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Atom Events |
Within your packages, you have the ability to subscribe to various events so that your package can react to those events being triggered. For example, whenever the active buffer changes, Atom's status bar package updates the various pieces of information with respect to the new active editor.
Subscribing to Atom events is an integral part of most Atom packages.
Currently there is no formal documentation of Atom events to which a package can subscribe. Furthermore, as the API evolves during the Atom beta, some events may come and go. Nevertheless, you should still take advantage of Atom events in your packages.
To find Atom events that are available to you, you can dig through code of existing packages or checkout this unofficial list of events that has been aggregated by ardcore.
The following is a listing of events, in what context they can be used, and examples of how one might go about using them:
Used by: atom/status-bar
Used by: atom/status-bar