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Play contract bridge online:


Contract bridge is a well‐known trick‐taking card game where two partnerships compete each other.

The goal of this project is to produce a lightweight peer‐to‐peer bridge application for social games.


  • GUI for playing social bridge games
  • Multiple models of networking: client‐server and peer‐to‐peer
  • Cards can be exchanged between peers by mental card game protocol preventing cheating (although see section Security for disclaimers)
  • Duplicate scoring (but no support for duplicate deals yet…)


The project is built using CMake.

The bridge application is written in C++ (backend) and Python (GUI). The backend does all actual game logic and communicates with the frontend and other peers using TCP sockets.

The backend needs modern‐ish C++ compiler supporting C++20. The project depends on

  • ZeroMQ for messaging (v4.3)
  • CPPZMQ The C++ bindings for ZeroMQ (v4.6)
  • json to serialize and deserialize messages (v3.9)
  • Lua for configuration parsing (v5.4)
  • Boost for various things (v1.74)
  • RocksDB for persistence (v5.25, optional)

The versions in the bracket indicate the recommended minimum version that have been tested to work with the project.

The project has been tested and compiles with GCC version 10.2.

Optionally LibTMCG can be used for secure card exchange.

Googletest is used to build unit tests. As recommended by the maintainers of the project, instead of relying on any version of googletest found on the local computer, it is downloaded when required.

To build everything and run unit tests for the backend

$ mkdir /the/build/directory
$ cd /the/build/directory
$ cmake /the/source/directory
$ make
$ make test
$ make install

Experimental: You can also build the backend as Docker image:

$ docker build -t jasujm/bridge .
$ docker run -p 5555:5555 -p 5556:5556 jasujm/bridge

Building documentation

Doxygen is used to generate the documentation for the backend:

$ cd /the/build/directory
$ make docs

Network topologies

The bridge application supports either client–server or peer–to–peer topologies. In the basic client–server model a single backend application acts as a server serving multiple frontend applications. The single backend instance controls all positions of the game and assigns them to the frontend applications as they join the game.

Client–server model

In the basic peer–to–peer model there are four backend applications, presumably running on each player’s personal computer. The players must agree on their positions in advance before starting the game, because the application does not currently support negotiating positions between the peers.

Peer–to–peer model

More on how to configure and run the backend and the frontend below.

Setting up the application


Run the backend like this:

$ bridge [-vv] [--config=config‐file]

The backend opens two sockets into two consequtive ports (by default 5555 and 5556 unless otherwise configured). The first one is used to receive commands from the frontends and/or peers. The second one is for publishing events to the frontends.

The options are:

--config   A lua script used to configure the backend.
-v         One to enable INFO level logging, two to enable DEBUG level.

The config file is used to determine the network topology. The sample config file hosted in this repository contains some possible options for different kinds of games with and without peers.

A single backend application can host multiple games identified by an UUID. Peer–to–peer games need to be configured before startup in the config file. Peerless (client–server) games can be created dynamically by the client.

Note! The application does not yet correctly handle peers leaving and rejoining the game. If a peer or a card server crashes, the session is lost.


This repository only contains code for the backend. In order to play bridge, you’ll also need a frontend. A GUI written in Python can be found in my other repository at

The GUI depends on PyQt5 to provide the GUI framework and PyZQM for messaging.

Run the frontend like this:

$ bridgegui [--game UUID] [--create-game] endpoint

where endpoint is the control endpoint of the backend. Run bridgegui --help to see the remaining options.

Unless the backend was configured to create a game at startup, the first frontend to join needs to create a game using the --create-game option.

Frontend display

The score sheet is displayed on the right. More rows are added to the sheet after every deal.

Players and their cards are shown in the middle of the screen. The player whose position has bold font has turn to call (during bidding) or play a card to the trick (during playing).


The bidding for the current deal is displayed on the left. Calls are made by pushing the buttons and the call sequence is shown in the table underneath. Enabled buttons correspond to the allowed calls.


The cards for all the players are displayed in the middle area. During the playing phase cards are played by clicking the card. Allowed cards are opaque and cards that cannot be played to the current trick are slightly transparent.

Card server

If LibTMCG is found in the system, CMake will generate target for the card server. Card server can be used to execute secure mental card game protocol (ensuring that peers cannot know the cards of the other peers except when all peers cooperate within the normal laws of contract bridge). Small Python program used to test the card server is run as part of the CTest suite.

Uncomment the necessary sections in the sample config file and run bridgecs along with the bridge application.$ BRIDGE_DEFAULT_GAME=1 bridge --config=sample/config.lua &$ bridgecs tcp:// tcp://*:5565 &$ bridgegui tcp://localhost:5555

The card server binds one endpoint for communicating with its controlling bridge backend, and one endpoint for communicating with its own peers. In the example above, the local TCP port 5560 is bound for controlling the card server. Public TCP port 5565 is bound for communicating with remote card server peers.


Note! This feature is still experimental.

The communication between nodes can be authenticated and encrypted using CURVE mechanism implemented in the ZeroMQ library (

To start the backend with CURVE support, load a configuration file containing CURVE keys. The sample config file enables CURVE support when the BRIDGE_USE_CURVE environment variable is set.

$ bridge --config=sample/config.lua

The GUI needs to configure the public key of the server. It can be extracted from the server configuration script and saved to a file.

$ bridgegui --server-key-file=server-key …rest of the args…

The card server acts both as server and client, and needs both keys

$ bridgecs --secret-key-file=secret-key --public-key-file=server-key       \
>     …rest of the args…

The current implementation requires that a bridge backend and its card server must share the same CURVE keypair.

The backend partially authenticates peers connecting to it by checking that only peers with known public keys (those that are known to belong to peers taking part in the game) are allowed to join a game. Connections from the frontends are not authenticated.

Card server uses the keypair shared with its bridge backend to authenticate both traffic between itself and the bridge backend, and between itself and its card server peers.

All clients, peers and card servers authenticate outgoing connections as part of the ZeroMQ CURVE mechanism.

Please see LibTMCG documentation for further information about its security model and assumptions, in particular the honest‐but‐curious security model.


Note! This feature is experimental. The format of persisted data may change any time.

The backend supports the persistence of games, deals and players. This feature is enabled if RocksDB is found in the system and the data directory is set in the config file. In the sample config file it is enabled if the BRIDGE_USE_RECORDER environment variable is set.

$ bridge --config=sample/config.lua

Persistence is not supported for games with peers.


This is hobby project I do to learn about making robust network software. Because of that nature of the project, the interesting networking stuff comes first and the (in comparison) boring UX stuff comes later. In approximate order of importance the next goals for this project are:

  • Sane way to deploy and configure the application / orchestrate games
  • Nicer user interface and other usability oriented features (claiming tricks, canceling moves etc.)
  • Peer discovery

The first two items are for supporting using the backend to power a Bridge webapp.


Copyright © 2015–2021 Jaakko Moisio

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


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