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64 lines (47 loc) · 1.72 KB

File metadata and controls

64 lines (47 loc) · 1.72 KB

JavaScript Mastery Style Guidelines

Welcome to JavaScript Mastery! We appreciate your contributions to the project. To maintain a consistent and readable codebase, please follow these style guidelines when submitting changes.

JavaScript Style

  • Use camelCase for variable and function names (e.g., myVariable, myFunction).
  • Use 2 spaces for indentation.
  • Prefer single quotes for string literals.
  • Always use const or let to declare variables. Avoid using var.
  • Use === for equality checks unless == is explicitly needed.
// Good
const myVariable = 42;

// Bad - using var
var anotherVariable = 'hello';

// Bad - using == instead of ===
if (someValue == 'example') {
  // code

HTML and CSS Style

  • Use 2 spaces for indentation in HTML and CSS.
  • Use lowercase for HTML tags and attributes.
  • Use meaningful names for classes and IDs in HTML and CSS.
  • Prefer Flexbox or Grid layout for positioning elements in CSS.
<!-- Good -->
<div class="container">
  <p id="main-paragraph">This is a paragraph.</p>

<!-- Bad - using uppercase in tags -->
<DIV class="Container">
  <P ID="mainParagraph">This is a paragraph.</P>

Git Commit Messages

  • Write clear and concise commit messages.
  • Use present tense (e.g., "Add feature" instead of "Added feature").
  • Keep each commit focused on a single change.
# Good
git commit -m "Add validation for user input"

# Bad - unclear or too broad
git commit -m "Update code"

Pull Requests

  • Include a brief description of your changes in the pull request.
  • Reference any relevant issues in your pull request.

Thank you for following these guidelines. Your contributions are valuable to the JavaScript Mastery project!