- Bump commonmarker from v0.22 to v0.23.4 (#56)
- remove SMART from readme example (#42)
- Require at least commonmarker-0.22 (#44)
- Highlight fenced code-block contents with Rouge (#29)
- Refactor away extra abstractions (#53)
- DRY begin-rescue-end block with a private helper (#28)
- Fix failing CI builds (#33)
- Remove gemspec dependency on Jekyll (#34)
- Test rendering with invalid configuration (#27)
- Refactor to improve readability (#37)
- Set up Continuous Integration via GH Actions (#46)
- Clean up gemspec (#47)
- Add workflow to release gem via GH Actions (#54)
- Update README to link to commonmarker (#38)
- Re-introduce Ruby 2.3 support and test Jekyll 3.7+ (#32)
- Allow Jekyll v4 (still alpha)
- Drop Ruby < 2.4
- chore(deps): rubocop-jekyll 0.3.0 (#25)
- Target Ruby 2.4 (#30)
- Allow render options (#4)
- Only set options once (#17)
- Test plugin on Windows (#13)
- Allow options passed to Rubocop (#15)
- Add tests (#16)
- Test against Ruby 2.5 (#18)
- Version with class (#19)