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File metadata and controls

163 lines (110 loc) · 6.38 KB

How To Mass Provision

  1. go to the router, and download a list of mac address => IP address mappings. You may need to reboot the router if there's a huge list. (We may also need to switch to a PI-based router for this.)

  2. If the router is not able to deal,

    a. Ping all the addresses:

    for i in $(seq 1 255); do
              ( ping -c2 -W1 192.168.1.$i |& grep -q '0 received' || echo 192.168.1.$i ; ) &

    b. If using a Windows machine to route to the network, use arp to get a list of matching devices, and match to the Multitech network address.

    arp -a | grep 192.168.1 | grep 00-08-00

    Put result in a file and get it to Linux system. Count the number of lines and ma sure it matches, etc.

  3. Create a directory: mfg/systems-{date}.

  4. In that directory, create ConduitProvisioning.txt, and set the first line, e.g.:

    cd mfg/systems-{date}
    printf "Device Type\tClient IP address\tClients MAC Address\n" > ConduitProvisioning.txt
  5. Fill in the data, separated by tabs. Device types are "Conduit 210L", "Conduit 246L", "Conduit AP", e.g.:

    Device Type	Client IP address	Clients MAC Address
    Conduit 246L	00-08-00-4a-45-16
    Conduit 246L	00-08-00-4a-45-17
    Conduit 246L	00-08-00-4a-45-1f
    Conduit 246L	00-08-00-4a-45-20
  6. Sort this by mac address:

    LC_ALL=c sort -t \t -k3 ConduitProvisioning.txt -o ConduitProvisioning.txt

    You'll have to move the heading back to the top manually in a text editor. I use VS Code, and it's really easy.

  7. We'll use to expand the gateway last, but first, we need to get some info from the gateways.

    • If some gateways are being used for MCCI purposes, then use the '-mi' switch to reserve some gateways for our use.

    • Set the org to the default org, "Tompkins County" (-I ttn-ithaca-gateways).

    • find out the next available number for gateways. (grep 'Tompkins County' ../../../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways/inventory/hosts and see the next available numbers for infrastructure and personal). Looked like 27 when I wrote this.

  8. Run in scan mode:

    ../../ -s -I ttn-ithaca -O 'Tompkins County' -mi1 -ii27 ConduitProvisioning.txt
  9. You'll may get some errors from known_hosts. Fix things until that's resolved.

  10. Run in scan mode, but put info into a file.

    ../../ -s -I ttn-ithaca -O 'Tompkins County' -mi1 -ii27 ConduitProvisioning.txt > ConduitDB.txt

    There should be no error messages and no warnings.

  11. Examine the file ConduitDB.txt and correct anything that needs to be corrected. (Generally there's nothing, but the automation doesn't try to be perfect; low-frequency events have to be handled manually.)

  12. Run in deploy mode, capturing the output.

    ../../ -I ttn-ithaca -O 'Tompkins County' -mi1 -ii27 ConduitDB.txt > ConduitDB2.txt
  13. If you get Received disconnect from port 22:2: Too many authentication failures, you'll need to clear out your ssh-agent. Neither the jumphost nor the gateways can deal with large collections of keys.

    ssh-add -D
    ssh-add {identity-for-jumphost}
    ssh-add {identity-for-conduits}
  14. After expand-mfg-gateways has run successfully in deploy mode, the devices have been registered with the jumphost and their keys have been pushed into the jumphost. Check on the jumphost by logging in and saying:


    Make sure the new gateways are in the list.

  15. Rename the new database ontop of the old database.

    mv ConduitDB2.txt ConduitDB.txt
  16. Do a dry run of create-ansible-mfg-gateways for each of your target organizations, using a suitable input pattern.

    $ ../../ -I 'ttn-nyc' -O ../../../org-ttn-nyc-gateways -d ConduitDB.txt
    Would write gateway file: ../../../org-ttn-nyc-gateways/inventory/host_vars/ttn-nyc-00-08-00-4a-44-f9.yml
    Would write host file: ../../../org-ttn-nyc-gateways/inventory/hosts_new
    $ ../../ -I 'ttn-ithaca' -O ../../../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways -d ConduitDB.txt
    Would write gateway file: ../../../org-ttn-nyc-gateways/inventory/host_vars/ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-44-fa.yml
    Would write gateway file: ../../../org-ttn-nyc-gateways/inventory/host_vars/ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-44-fc.yml
    Would write gateway file: ../../../org-ttn-nyc-gateways/inventory/host_vars/ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-44-fd.yml
    Would write host file: ../../../org-ttn-nyc-gateways/inventory/hosts_new
  17. Write the host files.

    ../../ -I 'ttn-nyc' -O ../../../org-ttn-nyc-gateways ConduitDB.txt
    ../../ -I 'ttn-ithaca' -O ../../../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways ConduitDB.txt
  18. Edit the hosts file(s) to merge in the hosts_new info.

  19. Get the list of hosts to be provisioned into a variable:

    NEWHOSTS=$(cut -f1 ../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways/inventory/hosts_new)
  20. Change directory to the ttn-multitech-cm repo, and do a ping:

    make TTN_ORG=../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways TARGET=${NEWHOSTS//[[:space:]]/,} ping
  21. Do an apply:

    make TTN_ORG=../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways TARGET=${NEWHOSTS//[[:space:]]/,} apply
  22. Reboot:

    for i in $NEWHOSTS ; do PORT=$(grep "$i" ../conduit-mfg/mfg/systems-20190108b/ConduitDB.txt | cut -f 8) ; echo $PORT ; ssh -A "ssh -p $PORT -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@localhost 'shutdown -r now'" ;  done
  23. Wait a minute or two for the reboot, then do a make ping again:

    make TTN_ORG=../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways TARGET=${NEWHOSTS//[[:space:]]/,} ping
  24. Shutdown all the hosts.

    for i in $NEWHOSTS ; do PORT=$(grep "$i" ../conduit-mfg/mfg/systems-20190108a/ConduitDB.txt | cut -f 8) ; echo $PORT ; ssh -A "ssh -p $PORT -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@localhost 'shutdown -h now'" ;  done
  25. Commit changes in all the repos you used.