This file is automatically generated from the def files via this script. Do not modify directly and instead edit operator definitions.
- ai.onnx (default)
- Abs
- Add
- And
- ArgMax
- ArgMin
- AveragePool
- BatchNormalization
- Cast
- Ceil
- Clip
- Concat
- Constant
- Conv
- ConvTranspose
- DepthToSpace
- Div
- Dropout
- Elu
- Equal
- Exp
- Flatten
- Floor
- Gather
- Gemm
- GlobalAveragePool
- GlobalLpPool
- GlobalMaxPool
- Greater
- HardSigmoid
- Hardmax
- InstanceNormalization
- LeakyRelu
- Less
- Log
- LogSoftmax
- LpNormalization
- LpPool
- MatMul
- Max
- MaxPool
- MaxRoiPool
- Mean
- Min
- Mul
- Neg
- Not
- Or
- PRelu
- Pad
- Pow
- RandomNormal
- RandomNormalLike
- RandomUniform
- RandomUniformLike
- Reciprocal
- ReduceL1
- ReduceL2
- ReduceLogSum
- ReduceLogSumExp
- ReduceMax
- ReduceMean
- ReduceMin
- ReduceProd
- ReduceSum
- ReduceSumSquare
- Relu
- Reshape
- Selu
- Sigmoid
- Slice
- Softmax
- Softplus
- Softsign
- SpaceToDepth
- Split
- Sqrt
- Squeeze
- Sub
- Sum
- Tanh
- Tile
- Transpose
- Xor
- experimental ATen
- experimental Affine
- experimental ConstantFill
- experimental Crop
- experimental Embedding
- experimental FC
- experimental GRUUnit
- experimental GivenTensorFill
- experimental Identity
- experimental ImageScaler
- experimental MeanVarianceNormalization
- experimental ParametricSoftplus
- experimental Scale
- experimental ScaledTanh
- experimental ThresholdedRelu
- experimental Upsample
Absolute takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) where the absolute is, y = abs(x), is applied to the tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- X : T
- Input tensor
- Y : T
- Output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
node = onnx.helper.make_node(
x = np.random.randn(3, 4, 5).astype(np.float32)
y = np.abs(x)
expect(node, inputs=[x], outputs=[y],
Performs element-wise binary addition (with limited broadcast support).
If necessary the right-hand-side argument will be broadcasted to match the shape of left-hand-side argument. When broadcasting is specified, the second tensor can either be of size 1 (a scalar value), or having its shape as a contiguous subset of the first tensor's shape. The starting of the mutually equal shape is specified by the argument "axis", and if it is not set, suffix matching is assumed. 1-dim expansion doesn't work yet.
For example, the following tensor shapes are supported (with broadcast=1):
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (,), i.e. B is a scalar
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (5,)
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (4, 5)
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (3, 4), with axis=1
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (2), with axis=0
Attribute broadcast=1
needs to be passed to enable broadcasting.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- If set, defines the broadcast dimensions. See doc for details.
- broadcast : int
- Pass 1 to enable broadcasting
- A : T
- First operand, should share the type with the second operand.
- B : T
- Second operand. With broadcasting can be of smaller size than A. If broadcasting is disabled it should be of the same size.
- C : T
- Result, has same dimensions and type as A
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
node = onnx.helper.make_node(
inputs=['x', 'y'],
x = np.random.randn(3, 4, 5).astype(np.float32)
y = np.random.randn(3, 4, 5).astype(np.float32)
expect(node, inputs=[x, y], outputs=[x + y],
node = onnx.helper.make_node(
inputs=['x', 'y'],
x = np.random.randn(3, 4, 5).astype(np.float32)
y = np.random.randn(5).astype(np.float32)
expect(node, inputs=[x, y], outputs=[x + y],
Returns the tensor resulted from performing the and
logical operation
elementwise on the input tensors A
and B
If broadcasting is enabled, the right-hand-side argument will be broadcasted
to match the shape of left-hand-side argument. See the doc of Add
for a
detailed description of the broadcasting rules.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- If set, defines the broadcast dimensions.
- broadcast : int
- Enable broadcasting
- A : T
- Left input tensor for the logical operator.
- B : T
- Right input tensor for the logical operator.
- C : T1
- Result tensor.
- T : tensor(bool)
- Constrains input to boolean tensor.
- T1 : tensor(bool)
- Constrains output to boolean tensor.
Computes the indices of the max elements of the input tensor's element along the provided axis. The resulted tensor has the same rank as the input if keepdims equal 1. If keepdims equal 0, then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned. The type of the output tensor is integer.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- The axis in which to compute the arg indices
- keepdims : int
- Keep the reduced dimension or not, default 1 mean keep reduced dimension.
- data : T
- An input tensor.
- reduced : tensor(int32)
- Reduced output tensor with integer data type.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Computes the indices of the min elements of the input tensor's element along the provided axis. The resulted tensor has the same rank as the input if keepdims equal 1. If keepdims equal 0, then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned. The type of the output tensor is integer.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- The axis in which to compute the arg indices
- keepdims : int
- Keep the reduced dimension or not, default 1 mean keep reduced dimension.
- data : T
- An input tensor.
- reduced : tensor(int32)
- Reduced output tensor with integer data type.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
AveragePool consumes an input tensor X and applies average pooling across the the tensor according to kernel sizes, stride sizes, and pad lengths. average pooling consisting of computing the average on all values of a subset of the input tensor according to the kernel size and downsampling the data into the output tensor Y for further processing.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- auto_pad : string
- auto_pad must be either SAME_UPPER, SAME_LOWER or VALID. Where SAME_UPPER or SAME_LOWER mean pad the input so that the ouput size match the input.In case of odd number add the extra padding at the end for SAME_UPPER and at the begining for SAME_LOWER. VALID mean no padding. DEPRECATION NOTE: auto_pad is only intended to support legacy uses, and for framework authors, one is explicitly encouraged to use explicit padding specified in the pads attribute.
- kernel_shape : list of ints
- The size of the kernel along each axis.
- pads : list of ints
- Padding for the begining and ending along each axis, it can take any value greater than or equal to 0. The value represent the number of pixels added to the begining and end part of the corresponding axis. `pads` format should be as follow [x1_begin, x2_begin...x1_end, x2_end,...], where xi_begin the number of pixels added at the begining of axis `i` and xi_end, the number of pixels added at the end of axis `i`. This attribute cannot be used simultaneously with auto_pad attribute.
- strides : list of ints
- Stride along each axis.
- X : T
- Input data tensor from the previous operator; dimensions for image case are (N x C x H x W), where N is the batch size, C is the number of channels, and H and W are the height and the width of the data. For non image case, the dimension are in the form of (N x C x D1 x D2 ... Dn), where N is the batch size.
- Y : T
- Output data tensor from average or max pooling across the input tensor. Dimensions will vary based on various kernel, stride, and pad sizes.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Carries out batch normalization as described in the paper Depending on the mode it is being run, there are multiple cases for the number of outputs, which we list below:
Output case #1: Y, mean, var, saved_mean, saved_var (training mode) Output case #2: Y (test mode)
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- epsilon : float
- The epsilon value to use to avoid division by zero.
- is_test : int
- If set to nonzero, run spatial batch normalization in test mode.
- momentum : float
- Factor used in computing the running mean and variance.e.g., running_mean = running_mean * momentum + mean * (1 - momentum)
- spatial : int
- If true, compute the mean and variance across all spatial elements If false, compute the mean and variance across per feature.
- X : T
- The input 4-dimensional tensor of shape NCHW.
- scale : T
- The scale as a 1-dimensional tensor of size C to be applied to the output.
- B : T
- The bias as a 1-dimensional tensor of size C to be applied to the output.
- mean : T
- The running mean (training) or the estimated mean (testing) as a 1-dimensional tensor of size C.
- var : T
- The running variance (training) or the estimated variance (testing) as a 1-dimensional tensor of size C.
- Y : T
- The output 4-dimensional tensor of the same shape as X.
- mean (optional) : T
- The running mean after the BatchNormalization operator. Must be in-place with the input mean. Should not be used for testing.
- var (optional) : T
- The running variance after the BatchNormalization operator. Must be in-place with the input var. Should not be used for testing.
- saved_mean (optional) : T
- Saved mean used during training to speed up gradient computation. Should not be used for testing.
- saved_var (optional) : T
- Saved variance used during training to speed up gradient computation. Should not be used for testing.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
The operator casts the elements of a given input tensor to a data type specified by the 'to' argument and returns an output tensor of the same size in the converted type. The 'to' argument must be one of the data types specified in the 'DataType' enum field in the TensorProto message. If the 'to' argument is not provided or is not one of the enumerated types in DataType, Caffe2 throws an Enforce error.
NOTE: Casting to and from strings is not supported yet.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- to : string
- The data type to which the elements of the input tensor are cast.Strictly must be one of the types from DataType enum in TensorProto
- input : T1
- Input tensor to be cast.
- output : T2
- Output tensor with the same shape as input with type specified by the 'to' argument
- T1 : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input types to float tensors.
- T2 : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain output types to float tensors.
Ceil takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) where the ceil is, y = ceil(x), is applied to the tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- X : T
- Input tensor
- Y : T
- Output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Clip operator limits the given input within an interval. The interval is specified with arguments 'min' and 'max'. They default to numeric_limits::lowest() and numeric_limits::max() respectively.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- max : float
- Maximum value, above which element is replaced by max
- min : float
- Minimum value, under which element is replaced by min
- input : T
- Input tensor whose elements to be clipped
- output : T
- Output tensor with clipped input elements
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Concatenate a list of tensors into a single tensor
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- Which axis to concat on
- inputs (variadic) : T
- List of tensors for concatenation
- concat_result : T
- Concatenated tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain output types to float tensors.
A constant tensor.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- value : tensor
- The value for the elements of the output tensor.
- output : T
- Output tensor containing the same value of the provided tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
values = np.random.randn(5, 5).astype(np.float32)
node = onnx.helper.make_node(
expect(node, inputs=[], outputs=[values],
The convolution operator consumes an input tensor and a filter, and computes the output.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- auto_pad : string
- auto_pad must be either SAME_UPPER, SAME_LOWER or VALID. Where SAME_UPPER or SAME_LOWER mean pad the input so that the ouput size match the input.In case of odd number add the extra padding at the end for SAME_UPPER and at the begining for SAME_LOWER. VALID mean no padding. DEPRECATION NOTE: auto_pad is only intended to support legacy uses, and for framework authors, one is explicitly encouraged to use explicit padding specified in the pads attribute.
- dilations : list of ints
- dilation value along each axis of the filter.
- group : int
- number of groups input channels and output channels are divided into
- kernel_shape : list of ints
- The shape of the convolution kernel.
- pads : list of ints
- Padding for the begining and ending along each axis, it can take any value greater than or equal to 0. The value represent the number of pixels added to the begining and end part of the corresponding axis. `pads` format should be as follow [x1_begin, x2_begin...x1_end, x2_end,...], where xi_begin the number of pixels added at the begining of axis `i` and xi_end, the number of pixels added at the end of axis `i`. This attribute cannot be used simultaneously with auto_pad attribute.
- strides : list of ints
- stride along each axis.
- X : T
- Input data tensor from previous layer; has size (N x C x H x W), where N is the batch size, C is the number of channels, and H and W are the height and width. Note that this is for the 2D image.Otherwise the size is (N x D1 x D2 ... x Dn)
- W : T
- The weight tensor that will be used in the convolutions; has size (M x C x kH x kW), where C is the number of channels, and kH and kW are the height and width of the kernel, and M is the number of feature maps. For more than 2 dimensions, the kernel shape will be (M x C x k1 x k2 x ... x kn), where is the dimension of the kernel
- B (optional) : T
- Optional 1D bias to be added to the convolution, has size of M.
- Y : T
- Output data tensor that contains the result of the convolution. The output dimensions are functions of the kernel size, stride size, and pad lengths.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
The convolution transpose operator consumes an input tensor and a filter, and computes the output.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- auto_pad : string
- auto_pad must be either SAME_UPPER, SAME_LOWER or VALID. Where SAME_UPPER or SAME_LOWER mean pad the input so that the ouput size match the input.In case of odd number add the extra padding at the end for SAME_UPPER and at the begining for SAME_LOWER. VALID mean no padding. DEPRECATION NOTE: auto_pad is only intended to support legacy uses, and for framework authors, one is explicitly encouraged to use explicit padding specified in the pads attribute.
- dilations : list of ints
- dilation value along each axis of the filter.
- group : int
- number of groups input channels and output channels are divided into
- kernel_shape : list of ints
- The shape of the convolution kernel.
- output_shape : list of ints
- The shape of the output.
- pads : list of ints
- Padding for the begining and ending along each axis, it can take any value greater than or equal to 0. The value represent the number of pixels added to the begining and end part of the corresponding axis. `pads` format should be as follow [x1_begin, x2_begin...x1_end, x2_end,...], where xi_begin the number of pixels added at the begining of axis `i` and xi_end, the number of pixels added at the end of axis `i`. This attribute cannot be used simultaneously with auto_pad attribute.
- strides : list of ints
- stride along each axis.
- X : T
- Input data tensor from previous layer; has size (N x C x H x W), where N is the batch size, C is the number of channels, and H and W are the height and width. Note that this is for the 2D image.Otherwise the size is (N x D1 x D2 ... x Dn)
- W : T
- The weight tensor that will be used in the convolutions; has size (C x M x kH x kW), where C is the number of channels, and kH and kW are the height and width of the kernel, and M is the number of feature maps. For more than 2 dimensions, the kernel shape will be (C x M x k1 x k2 x ... x kn), where is the dimension of the kernel
- B (optional) : T
- Optional 1D bias to be added to the convolution, has size of C.
- Y : T
- Output data tensor that contains the result of the convolution. The output dimensions are functions of the kernel size, stride size, and pad lengths.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
DepthToSpace rearranges (permutes) data from depth into blocks of spatial data. This is the reverse transformation of SpaceToDepth. More specifically, this op outputs a copy of the input tensor where values from the depth dimension are moved in spatial blocks to the height and width dimensions.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- blocksize : int
- Blocks of [blocksize, blocksize] are moved.
- input : T
- Input tensor of [N,C,H,W], where N is the batch axis, C is the channel or depth, H is the height and W is the width.
- output : T
- Output tensor of [N, C/(blocksize * blocksize), H * blocksize, W * blocksize].
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input types to float tensors.
Performs element-wise binary division (with limited broadcast support).
If necessary the right-hand-side argument will be broadcasted to match the shape of left-hand-side argument. When broadcasting is specified, the second tensor can either be of size 1 (a scalar value), or having its shape as a contiguous subset of the first tensor's shape. The starting of the mutually equal shape is specified by the argument "axis", and if it is not set, suffix matching is assumed. 1-dim expansion doesn't work yet.
For example, the following tensor shapes are supported (with broadcast=1):
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (,), i.e. B is a scalar
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (5,)
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (4, 5)
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (3, 4), with axis=1
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (2), with axis=0
Attribute broadcast=1
needs to be passed to enable broadcasting.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- If set, defines the broadcast dimensions. See doc for details.
- broadcast : int
- Pass 1 to enable broadcasting
- A : T
- First operand, should share the type with the second operand.
- B : T
- Second operand. With broadcasting can be of smaller size than A. If broadcasting is disabled it should be of the same size.
- C : T
- Result, has same dimensions and type as A
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Dropout takes one input data (Tensor) and produces two Tensor outputs, output (Tensor) and mask (Tensor). Depending on whether it is in test mode or not, the output Y will either be a random dropout, or a simple copy of the input. Note that our implementation of Dropout does scaling in the training phase, so during testing nothing needs to be done.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- is_test : int
- (int, default 0) if nonzero, run dropout in test mode where the output is simply Y = X.
- ratio : float
- (float, default 0.5) the ratio of random dropout
- data : T
- The input data as Tensor.
- output : T
- The output.
- mask (optional) : T
- The output mask. If is_test is nonzero, this output is not filled.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Elu takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data
(Tensor) where the function f(x) = alpha * (exp(x) - 1.) for x < 0
, f(x) = x for x >= 0
., is applied to the tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- alpha : float
- Coefficient of ELU default to 1.0.
- X : T
- 1D input tensor
- Y : T
- 1D input tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Returns the tensor resulted from performing the equal
logical operation
elementwise on the input tensors A
and B
If broadcasting is enabled, the right-hand-side argument will be broadcasted
to match the shape of left-hand-side argument. See the doc of Add
for a
detailed description of the broadcasting rules.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- If set, defines the broadcast dimensions.
- broadcast : int
- Enable broadcasting
- A : T
- Left input tensor for the logical operator.
- B : T
- Right input tensor for the logical operator.
- C : T1
- Result tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrains input to float tensors.
- T1 : tensor(bool)
- Constrains output to boolean tensor.
Calculates the exponential of the given input tensor, element-wise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- input : T
- Input tensor
- output : T
- The exponential of the input tensor computed element-wise
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Flattens the input tensor into a 2D matrix. If input tensor has shape (d_0, d_1, ... d_n) then the output will have shape (d_0 X d_1 ... d_(axis-1), d_axis X d_(axis+1) ... X dn).
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- (Default to 1) Indicate up to which input dimensions (exclusive) should be flattened to the outer dimension of the output
- input : T
- A tensor of rank >= axis.
- output : T
- A 2D tensor with the contents of the input tensor, with input dimensions up to axis flattened to the outer dimension of the output and remaining input dimensions flattened into the inner dimension of the output.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Floor takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) where the floor is, y = floor(x), is applied to the tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- X : T
- Input tensor
- Y : T
- Output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Computes an one-layer GRU. This operator is usually supported via some custom implementation such as CuDNN.
- input tensor
- update gate
- reset gate
- hidden gate
- time step (t-1 means previous time step)
- W parameter weight matrix for update, reset, and hidden gates
- R recurrence weight matrix for update, reset, and hidden gates
- W bias vectors for update, reset, and hidden gates
- R bias vectors for update, reset, and hidden gates
- W parameter weight matrix for backward update, reset, and hidden gates
- R recurrence weight matrix for backward update, reset, and hidden gates
- W bias vectors for backward update, reset, and hidden gates
- R bias vectors for backward update, reset, and hidden gates
- Hidden state
- 2 if direction == bidirectional else 1
Activation functions:
Relu(x) - max(0, x)
Tanh(x) - (1 - e^{-2x})/(1 + e^{-2x})
Sigmoid(x) - 1/(1 + e^{-x})
(NOTE: Below are optional)
Affine(x) - alpha*x + beta
LeakyRelu(x) - x if x >= 0 else alpha * x
ThresholdedRelu(x) - x if x >= alpha else 0
ScaledTanh(x) - alpha*Tanh(beta*x)
HardSigmoid(x) - min(max(alpha*x + beta, 0), 1)
Elu(x) - x if x >= 0 else alpha*(e^x - 1)
Softsign(x) - x/(1 + |x|)
Softplus(x) - log(1 + e^x)
Equations (Default: f=Sigmoid, g=Tanh):
- zt = f(Xt*(Wz^T) + Ht-1*Rz + Wbz + Rbz)
- rt = f(Xt*(Wr^T) + Ht-1*Rr + Wbr + Rbr)
- ht = g(Xt*(Wh^T) + (rt (.) Ht-1)*Rh + Rbh + Wbh)
- Ht = (1 - zt) (.) ht + zt (.) Ht-1
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- activation_alpha : list of floats
- Optional scaling values used by some activation functions. The values are consumed in the order of activation functions, for example (f, g, h) in LSTM.
- activation_beta : list of floats
- Optional scaling values used by some activation functions. The values are consumed in the order of activation functions, for example (f, g, h) in LSTM.
- activations : list of strings
- A list of 2 (or 4 if bidirectional) activation functions for update, reset, and hidden gates. The activation functions must be one of the activation functions specified above. Optional: See the equations for default if not specified.
- clip : float
- Cell clip threshold. Clipping bounds the elements of a tensor in the range of [-threshold, +threshold] and is applied to the input of activations. No clip if not specified.
- direction : string
- Specify if the RNN is forward, reverse, or bidirectional. Must be one of forward (default), reverse, or bidirectional.
- hidden_size : int
- Number of neurons in the hidden layer
- output_sequence : int
- The sequence output for the hidden is optional if 0. Default 0.
- X : T
- The input sequences packed (and potentially padded) into one 3-D tensor with the shape of `[seq_length, batch_size, input_size]`.
- W : T
- The weight tensor for the gates. Concatenation of `W[zrh]` and `WB[zrh]` (if bidirectional) along dimension 0. This tensor has shape `[num_directions, 3*hidden_size, input_size]`.
- R : T
- The recurrence weight tensor. Concatenation of `R[zrh]` and `RB[zrh]` (if bidirectional) along dimension 0. This tensor has shape `[num_directions, 3*hidden_size, hidden_size]`.
- B (optional) : T
- The bias tensor for the gates. Concatenation of `[Wb[zrh], Rb[zrh]]` and `[WBb[zrh], RBb[zrh]]` (if bidirectional) along dimension 0. This tensor has shape `[num_directions, 6*hidden_size]`. Optional: If not specified - assumed to be 0
- sequence_lens (optional) : T1
- Optional tensor specifying lengths of the sequences in a batch. If not specified - assumed all sequences in the batch to have length `seq_length`. It has shape `[batch_size]`.
- initial_h (optional) : T
- Optional initial value of the hidden. If not specified - assumed to be 0. It has shape `[num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`.
- Y (optional) : T
- A tensor that concats all the intermediate output values of the hidden. It has shape `[seq_length, num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`. It is optional if `output_sequence` is 0.
- Y_h : T
- The last output value of the hidden. It has shape `[num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
- T1 : tensor(int32)
- Constrain seq_lens to integer tensor.
Given data
tensor of rank r >= 1, and indices
tensor of rank q, gather
entries of the axis dimension of data
(by default outer-most one as axis=0) indexed by indices
, and concatenates
them in an output tensor of rank q + (r - 1).
Example 1: data = [ [1.0, 1.2], [2.3, 3.4], [4.5, 5.7], ] indices = [ [0, 1], [1, 2], ] output = [ [ [1.0, 1.2], [2.3, 3.4], ], [ [2.3, 3.4], [4.5, 5.7], ], ]
Example 2: data = [ [1.0, 1.2, 1.9], [2.3, 3.4, 3.9], [4.5, 5.7, 5.9], ] indices = [0, 2], ] axis = 1, output = [ [ [1.0, 1.9], [2.3, 3.9], [4.5, 5.9], ], ]
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- Which axis to gather on, defaults to 0. Negative value means counting dimensions from the back. Accepted range in [-r, r-1]
- data : T
- Tensor of rank r >= 1.
- indices : Tind
- Tensor of int32/int64 indices, of any rank q.
- output : T
- Tensor of rank q + (r - 1).
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
- Tind : tensor(int32), tensor(int64)
- Constrain indices to integer types
General Matrix multiplication: Compute Y = alpha * A * B + beta * C, where input tensor A has dimension (M X K) , input tensor B has dimension (K X N), input tensor C and output tensor Y have dimension (M X N). If attribute broadcast is non-zero, input tensor C will be broadcasted to match the dimension requirement. If A can be transposed before doing the computation if attribute transA is non-zero, same for B and transB.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- alpha : float
- Scalar multiplier for the product of input tensors A * B
- beta : float
- Scalar multiplier for input tensor C
- broadcast : int
- Whether C should be broadcasted
- transA : int
- Whether A should be transposed
- transB : int
- Whether B should be transposed
- A : T
- Input tensor A
- B : T
- Input tensor B
- C : T
- Input tensor C, can be inplace.
- Y : T
- Output tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
GlobalAveragePool consumes an input tensor X and applies average pooling across the the values in the same channel. This is equivalent to AveragePool with kernel size equal to the spatial dimension of input tensor.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- X : T
- Input data tensor from the previous operator; dimensions for image case are (N x C x H x W), where N is the batch size, C is the number of channels, and H and W are the height and the width of the data. For non image case, the dimension are in the form of (N x C x D1 x D2 ... Dn), where N is the batch size.
- Y : T
- Output data tensor from pooling across the input tensor. Dimensions will be N x C x 1 x 1
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
GlobalLpPool consumes an input tensor X and applies lp pool pooling across the the values in the same channel. This is equivalent to LpPool with kernel size equal to the spatial dimension of input tensor.
This operator is used if you are using version 2 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 2
Other versions of this operator: GlobalLpPool-1
- p : int
- p value of the Lp norm used to pool over the input data, default is 2.
- X : T
- Input data tensor from the previous operator; dimensions for image case are (N x C x H x W), where N is the batch size, C is the number of channels, and H and W are the height and the width of the data. For non image case, the dimension are in the form of (N x C x D1 x D2 ... Dn), where N is the batch size.
- Y : T
- Output data tensor from pooling across the input tensor. Dimensions will be N x C x 1 x 1
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
GlobalMaxPool consumes an input tensor X and applies max pooling across the the values in the same channel. This is equivalent to MaxPool with kernel size equal to the spatial dimension of input tensor.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- X : T
- Input data tensor from the previous operator; dimensions for image case are (N x C x H x W), where N is the batch size, C is the number of channels, and H and W are the height and the width of the data. For non image case, the dimension are in the form of (N x C x D1 x D2 ... Dn), where N is the batch size.
- Y : T
- Output data tensor from pooling across the input tensor. Dimensions will be N x C x 1 x 1
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Returns the tensor resulted from performing the greater
logical operation
elementwise on the input tensors A
and B
If broadcasting is enabled, the right-hand-side argument will be broadcasted
to match the shape of left-hand-side argument. See the doc of Add
for a
detailed description of the broadcasting rules.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- If set, defines the broadcast dimensions.
- broadcast : int
- Enable broadcasting
- A : T
- Left input tensor for the logical operator.
- B : T
- Right input tensor for the logical operator.
- C : T1
- Result tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrains input to float tensors.
- T1 : tensor(bool)
- Constrains output to boolean tensor.
HardSigmoid takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) where the HardSigmoid function, y = max(0, min(1, alpha * x + beta)), is applied to the tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- alpha : float
- Value of alpha
- beta : float
- Value of beta
- X : T
- Input tensor
- Y : T
- Output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
The operator computes the hardmax normalized values for each layer in the batch of the given input. The input is a 2-D tensor (Tensor) of size (batch_size x input_feature_dimensions). The output tensor has the same shape and contains the hardmax normalized values of the corresponding input.
X does not need to explicitly be a 2D vector; rather, it will be coerced into one. For an arbitrary n-dimensional tensor X \in [a_0, a_1, ..., a_{k-1}, a_k, ..., a_{n-1}] and k is the axis provided, then X will be coerced into a 2-dimensional tensor with dimensions [a_0 * ... * a_{k-1}, a_k * ... * a_{n-1}]. For the default case where axis=1, this means the X tensor will be coerced into a 2D tensor of dimensions [a_0, a_1 * ... * a_{n-1}], where a_0 is often the batch size. In this situation, we must have a_0 = N and a_1 * ... * a_{n-1} = D. Each of these dimensions must be matched correctly, or else the operator will throw errors.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- (int) default to 1; describes the axis of the inputs when coerced to 2D; defaults to one because the 0th axis most likely describes the batch_size
- input : T
- The input tensor that's coerced into a 2D matrix of size (NxD) as described above.
- output : T
- The softmax normalized output values with the same shape as input tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Carries out instance normalization as described in the paper
y = scale * (x - mean) / sqrt(variance + epsilon) + B, where mean and B are computed per instance per channel.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- epsilon : float
- The epsilon value to use to avoid division by zero.
- input : T
- The input 4-dimensional tensor of shape NCHW.
- scale : T
- The input 1-dimensional scale tensor of size C.
- B : T
- The input 1-dimensional bias tensor of size C.
- output : T
- The output 4-dimensional tensor of the same shape as input.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Local Response Normalization. It normalizes over local input regions. Each input value is divided by (bias+(alpha/size)*sum(xi^2 for every xi in the local region))^beta.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- alpha : float (required)
- Scaling parameter
- beta : float (required)
- The exponent
- bias : float
- Default to 1
- size : int (required)
- The number of channels to sum over
- X : T
- Input tensor
- Y : T
- Output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Computes an one-layer LSTM. This operator is usually supported via some custom implementation such as CuDNN.
- input tensor
- input gate
- output gate
- forget gate
- cell gate
- time step (t-1 means previous time step)
- W parameter weight matrix for input, output, forget, and cell gates
- R recurrence weight matrix for input, output, forget, and cell gates
- W bias vectors for input, output, forget, and cell gates
- R bias vectors for input, output, forget, and cell gates
- P peephole weight vector for input, output, and forget gates
- W parameter weight matrix for backward input, output, forget, and cell gates
- R recurrence weight matrix for backward input, output, forget, and cell gates
- W bias vectors for backward input, output, forget, and cell gates
- R bias vectors for backward input, output, forget, and cell gates
- P peephole weight vector for backward input, output, and forget gates
- Hidden state
- 2 if direction == bidirectional else 1
Activation functions:
Relu(x) - max(0, x)
Tanh(x) - (1 - e^{-2x})/(1 + e^{-2x})
Sigmoid(x) - 1/(1 + e^{-x})
(NOTE: Below are optional)
Affine(x) - alpha*x + beta
LeakyRelu(x) - x if x >= 0 else alpha * x
ThresholdedRelu(x) - x if x >= alpha else 0
ScaledTanh(x) - alpha*Tanh(beta*x)
HardSigmoid(x) - min(max(alpha*x + beta, 0), 1)
Elu(x) - x if x >= 0 else alpha*(e^x - 1)
Softsign(x) - x/(1 + |x|)
Softplus(x) - log(1 + e^x)
Equations (Default: f=Sigmoid, g=Tanh, h=Tanh):
- it = f(Xt*(Wi^T) + Ht-1*Ri + Pi (.) Ct-1 + Wbi + Rbi)
- ft = f(Xt*(Wf^T) + Ht-1*Rf + Pf (.) Ct-1 + Wbf + Rbf)
- ct = g(Xt*(Wc^T) + Ht-1*Rc + Wbc + Rbc)
- Ct = ft (.) Ct-1 + it (.) ct
- ot = f(Xt*(Wo^T) + Ht-1*Ro + Po (.) Ct + Wbo + Rbo)
- Ht = ot (.) h(Ct)
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- activation_alpha : list of floats
- Optional scaling values used by some activation functions. The values are consumed in the order of activation functions, for example (f, g, h) in LSTM.
- activation_beta : list of floats
- Optional scaling values used by some activation functions. The values are consumed in the order of activation functions, for example (f, g, h) in LSTM.
- activations : list of strings
- A list of 3 (or 6 if bidirectional) activation functions for input, output, forget, cell, and hidden. The activation functions must be one of the activation functions specified above. Optional: See the equations for default if not specified.
- clip : float
- Cell clip threshold. Clipping bounds the elements of a tensor in the range of [-threshold, +threshold] and is applied to the input of activations. No clip if not specified.
- direction : string
- Specify if the RNN is forward, reverse, or bidirectional. Must be one of forward (default), reverse, or bidirectional.
- hidden_size : int
- Number of neurons in the hidden layer
- input_forget : int
- Couple the input and forget gates if 1, default 0.
- output_sequence : int
- The sequence output for the hidden is optional if 0. Default 0.
- X : T
- The input sequences packed (and potentially padded) into one 3-D tensor with the shape of `[seq_length, batch_size, input_size]`.
- W : T
- The weight tensor for the gates. Concatenation of `W[iofc]` and `WB[iofc]` (if bidirectional) along dimension 0. The tensor has shape `[num_directions, 4*hidden_size, input_size]`.
- R : T
- The recurrence weight tensor. Concatenation of `R[iofc]` and `RB[iofc]` (if bidirectional) along dimension 0. This tensor has shape `[num_directions, 4*hidden_size, hidden_size]`.
- B (optional) : T
- The bias tensor for input gate. Concatenation of `[Wb[iofc], Rb[iofc]]`, and `[WBb[iofc], RBb[iofc]]` (if bidirectional) along dimension 0. This tensor has shape `[num_directions, 8*hidden_size]`. Optional: If not specified - assumed to be 0.
- sequence_lens (optional) : T1
- Optional tensor specifying lengths of the sequences in a batch. If not specified - assumed all sequences in the batch to have length `seq_length`. It has shape `[batch_size]`.
- initial_h (optional) : T
- Optional initial value of the hidden. If not specified - assumed to be 0. It has shape `[num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`.
- initial_c (optional) : T
- Optional initial value of the cell. If not specified - assumed to be 0. It has shape `[num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`.
- P (optional) : T
- The weight tensor for peepholes. Concatenation of `P[iof]` and `PB[iof]` (if bidirectional) along dimension 0. It has shape `[num_directions, 3*hidde_size]`. Optional: If not specified - assumed to be 0.
- Y (optional) : T
- A tensor that concats all the intermediate output values of the hidden. It has shape `[seq_length, num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`. It is optional if `output_sequence` is 0.
- Y_h : T
- The last output value of the hidden. It has shape `[num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
- T1 : tensor(int32)
- Constrain seq_lens to integer tensor.
LeakyRelu takes input data (Tensor) and an argument alpha, and produces one
output data (Tensor) where the function f(x) = alpha * x for x < 0
f(x) = x for x >= 0
, is applied to the data tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- alpha : float
- Coefficient of leakage
- X : T
- Input tensor
- Y : T
- Output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Returns the tensor resulted from performing the less
logical operation
elementwise on the input tensors A
and B
If broadcasting is enabled, the right-hand-side argument will be broadcasted
to match the shape of left-hand-side argument. See the doc of Add
for a
detailed description of the broadcasting rules.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- If set, defines the broadcast dimensions.
- broadcast : int
- Enable broadcasting
- A : T
- Left input tensor for the logical operator.
- B : T
- Right input tensor for the logical operator.
- C : T1
- Result tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrains input to float tensors.
- T1 : tensor(bool)
- Constrains output to boolean tensor.
Calculates the natural log of the given input tensor, element-wise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- input : T
- Input tensor
- output : T
- The natural log of the input tensor computed element-wise
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
The operator computes the logsoftmax normalized values for each layer in the batch of the given input. The input is a 2-D tensor (Tensor) of size (batch_size x input_feature_dimensions). The output tensor has the same shape and contains the logsoftmax normalized values of the corresponding input.
X does not need to explicitly be a 2D vector; rather, it will be coerced into one. For an arbitrary n-dimensional tensor X \in [a_0, a_1, ..., a_{k-1}, a_k, ..., a_{n-1}] and k is the axis provided, then X will be coerced into a 2-dimensional tensor with dimensions [a_0 * ... * a_{k-1}, a_k * ... * a_{n-1}]. For the default case where axis=1, this means the X tensor will be coerced into a 2D tensor of dimensions [a_0, a_1 * ... * a_{n-1}], where a_0 is often the batch size. In this situation, we must have a_0 = N and a_1 * ... * a_{n-1} = D. Each of these dimensions must be matched correctly, or else the operator will throw errors.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- (int) default to 1; describes the axis of the inputs when coerced to 2D; defaults to one because the 0th axis most likely describes the batch_size
- input : T
- The input tensor that's coerced into a 2D matrix of size (NxD) as described above.
- output : T
- The softmax normalized output values with the same shape as input tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Given a matrix, apply Lp-normalization along the provided axis.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- (int64, default -1) the axis on which to apply normalization, -1 mean last axis.
- p : int
- (int64, default 2) the order of the normalization, only 1 or 2 are supported.
- input : T
- Input matrix
- output : T
- Matrix after normalization
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
LpPool consumes an input tensor X and applies Lp pooling across the the tensor according to kernel sizes, stride sizes, and pad lengths. Lp pooling consisting of computing the Lp norm on all values of a subset of the input tensor according to the kernel size and downsampling the data into the output tensor Y for further processing.
This operator is used if you are using version 2 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 2
Other versions of this operator: LpPool-1
- auto_pad : string
- auto_pad must be either SAME_UPPER, SAME_LOWER or VALID. Where SAME_UPPER or SAME_LOWER mean pad the input so that the ouput size match the input.In case of odd number add the extra padding at the end for SAME_UPPER and at the begining for SAME_LOWER. VALID mean no padding. DEPRECATION NOTE: auto_pad is only intended to support legacy uses, and for framework authors, one is explicitly encouraged to use explicit padding specified in the pads attribute.
- kernel_shape : list of ints
- The size of the kernel along each axis.
- p : int
- p value of the Lp norm used to pool over the input data, default is 2.
- pads : list of ints
- Padding for the begining and ending along each axis, it can take any value greater than or equal to 0. The value represent the number of pixels added to the begining and end part of the corresponding axis. `pads` format should be as follow [x1_begin, x2_begin...x1_end, x2_end,...], where xi_begin the number of pixels added at the begining of axis `i` and xi_end, the number of pixels added at the end of axis `i`. This attribute cannot be used simultaneously with auto_pad attribute.
- strides : list of ints
- Stride along each axis.
- X : T
- Input data tensor from the previous operator; dimensions for image case are (N x C x H x W), where N is the batch size, C is the number of channels, and H and W are the height and the width of the data. For non image case, the dimension are in the form of (N x C x D1 x D2 ... Dn), where N is the batch size.
- Y : T
- Output data tensor from Lp pooling across the input tensor. Dimensions will vary based on various kernel, stride, and pad sizes.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Matrix product that behaves like numpy.matmul:
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- A : T
- N-dimensional matrix A
- B : T
- N-dimensional matrix B
- Y : T
- Matrix multiply results from A * B
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
node = onnx.helper.make_node(
inputs=['a', 'b'],
# 2d
a = np.random.randn(3, 4).astype(np.float32)
b = np.random.randn(4, 3).astype(np.float32)
c = np.matmul(a, b)
expect(node, inputs=[a, b], outputs=[c],
# 3d
a = np.random.randn(2, 3, 4).astype(np.float32)
b = np.random.randn(2, 4, 3).astype(np.float32)
c = np.matmul(a, b)
expect(node, inputs=[a, b], outputs=[c],
# 4d
a = np.random.randn(1, 2, 3, 4).astype(np.float32)
b = np.random.randn(1, 2, 4, 3).astype(np.float32)
c = np.matmul(a, b)
expect(node, inputs=[a, b], outputs=[c],
Element-wise max of each of the input tensors. All inputs and outputs must have the same shape and data type.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- data_0 (variadic) : T
- List of tensors for Max.
- max : T
- Output tensor. Same dimension as inputs.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
MaxPool consumes an input tensor X and applies max pooling across the the tensor according to kernel sizes, stride sizes, and pad lengths. max pooling consisting of computing the max on all values of a subset of the input tensor according to the kernel size and downsampling the data into the output tensor Y for further processing.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- auto_pad : string
- auto_pad must be either SAME_UPPER, SAME_LOWER or VALID. Where SAME_UPPER or SAME_LOWER mean pad the input so that the ouput size match the input.In case of odd number add the extra padding at the end for SAME_UPPER and at the begining for SAME_LOWER. VALID mean no padding. DEPRECATION NOTE: auto_pad is only intended to support legacy uses, and for framework authors, one is explicitly encouraged to use explicit padding specified in the pads attribute.
- kernel_shape : list of ints
- The size of the kernel along each axis.
- pads : list of ints
- Padding for the begining and ending along each axis, it can take any value greater than or equal to 0. The value represent the number of pixels added to the begining and end part of the corresponding axis. `pads` format should be as follow [x1_begin, x2_begin...x1_end, x2_end,...], where xi_begin the number of pixels added at the begining of axis `i` and xi_end, the number of pixels added at the end of axis `i`. This attribute cannot be used simultaneously with auto_pad attribute.
- strides : list of ints
- Stride along each axis.
- X : T
- Input data tensor from the previous operator; dimensions for image case are (N x C x H x W), where N is the batch size, C is the number of channels, and H and W are the height and the width of the data. For non image case, the dimension are in the form of (N x C x D1 x D2 ... Dn), where N is the batch size.
- Y : T
- Output data tensor from average or max pooling across the input tensor. Dimensions will vary based on various kernel, stride, and pad sizes.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
ROI max pool consumes an input tensor X and region of interests (RoIs) to apply max pooling across each RoI, to produce output 4-D tensor of shape (num_rois, channels, pooled_shape[0], pooled_shape[1]).
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- pooled_shape : list of ints
- ROI pool output shape (height, width).
- spatial_scale : float
- Multiplicative spatial scale factor to translate ROI coordinates from their input scale to the scale used when pooling.
- X : T
- Input data tensor from the previous operator; dimensions for image case are (N x C x H x W), where N is the batch size, C is the number of channels, and H and W are the height and the width of the data.
- rois : T
- RoIs (Regions of Interest) to pool over. Should be a 2-D tensor of shape (num_rois, 5) given as [[batch_id, x1, y1, x2, y2], ...].
- Y : T
- RoI pooled output 4-D tensor of shape (num_rois, channels, pooled_shape[0], pooled_shape[1]).
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Element-wise mean of each of the input tensors. All inputs and outputs must have the same shape and data type.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- data_0 (variadic) : T
- List of tensors for Mean.
- mean : T
- Output tensor. Same dimension as inputs.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Element-wise min of each of the input tensors. All inputs and outputs must have the same shape and data type.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- data_0 (variadic) : T
- List of tensors for Min
- min : T
- Output tensor. Same dimension as inputs.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Performs element-wise binary multiplication (with limited broadcast support).
If necessary the right-hand-side argument will be broadcasted to match the shape of left-hand-side argument. When broadcasting is specified, the second tensor can either be of size 1 (a scalar value), or having its shape as a contiguous subset of the first tensor's shape. The starting of the mutually equal shape is specified by the argument "axis", and if it is not set, suffix matching is assumed. 1-dim expansion doesn't work yet.
For example, the following tensor shapes are supported (with broadcast=1):
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (,), i.e. B is a scalar
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (5,)
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (4, 5)
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (3, 4), with axis=1
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (2), with axis=0
Attribute broadcast=1
needs to be passed to enable broadcasting.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- If set, defines the broadcast dimensions. See doc for details.
- broadcast : int
- Pass 1 to enable broadcasting
- A : T
- First operand, should share the type with the second operand.
- B : T
- Second operand. With broadcasting can be of smaller size than A. If broadcasting is disabled it should be of the same size.
- C : T
- Result, has same dimensions and type as A
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Neg takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) where each element flipped sign, y = -x, is applied to the tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- X : T
- Input tensor
- Y : T
- Output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Returns the negation of the input tensor element-wise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- X : T
- Input tensor
- Y : T
- Output tensor
- T : tensor(bool)
- Constrains input/output to boolean tensors.
Returns the tensor resulted from performing the or
logical operation
elementwise on the input tensors A
and B
If broadcasting is enabled, the right-hand-side argument will be broadcasted
to match the shape of left-hand-side argument. See the doc of Add
for a
detailed description of the broadcasting rules.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- If set, defines the broadcast dimensions.
- broadcast : int
- Enable broadcasting
- A : T
- Left input tensor for the logical operator.
- B : T
- Right input tensor for the logical operator.
- C : T1
- Result tensor.
- T : tensor(bool)
- Constrains input to boolean tensor.
- T1 : tensor(bool)
- Constrains output to boolean tensor.
PRelu takes input data (Tensor) and slope tensor as input, and produces one
output data (Tensor) where the function f(x) = slope * x for x < 0
f(x) = x for x >= 0
., is applied to the data tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- X : T
- Input tensor
- slope : T
- Slope tensor. If `Slope` is of size 1, the value is sharedacross different channels
- Y : T
- Output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Given data
tensor, pads, mode, and value.
Example: Insert 0 pads to the beginning of the second dimension.
data = [
[1.0, 1.2],
[2.3, 3.4],
[4.5, 5.7],
pads = [0, 2, 0, 0]
output = [
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.2],
[0.0, 0.0, 2.3, 3.4],
[0.0, 0.0, 4.5, 5.7],
This operator is used if you are using version 2 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 2
Other versions of this operator: Pad-1
- mode : string
- Three modes: constant(default), reflect, edge
- pads : list of ints (required)
- List of integers indicate the padding element count at the begining and end of each axis, for 2D it is the number of pixel. `pads` rank should be double of the input's rank. `pads` format should be as follow [x1_begin, x2_begin...x1_end, x2_end,...], where xi_begin the number of pixels added at the begining of axis `i` and xi_end, the number of pixels added at the end of axis `i`.
- value : float
- One float, indicates the value to be filled, default is 0
- data : T
- Input tensor.
- output : T
- Tensor after padding.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
node = onnx.helper.make_node(
pads=[0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 2, 4],
x = np.random.randn(1, 3, 4, 5).astype(np.float32)
y = np.pad(
pad_width=((0, 0), (0, 0), (1, 2), (3, 4)),
expect(node, inputs=[x], outputs=[y],
for mode in ['edge', 'reflect']:
node = onnx.helper.make_node(
pads=[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]
x = np.random.randn(1, 3, 4, 5).astype(np.float32)
y = np.pad(
pad_width=((0, 0), (0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1)),
expect(node, inputs=[x], outputs=[y],
Pow takes input data (Tensor) and exponent Tensor, and
produces one output data (Tensor) where the function f(x) = x^exponent
is applied to the data tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- X : T
- Input tensor of any shape, base of the exponent.
- Y : T
- Input tensor of any shape broadcastable to X shape, the exponent component.
- Z : T
- Output tensor (same size as X)
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Computes an one-layer simple RNN. This operator is usually supported via some custom implementation such as CuDNN.
- input tensor
- input gate
- time step (t-1 means previous time step)
- W parameter weight matrix for input gate
- R recurrence weight matrix for input gate
- W parameter bias vector for input gate
- R parameter bias vector for input gate
- W parameter weight matrix for backward input gate
- R recurrence weight matrix for backward input gate
- WR bias vectors for backward input gate
- RR bias vectors for backward input gate
- Hidden state
- 2 if direction == bidirectional else 1
Activation functions:
Relu(x) - max(0, x)
Tanh(x) - (1 - e^{-2x})/(1 + e^{-2x})
Sigmoid(x) - 1/(1 + e^{-x})
(NOTE: Below are optional)
Affine(x) - alpha*x + beta
LeakyRelu(x) - x if x >= 0 else alpha * x
ThresholdedRelu(x) - x if x >= alpha else 0
ScaledTanh(x) - alpha*Tanh(beta*x)
HardSigmoid(x) - min(max(alpha*x + beta, 0), 1)
Elu(x) - x if x >= 0 else alpha*(e^x - 1)
Softsign(x) - x/(1 + |x|)
Softplus(x) - log(1 + e^x)
Equations (Default: f=Tanh):
- Ht = f(Xt*(Wi^T) + Ht-1*Ri + Wbi + Rbi)
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- activation_alpha : list of floats
- Optional scaling values used by some activation functions. The values are consumed in the order of activation functions, for example (f, g, h) in LSTM.
- activation_beta : list of floats
- Optional scaling values used by some activation functions. The values are consumed in the order of activation functions, for example (f, g, h) in LSTM.
- activations : list of strings
- One (or two if bidirectional) activation function for input gate. The activation function must be one of the activation functions specified above. Optional: Default `Tanh` if not specified.
- clip : float
- Cell clip threshold. Clipping bounds the elements of a tensor in the range of [-threshold, +threshold] and is applied to the input of activations. No clip if not specified.
- direction : string
- Specify if the RNN is forward, reverse, or bidirectional. Must be one of forward (default), reverse, or bidirectional.
- hidden_size : int
- Number of neurons in the hidden layer
- output_sequence : int
- The sequence output for the hidden is optional if 0. Default 0.
- X : T
- The input sequences packed (and potentially padded) into one 3-D tensor with the shape of `[seq_length, batch_size, input_size]`.
- W : T
- The weight tensor for input gate. Concatenation of `Wi` and `WBi` (if bidirectional). The tensor has shape `[num_directions, hidden_size, input_size]`.
- R : T
- The recurrence weight tensor. Concatenation of `Ri` and `RBi` (if bidirectional). The tensor has shape `[num_directions, hidden_size, hidden_size]`.
- B (optional) : T
- The bias tensor for input gate. Concatenation of `[Wbi, Rbi]` and `[WBbi, RBbi]` (if bidirectional). The tensor has shape `[num_directions, 2*hidden_size]`. Optional: If not specified - assumed to be 0.
- sequence_lens (optional) : T1
- Optional tensor specifying lengths of the sequences in a batch. If not specified - assumed all sequences in the batch to have length `seq_length`. It has shape `[batch_size]`.
- initial_h (optional) : T
- Optional initial value of the hidden. If not specified - assumed to be 0. It has shape `[num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`.
- Y (optional) : T
- A tensor that concats all the intermediate output values of the hidden. It has shape `[seq_length, num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`. It is optional if `output_sequence` is 0.
- Y_h : T
- The last output value of the hidden. It has shape `[num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size]`.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
- T1 : tensor(int32)
- Constrain seq_lens to integer tensor.
Generate a tensor with random values drawn from a normal distribution. The shape
of the tensor is specified by the shape
argument and the parameter of the normal distribution
specified by mean
and scale
The data type is specified by the 'dtype' argument. The 'dtype' argument must be one of the data types specified in the 'DataType' enum field in the TensorProto message.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- dtype : int
- The data type for the elements of the output tensor.
- mean : float
- The mean of the normal distribution.
- scale : float
- The standard deviation of the normal distribution.
- seed : float
- (Optional) Seed to the random generator, if not specified we will auto generate one.
- shape : list of ints
- The shape of the output tensor.
- output : T
- Output tensor of random values drawn from normal distribution
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Generate a tensor with random values drawn from a normal distribution. The shape
of the tensor is computed from the input argument and the parameter of the normal distribution
specified by mean
and scale
The data type is specified by the 'dtype' argument. The 'dtype' argument must be one of the data types specified in the 'DataType' enum field in the TensorProto message.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- dtype : int
- (Optional) The data type for the elements of the output tensor, if not specified, we will usethe data type of the input tensor.
- mean : float
- The mean of the normal distribution.
- scale : float
- The standard deviation of the normal distribution.
- seed : float
- (Optional) Seed to the random generator, if not specified we will auto generate one.
- input : T
- Input tensor to provide shape information.
- output : T
- Output tensor of random values drawn from normal distribution
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Generate a tensor with random values drawn from a uniform distribution. The shape
of the tensor is specified by the shape
argument and the range by low
and high
The data type is specified by the 'dtype' argument. The 'dtype' argument must be one of the data types specified in the 'DataType' enum field in the TensorProto message.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- dtype : int
- The data type for the elements of the output tensor.
- high : float
- Upper boundary of the output values.
- low : float
- Lower boundary of the output values.
- seed : float
- (Optional) Seed to the random generator, if not specified we will auto generate one.
- shape : list of ints
- The shape of the output tensor.
- output : T
- Output tensor of random values drawn from uniform distribution
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Generate a tensor with random values drawn from a uniform distribution. The shape
of the tensor is computed from the input argument and the range by low
and high
The data type is specified by the 'dtype' argument. The 'dtype' argument must be one of the data types specified in the 'DataType' enum field in the TensorProto message.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- dtype : int
- (Optional) The data type for the elements of the output tensor, if not specified, we will usethe data type of the input tensor.
- high : float
- Upper boundary of the output values.
- low : float
- Lower boundary of the output values.
- seed : float
- (Optional) Seed to the random generator, if not specified we will auto generate one.
- input : T
- Input tensor to provide shape information.
- output : T
- Output tensor of random values drawn from uniform distribution
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Reciprocal takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) where the reciprocal is, y = 1/x, is applied to the tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- X : T
- Input tensor
- Y : T
- Output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Computes the L1 norm of the input tensor's element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has the same rank as the input if keepdims equal 1. If keepdims equal 0, then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned.
The above behavior is similar to numpy, with the exception that numpy default keepdims to False instead of True.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axes : list of ints
- A list of integers, along which to reduce.
- keepdims : int
- Keep the reduced dimension or not, default 1 mean keep reduced dimension.
- data : T
- An input tensor.
- reduced : T
- Reduced output tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Computes the L2 norm of the input tensor's element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has the same rank as the input if keepdims equal 1. If keepdims equal 0, then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned.
The above behavior is similar to numpy, with the exception that numpy default keepdims to False instead of True.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axes : list of ints
- A list of integers, along which to reduce.
- keepdims : int
- Keep the reduced dimension or not, default 1 mean keep reduced dimension.
- data : T
- An input tensor.
- reduced : T
- Reduced output tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Computes the log sum of the input tensor's element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has the same rank as the input if keepdims equal 1. If keepdims equal 0, then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned.
The above behavior is similar to numpy, with the exception that numpy default keepdims to False instead of True.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axes : list of ints
- A list of integers, along which to reduce.
- keepdims : int
- Keep the reduced dimension or not, default 1 mean keep reduced dimension.
- data : T
- An input tensor.
- reduced : T
- Reduced output tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Computes the log sum exponent of the input tensor's element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has the same rank as the input if keepdims equal 1. If keepdims equal 0, then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned.
The above behavior is similar to numpy, with the exception that numpy default keepdims to False instead of True.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axes : list of ints
- A list of integers, along which to reduce.
- keepdims : int
- Keep the reduced dimension or not, default 1 mean keep reduced dimension.
- data : T
- An input tensor.
- reduced : T
- Reduced output tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Computes the max of the input tensor's element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has the same rank as the input if keepdims equal 1. If keepdims equal 0, then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned.
The above behavior is similar to numpy, with the exception that numpy default keepdims to False instead of True.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axes : list of ints
- A list of integers, along which to reduce.
- keepdims : int
- Keep the reduced dimension or not, default 1 mean keep reduced dimension.
- data : T
- An input tensor.
- reduced : T
- Reduced output tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Computes the mean of the input tensor's element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has the same rank as the input if keepdims equal 1. If keepdims equal 0, then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned.
The above behavior is similar to numpy, with the exception that numpy default keepdims to False instead of True.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axes : list of ints
- A list of integers, along which to reduce.
- keepdims : int
- Keep the reduced dimension or not, default 1 mean keep reduced dimension.
- data : T
- An input tensor.
- reduced : T
- Reduced output tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Computes the min of the input tensor's element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has the same rank as the input if keepdims equal 1. If keepdims equal 0, then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned.
The above behavior is similar to numpy, with the exception that numpy default keepdims to False instead of True.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axes : list of ints
- A list of integers, along which to reduce.
- keepdims : int
- Keep the reduced dimension or not, default 1 mean keep reduced dimension.
- data : T
- An input tensor.
- reduced : T
- Reduced output tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Computes the product of the input tensor's element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has the same rank as the input if keepdims equal 1. If keepdims equal 0, then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned.
The above behavior is similar to numpy, with the exception that numpy default keepdims to False instead of True.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axes : list of ints
- A list of integers, along which to reduce.
- keepdims : int
- Keep the reduced dimension or not, default 1 mean keep reduced dimension.
- data : T
- An input tensor.
- reduced : T
- Reduced output tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Computes the sum of the input tensor's element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has the same rank as the input if keepdims equal 1. If keepdims equal 0, then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned.
The above behavior is similar to numpy, with the exception that numpy default keepdims to False instead of True.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axes : list of ints
- A list of integers, along which to reduce.
- keepdims : int
- Keep the reduced dimension or not, default 1 mean keep reduced dimension.
- data : T
- An input tensor.
- reduced : T
- Reduced output tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Computes the sum square of the input tensor's element along the provided axes. The resulted tensor has the same rank as the input if keepdims equal 1. If keepdims equal 0, then the resulted tensor have the reduced dimension pruned.
The above behavior is similar to numpy, with the exception that numpy default keepdims to False instead of True.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axes : list of ints
- A list of integers, along which to reduce.
- keepdims : int
- Keep the reduced dimension or not, default 1 mean keep reduced dimension.
- data : T
- An input tensor.
- reduced : T
- Reduced output tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Relu takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) where the rectified linear function, y = max(0, x), is applied to the tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- X : T
- Input tensor
- Y : T
- Output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
node = onnx.helper.make_node(
x = np.random.randn(3, 4, 5).astype(np.float32)
y = np.clip(x, 0, np.inf)
expect(node, inputs=[x], outputs=[y],
Reshape the input tensor similar to numpy.reshape.
It takes a tensor as input and an argument shape
. It outputs the reshaped tensor.
At most one dimension of the new shape can be -1. In this case, the value is inferred from the size of the tensor and the remaining dimensions. A dimension could also be 0, in which case the actual dimension value is going to be copied from the shape argument.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- shape : list of ints
- New shape
- data : T
- An input tensor.
- reshaped : T
- Reshaped data.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Selu takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data
(Tensor) where the scaled exponential linear unit function,
y = gamma * (alpha * e^x - alpha) for x <= 0
, y = gamma * x for x > 0
is applied to the tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- alpha : float
- Coefficient of SELU default to 1.6732.
- gamma : float
- Coefficient of SELU default to 1.0507.
- X : T
- Input tensor
- Y : T
- Output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Sigmoid takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) where the sigmoid function, y = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)), is applied to the tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- X : T
- Input tensor
- Y : T
- Output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Produces a slice of the input tensor along multiple axes. Similar to numpy:
Slices uses axes
, starts
and ends
attributes to specify the start and end
dimension for each axis in the list of axes, it uses this information to
slice the input data
tensor. If a negative value is passed for any of the
start or end indices, it represent number of elements before the end of that
Example 1:
data = [
[1, 2, 3, 4],
[5, 6, 7, 8],
axes = [0, 1]
starts = [1, 0]
ends = [2, 3]
result = [
[5, 6, 7],
Example 2:
data = [
[1, 2, 3, 4],
[5, 6, 7, 8],
starts = [0]
ends = [-1]
result = [
[1, 2, 3, 4],
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axes : list of ints
- Axes that `starts` and `ends` apply to. It's optional. If not present, will be treated as [0, 1, ..., len(`starts`) - 1].
- ends : list of ints (required)
- Ending indices (exclusive) of corresponding axis in axes`
- starts : list of ints (required)
- Starting indices of corresponding axis in `axes`
- data : T
- Tensor of data to extract slices from.
- output : T
- Sliced data tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
node = onnx.helper.make_node(
axes=[0, 1],
starts=[0, 0],
ends=[3, 10],
x = np.random.randn(20, 10, 5).astype(np.float32)
y = x[0:3, 0:10]
expect(node, inputs=[x], outputs=[y],
node = onnx.helper.make_node(
starts=[0, 0, 3],
ends=[20, 10, 4],
x = np.random.randn(20, 10, 5).astype(np.float32)
y = x[:, :, 3:4]
expect(node, inputs=[x], outputs=[y],
node = onnx.helper.make_node(
x = np.random.randn(20, 10, 5).astype(np.float32)
y = x[:, 0:-1]
expect(node, inputs=[x], outputs=[y],
The operator computes the softmax normalized values for each layer in the batch of the given input. The input is a 2-D tensor (Tensor) of size (batch_size x input_feature_dimensions). The output tensor has the same shape and contains the softmax normalized values of the corresponding input.
X does not need to explicitly be a 2D vector; rather, it will be coerced into one. For an arbitrary n-dimensional tensor X \in [a_0, a_1, ..., a_{k-1}, a_k, ..., a_{n-1}] and k is the axis provided, then X will be coerced into a 2-dimensional tensor with dimensions [a_0 * ... * a_{k-1}, a_k * ... * a_{n-1}]. For the default case where axis=1, this means the X tensor will be coerced into a 2D tensor of dimensions [a_0, a_1 * ... * a_{n-1}], where a_0 is often the batch size. In this situation, we must have a_0 = N and a_1 * ... * a_{n-1} = D. Each of these dimensions must be matched correctly, or else the operator will throw errors.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- (int) default to 1; describes the axis of the inputs when coerced to 2D; defaults to one because the 0th axis most likely describes the batch_size
- input : T
- The input tensor that's coerced into a 2D matrix of size (NxD) as described above.
- output : T
- The softmax normalized output values with the same shape as input tensor.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Softplus takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) where the softplus function, y = ln(exp(x) + 1), is applied to the tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- X : T
- 1D input tensor
- Y : T
- 1D input tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Calculates the softsign (x/1+|x|) of the given input tensor element-wise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- input : T
- 1-D input tensor
- output : T
- The softsign (x/1+|x|) values of the input tensor computed element-wise
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
SpaceToDepth rearranges blocks of spatial data into depth. More specifically, this op outputs a copy of the input tensor where values from the height and width dimensions are moved to the depth dimension.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- blocksize : int
- Blocks of [blocksize, blocksize] are moved.
- input : T
- Input tensor of [N,C,H,W], where N is the batch axis, C is the channel or depth, H is the height and W is the width.
- output : T
- Output tensor of [N, C * blocksize * blocksize, H/blocksize, W/blocksize].
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input types to float tensors.
Split a tensor into a list of tensors, along the specified 'axis'. Lengths of the parts can be specified using argument 'split'. Otherwise, the tensor is split to equal sized parts.
This operator is used if you are using version 2 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 2
Other versions of this operator: Split-1
- axis : int
- Which axis to split on
- split : list of ints
- length of each output
- input : T
- The tensor to split
- outputs (variadic) : T
- One or more outputs forming list of tensors after splitting
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input types to float tensors.
Square root takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) where the square root is, y = x^0.5, is applied to the tensor elementwise. If x is negative, then it will return NaN.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- X : T
- Input tensor
- Y : T
- Output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Remove single-dimensional entries from the shape of a tensor.
Takes a parameter axes
with a list of axes to squeeze.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axes : list of ints (required)
- List of positive integers, indicate the dimensions to squeeze.
- data : T
- Tensors with at least max(dims) dimensions.
- squeezed : T
- Reshaped tensor with same data as input.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Performs element-wise binary subtraction (with limited broadcast support).
If necessary the right-hand-side argument will be broadcasted to match the shape of left-hand-side argument. When broadcasting is specified, the second tensor can either be of size 1 (a scalar value), or having its shape as a contiguous subset of the first tensor's shape. The starting of the mutually equal shape is specified by the argument "axis", and if it is not set, suffix matching is assumed. 1-dim expansion doesn't work yet.
For example, the following tensor shapes are supported (with broadcast=1):
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (,), i.e. B is a scalar
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (5,)
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (4, 5)
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (3, 4), with axis=1
shape(A) = (2, 3, 4, 5), shape(B) = (2), with axis=0
Attribute broadcast=1
needs to be passed to enable broadcasting.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- If set, defines the broadcast dimensions. See doc for details.
- broadcast : int
- Pass 1 to enable broadcasting
- A : T
- First operand, should share the type with the second operand.
- B : T
- Second operand. With broadcasting can be of smaller size than A. If broadcasting is disabled it should be of the same size.
- C : T
- Result, has same dimensions and type as A
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Element-wise sum of each of the input tensors. All inputs and outputs must have the same shape and data type.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- data_0 (variadic) : T
- List of tensors for Sum.
- sum : T
- Output tensor. Same dimension as inputs.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of the given input tensor element-wise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- input : T
- 1-D input tensor
- output : T
- The hyperbolic tangent values of the input tensor computed element-wise
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Repeat the elements of a tensor along an axis.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- input : T
- Input tensor of any shape.
- tiles : T
- Number of repeated copies to make of the input tensor.
- axis : T
- Axis along which to repeat.
- output : T
- Output tensor of same shape and type as input.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input types to float tensors.
Transpose the input tensor similar to numpy.transpose. For example, when axes=(1, 0, 2), given an input tensor of shape (1, 2, 3), the output shape will be (2, 1, 3).
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- perm : list of ints
- A list of integers. By default, reverse the dimensions, otherwise permute the axes according to the values given.
- data : T
- An input tensor.
- transposed : T
- Transposed output.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
Returns the tensor resulted from performing the xor
logical operation
elementwise on the input tensors A
and B
If broadcasting is enabled, the right-hand-side argument will be broadcasted
to match the shape of left-hand-side argument. See the doc of Add
for a
detailed description of the broadcasting rules.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- If set, defines the broadcast dimensions.
- broadcast : int
- Enable broadcasting
- A : T
- Left input tensor for the logical operator.
- B : T
- Right input tensor for the logical operator.
- C : T1
- Result tensor.
- T : tensor(bool)
- Constrains input to boolean tensor.
- T1 : tensor(bool)
- Constrains output to boolean tensor.
experimental ATen
Experimental allowing ATen operations to be accessed directly from Caffe2 to allow for quick prototyping when ONNX is missing standard versions of and op
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- input (variadic) : T
- Arbitrary input
- output (variadic) : T
- Arbitrary output
- T : tensor(bool), tensor(int32), tensor(int64), tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain output types to bool, int32, int64, float16, float, double tensors.
experimental Affine
Affine takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) where the affine function, y = alpha * x + beta, is applied to the tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- alpha : float
- Value of alpha
- beta : float
- Value of beta
- X : T
- 1D input tensor
- Y : T
- 1D output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
experimental ConstantFill
The operator fills the elements of the output tensor with a constant value specified by the 'value' attribute.
The data type is specified by the 'dtype' attribute. The 'dtype' attribute must be one of the data types specified in the 'DataType' enum field in the TensorProto message. If the 'dtype' attribute is not provided, the data type of 'value' is used.
The output tensor shape is specified by the 'shape' attribute. If the number of input is 1, the shape will be identical to that of the input at run time with optional additional dimensions appended at the end as specified by 'extra_shape' attribute. In that case the 'shape' attribute should not be set.
If input_as_shape is set to true, then the input should be a 1D tensor containing the desired output shape (the dimensions specified in extra_shape will also be appended)
NOTE: Currently, it supports data type of float, int32, int64, and bool.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- dtype : int
- The data type for the elements of the output tensor.Strictly must be one of the types from DataType enum in TensorProto.
- extra_shape : list of ints
- The additional dimensions appended at the end of the shape indicatedby the input blob.Cannot set the extra_shape argument when there is no input blob.
- input_as_shape : int
- 1D tensor containing the desired output shape. First input must be in CPU context.
- shape : list of ints
- The shape of the output tensor.Cannot set the shape argument and pass in an input at the same time.
- value : float
- The value for the elements of the output tensor.
- input (optional) : T1
- Input tensor (optional) to provide shape information.
- output : T2
- Output tensor of constant values specified by 'value'argument and its type is specified by the 'dtype' argument
- T1 : tensor(float), tensor(int32), tensor(int64), tensor(bool)
- Constrain input types to float, int32, int64, bool tensors.
- T2 : tensor(float), tensor(int32), tensor(int64), tensor(bool)
- Constrain output types to float, int32, int64, bool tensors.
experimental Crop
Crop and image to the specified spatial dimensions. If scale is given, then optionally start the crop offset by the left/top border amounts. If scale is not provided, crop the borders as provided.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- border : list of ints
- A 1-D values of (leftBorder, topBorder, rightBorder, bottomBorder).
- scale : list of ints
- A 1-D values of (height, width).
- input : T
- Input tensor of shape [N,C,H,W]
- output : T
- Result, has same type as input, with H and W dimensions reduced.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
experimental Embedding
Turns positive integers (indexes) into dense vectors of fixed size.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- input_dim : int
- Size of the input vocabulary.
- output_dim : int
- Dimension of the embedding output vectors.
- weights : tensor
- 2-D tensor of weights [O,I].
- input : tensor(int64)
- 1-D tensor of integers representing indices in the embedding dictionary with length [N] and values [0, input_dim -1]
- output : T
- Output tensor of computed features [N, O].
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain output types to float tensors.
experimental FC
Computes the result of passing an input vector X into a fully connected layer with 2D weight matrix W and 1D bias vector b. That is, the layer computes Y = X * W^T + b, where X has size (M x K), W has size (N x K), b has size (N), and Y has size (M x N), where M is often the batch size. NOTE: X does not need to explicitly be a 2D vector; rather, it will be coerced into one. For an arbitrary n-dimensional tensor X \in [a_0, a_1, ...,a_{k-1}, a_k, ..., a_{n-1}] where a_i \in N+ and k is the axis provided, then X will be coerced into a 2-dimensional tensor with dimensions [a_0 * ... * a_{k-1}, a_k * ... * a_{n-1}]. For the default case where axis=1, this means the X tensor will be coerced into a 2D tensor of dimensions [a_0, a_1 * ... * a_{n-1}], where a_0 is often the batch size. In this situation, we must have a_0 = M and a_1 * ... * a_{n-1} = K. Lastly, even though b is a 1D vector of size N, it is copied/resized to be size (M x N) implicitly and added to each vector in the batch. Each of these dimensions must be matched correctly, or else the operator will throw errors.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- axis : int
- (int32_t) default to 1; describes the axis of the inputs; defaults to one because the 0th axis most likely describes the batch_size
- axis_w : int
- (int32_t) default to 1; describes the axis of the weights; defaults to one because the 0th axis most likely describes the batch_size
- X : T
- input tensor that's coerced into a 2D matrix of size (MxK) as described above
- W : T
- 2D blob of size (KxN) containing fully connected weight matrix
- B : T
- 1D blob containing bias vector
- Y : T
- 2D output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
experimental GRUUnit
GRUUnit computes the activations of a standard GRU, in a sequence-length aware fashion. Concretely, given the (fused) inputs X (TxNxD), the previous hidden state (NxD), and the sequence lengths (N), computes the GRU activations, avoiding computation if the input is invalid (as in, the value at X[t][n] >= seqLengths[n].
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- drop_states : int
- Bool to determine if hidden state is zeroes or passed along for timesteps past the given sequence_length.
- hidden_prev : T
- The previous GRU hidden state.
- gates : T
- Unactivated gate outputs from forget, update, and output gates, pre-activation.
- seq_lengths : T
- Array of sequence lengths. len(seq_lengths) should equal batch size N.
- t : T
- The timestep for this operation.
- hidden : T
- The new GRU hidden state calculated by this op.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
experimental GivenTensorFill
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- extra_shape : list of ints
- input_as_shape : int
- shape : list of ints
- values : list of floats
- shape (optional) : T
- The shape of filled tensor
- X : T
- The filled tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
experimental Identity
Identity operator
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- input : T
- Input tensor
- output : T
- Tensor to copy input into.
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
experimental ImageScaler
Scale and bias the input image. Bias values are stored in the same ordering as the image pixel format.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- bias : list of floats
- Bias applied to each channel, same size as C.
- scale : float
- (float, default 1.0) the scale to apply.
- input : T
- Input tensor of shape [N,C,H,W]
- output : T
- Result, has same shape and type as input
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
experimental MeanVarianceNormalization
Perform mean variance normalization.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- across_channels : int
- If 1, mean and variance are computed across channels. Default is 0.
- normalize_variance : int
- If 0, normalize the mean only. Default is 1.
- input : T
- Input tensor of shape [N,C,H,W]
- output : T
- Result, has same shape and type as input
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
experimental ParametricSoftplus
ParametricSoftplus takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) where the softplus function, y = alpha * ln(exp(beta * x) + 1), is applied to the tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- alpha : float
- Value of alpha
- beta : float
- Value of beta
- X : T
- 1D input tensor
- Y : T
- 1D input tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
experimental Scale
Scale takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) whose value is the input data tensor scaled element-wise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- scale : float
- (float, default 1.0) the scale to apply.
- input : T
- Input data to be scaled
- output : T
- Output data after scaling
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
experimental ScaledTanh
Calculates the scaled hyperbolic tangent of the given input tensor element-wise, alpha * tanh(beta * x). This operation can be done in an in-place fashion too, by providing the same input and output blobs.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- alpha : float
- Scaling value
- beta : float
- Scaling value
- input : T
- 1-D input tensor
- output : T
- The scaled hyperbolic tangent values of the input tensor computed element-wise
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
experimental ThresholdedRelu
ThresholdedRelu takes one input data (Tensor) and produces one output data (Tensor) where the rectified linear function, y = x for x > alpha, y = 0 otherwise, is applied to the tensor elementwise.
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- alpha : float
- Threshold value
- X : T
- Input tensor
- Y : T
- Output tensor
- T : tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain input and output types to float tensors.
experimental Upsample
Upsample the input tensor. The width and height of the output tensor are: output_width = floor(input_width * width_scale), output_height = floor(input_height * height_scale).
Given data
tensor, width_scale, height_scale, mode,
Upsample the input 4-D tensor in nearest mode:
data = [[[
[1, 2],
[3, 4]
width_scale = 2
height_scale = 2
mode = "nearest"
output = [[[
[1, 1, 2, 2],
[1, 1, 2, 2],
[3, 3, 4, 4],
[3, 3, 4, 4]
This operator is used if you are using version 1 of the default ONNX operator set until the next BC-breaking change to this operator; e.g., it will be used if your protobuf has:
opset_import {
version = 1
- height_scale : float (required)
- The scale along height dimension. It takes value greater than or equal to 1.
- mode : string
- Two interpolation modes: nearest(default), bilinear
- width_scale : float (required)
- The scale along width dimension. It takes value greater than or equal to 1.
- X : T
- 4-D tensor, [N,C,H,W]
- Y : T
- 4-D tensor after resizing, [N,C,H,W]
- T : tensor(bool), tensor(int32), tensor(int64), tensor(float16), tensor(float), tensor(double)
- Constrain output types to bool, int32, int64, float16, float, double tensors.