This program implements the FIFO (First-In-First-Out) Page Replacement Algorithm. The FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm is a simple paging algorithm where the page that entered the memory first is evicted first when the memory is full. This algorithm is based on a queue data structure. It maintains a queue of pages with a specified capacity and keeps track of page faults.
- Compile and run the program.
- Enter the maximum number of pages that can be held in memory when prompted.
- Enter the page numbers that need to be accessed (enter -1 to terminate).
- Or you can directly use the (.exe) file that is available in the (Executable File) folder.
*** Enter the maximum number of pages that can be held in memory: 3
*** Enter the page numbers (enter -1 to terminate): 1 2 3 4 1 2 5 -1
---> Page 1 is loaded into memory.
---> Page 2 is loaded into memory.
---> Page 3 is loaded into memory.
---> Page 4 is evicted from memory.
---> Page 1 is already in memory.
---> Page 2 is already in memory.
---> Page 5 is loaded into memory.
---> Total Page Faults: 3
main.cpp: A sample program that uses the FIFO page replacement algorithm.
PageReplacement.h: Contains the declaration of the abstract base class PageReplacement, which represents a page replacement algorithm.
PageReplacement.cpp : Implements the functionality of the PageReplacement class.
FIFO_PageReplacement.h: The header file for the FIFO_PageReplacement class, which derives from the PageReplacement class.
FIFO_PageReplacement.cpp: he implementation of the FIFO page replacement algorithm in the FIFO_PageReplacement class.
Object File : Contains the machine code of the program and the necessary information for linking.
Executable File : Contains the .exe file as the program's executable file.
Feel free to explore the code and make any modifications or improvements as needed.
- Page replacement algorithm
- FIFO Page Replacement Algorithm In C++
- Program for Page Replacement Algorithms | Set 2 (FIFO)
- Modern Operating Systems Book by Andrew Tanenbaum.
- Operating System Concepts Book by Abraham Silberschatz.