().getText("strings.bye")
let app = newRodsterApplication()
app.getInformation().setTitle("localization test app")
This example helps to understand how to use the application integrated multipurpose key-value store.
import rodster, xam
let app = newRodsterApplication("values test app", "1.0.0")
app.setInitializationHandler proc (app: RodsterApplication) =
let kvm = app.getKvm()
kvm.setKey("some-key", "some-value")
kvm["other-key"] = "other-value"
app.setMainRoutine proc (app: RodsterApplication) =
let kvm = app.getKvm()
echo "the app has the key 'some-key' with a value of: " & kvm.getKey("some-key")
echo "and also the key 'other-key' with a value of: " & kvm["other-key"]
app.setFinalizationHandler proc (app: RodsterApplication) =
This example helps to understand the application events definition.
import rodster
let events: RodsterAppEvents = (
initializer: RodsterAppEvent(proc (app: RodsterApplication) = stdout.write "hello"),
main: RodsterAppEvent(proc (app: RodsterApplication) = stdout.write " world"),
finalizer: RodsterAppEvent(proc (app: RodsterApplication) = echo "!")
run newRodsterApplication("Rodster Events Example", "1.0.0", events)
This example helps to understand how to use the application arguments services.
## Just compile and run this with: nim c -r arguments.nim -numbers:1,2,3 -help --n:4,5,6
import rodster, xam
let app = newRodsterApplication("arguments test app", "1.0.0")
app.setInitializationHandler proc (app: RodsterApplication) =
let nfo = app.getInformation()
echo "has arguments: " & $nfo.hasArguments()
echo "arguments count: " & $nfo.getArguments().len
echo "arguments received: " & $nfo.getArguments()
echo "argument 'help' received: " & $nfo.hasArgument("-help")
app.setMainRoutine proc (app: RodsterApplication) =
let nfo = app.getInformation()
let idxs = nfo.findArgumentsWithPrefix(["--n:", "-numbers:"])
echo "argument 'numbers' received at argument indexes: " & $idxs
idxs.each idx:
echo spaced("value received at index", $idx & ":", $nfo.getArgumentWithoutPrefix(idx, ["--n:", "-numbers:"]))
This example helps to understand how to use the application's most recently used items list.
## Just compile and run this with: nim c -r mrus.nim
import rodster, xam
let app = newRodsterApplication("mrus test app", "1.0.0")
app.setInitializationHandler proc (app: RodsterApplication) =
let mru = app.getMru()
mru.setMaximum(3) # max by default is 10
app.setMainRoutine proc (app: RodsterApplication) =
let mru = app.getMru()
echo "the app has the following mrus: " & $mru.getAsStringSeq()
echo "but adding a new one, makes the oldest to drop..."
echo "so now the app has the following mrus: " & $mru.getAsStringSeq()
- 16-02-22 [1.4.1]
- added default value argument to settings retrieval methods
- updated xam dependency
- 23-05-22 [1.4.0]
- added mru module
- added mrus example
- updated xam dependency
- 19-05-22 [1.3.1]
- added hasArguments to the info module
- improved i18n getText implementation
- updated xam dependency
- 28-01-22 [1.3.0]
- added getArguments, hasArgument, findArgumentsWithPrefix and getArgumentWithoutPrefix to the info module
- added arguments example
- 17-01-22 [1.2.0]
- added constructor argument to accept app events
- added events example
- updated xam dependency
- 03-01-22 [1.1.0]
- added app events getter and setter
- added individual app events getters
- updated xam dependency
- 15-07-21 [1.0.0]
- added app constructor overload accepting title and version
- added kvm getter and setter array access operators
- updated xam dependency
- 25-05-21 [0.3.0]
- added RodsterApplication.terminate() and RodsterApplication.wasTerminated()
- 24-05-21 [0.2.1]
- added multipurpose key value map module
- 23-05-21 [0.2.0]
- added localization example
- added internationalization module
- updated xam dependency
- 28-04-21 [0.1.2]
- added RodsterApplication.isRunning()
- added config example
- 23-04-21 [0.1.1]
- added info example
- added documentation comments
- 20-04-21 [0.1.0]
- first release
- 14-04-21 [0.0.1]
- started coding