You can get help for any command with --help
. For example:
jason mas start --help
Usage: jason mas (start | stop | list)
commands to handle running Multi-Agent Systems
start starts a new (empty) MAS
stop stops a MAS
list lists current running MAS
Usage: jason mas start [--console] [--no-net] [<mas name>]
starts a new (empty) MAS
[<mas name>] MAS unique identification
--console output will be sent to the console instead of a GUI
--no-net disable all net services (mind inspector, runtime
services, Mbeans, ...
Usage: jason mas stop [--exit] [--deadline=<deadline>] [<mas name>]
stops a MAS
[<mas name>] MAS unique identification
the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for stopping the MAS
--exit stops the MAS and terminates the process
Usage: jason agent (start | stop | list | run-as | load-into | mind | status)
commands to handle agents
start starts a new (empty) agent
stop kills an agent
list lists running agents
run-as executes commands for an agent
mind inspects the mind of an agent
status shows the status of an agent
load-into loads some ASL code into a running agent
Usage: jason agent start [--instances=<instances>] [--mas-name=<mas name>]
[--source=<source file>] <agent name>
starts a new (empty) agent
<agent name> agent unique identification
how many agents should be created
--mas-name=<mas name>
MAS unique identification
--source=<source file>
file (or URL) for the source code of the agent.
The source code can be informed at the end of the command enclosed by {
and }
. For instance:
jason agent start bob { +!g <- .print(ok). }
Type jason agent stop --help
for details of stop
command ...
Usage: jason app (create | compile | add-agent | add-gradle )
commands to handle applications
create creates the files of a new application
compile compiles the java classes of an application
add-agent adds a new agent into the application
add-gradle adds a Gradle script for the application