This directory contains the source files for the content on Rocket's website.
This directory contains the following:
- Source data for the index.overview.toml
- Source data for the overview page (overview/
- Source data for the news page (news/
- News articles linked to fromnews/index.toml
- Guide pages linked to
Cross-linking guide pages is accomplished via relative links. Outside of the
index, this is: ../{page}#anchor
. For instance, to link to the Quickstart >
Running Examples page, use ../quickstart#running-examples
Aliases are shorthand URLs that start with @
(e.g, @api
). They are used
throughout the guide to simplify versioning URLs to Rocket's source code and the
Rocket API. They are replaced at build time with a URL prefix. At present, the
following aliases are available, where ${version}
is Rocket's version string
at the time of compilation:
For example, to link to Rocket::launch()
, you might write:
Launch an instance of your application using the [`launch()`] method.
[`launch()`]: @api/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.launch
The Rocket website source is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.