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420 lines (336 loc) · 20.2 KB

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420 lines (336 loc) · 20.2 KB

Available Metrics

All measurements share the following metrics:

Metric Type Description Introduced in
build_number integer Build number
instance string Jenkins instance url 3.4
project_name string Build name
project_namespace string Root folder of the project 3.4
project_path string Build path 1.15

All measurements share the following tags:

Tag Description Introduced in
project_name Build name
project_path Build path 2.0
* All values from JenkinsEnvParameterTag 2.1

No extra plugin needed


Metric Type Description Introduced in
build_agent_name string Name of the executor node 1.15
build_branch_name string Branch name of multibranch pipeline 2.4
build_cause string Trigger type 3.4
build_causer string Short description of build causer 2.4
build_exec_time integer Start time of the build 1.17
build_measured_time integer Time when InfluxDB plugin is called 1.17
build_result string SUCCESS, FAILURE, NOT BUILT, UNSTABLE, ABORTED, ? 1.10
build_result_ordinal integer 0-5 in order of build_result. 5 is only for pipelines if build result is not set manually. 1.10
build_scheduled_time integer Time when build was scheduled to run 1.17
build_status_message string Status message (stable, back to normal, broken since #50, etc.)
build_successful boolean Boolean whether build succeeded 1.10
build_time integer Build execution time
build_user string User who launch the build 3.4
last_stable_build integer Build number of the last stable build (0 if never) 1.10
last_successful_build integer Build number of the last successful build (0 if never) 1.10
project_build_health integer Health score from build
tests_failed integer Amount of failed unit tests (from JUnit plugin)
tests_skipped integer Amount of skipped unit tests (from JUnit plugin)
tests_total integer total amount of unit tests (from JUnit plugin)
time_in_queue integer Time build was in queue (from Metrics plugin) 1.16

Tags specific for this measurement:

Tag Description Introduced in
build_result Build result 1.15

changelog_data (since 1.12)

Metric Type Description Introduced in
affected_paths string Comma-separated list of changed files
commit_count integer Amount of commits since last change set
commit_messages string Comma-separated list of commit messages
culprits string Comma-separated list of commit authors

junit_data (since 2.3)

In order to publish data for this measurement, your job needs to set an environment variable LOG_JUNIT_RESULTS to true.

Metric Type Description Introduced in
suite_name string Testsuite name
test_name string Test function name Changed in 3.0
test_class_full_name string Test fully-qualified class name (pacakge.ClassName) 3.0
pipeline_step string Pipeline steps, separated by / 3.0
test_status_ordinal integer 0-4 in order of test_status
test_duration float test duration in seconds
test_duration float test duration in seconds 3.1
test_count long Test counter; Useful for aggregations. 3.1

Tags specific for this measurement:

Tag Description Introduced in
suite_name Testsuite name
test_name Test function name Changed in 3.0
test_class_full_name Test fully-qualified class name (pacakge.ClassName) 3.0
pipeline_step Pipeline steps, separated by / 3.0
test_status Test result

sonarqube_data (since 1.11)

Metric Type Description Introduced in
alert_status string State of the Quality Gate 2.4
quality_gate_details string Provides which quality gate condition is failing and which is not. 3.1
blocker_issues float Total amount of blocker issues
branch_coverage float Branch coverage 2.2
bugs float Total amount of bugs 2.2
code_smells float Total amount of code smells 2.2
complexity float Total amount of complexity 2.2
coverage float Overall coverage 2.2
critical_issues float Total amount of critical issues
display_name string Build display name
duplicated_lines_density float Percentage of duplicated lines 2.2
info_issues float Total amount of info issues
line_coverage float Line coverage 2.2
lines_of_code float (integer until 2.2) Total amount of lines (including comments)
lines_to_cover float Total amount of lines to cover (excluding comments) 2.2
major_issues float Total amount of major issues
minor_issues float Total amount of minor issues
vulnerabilities float Total amount of vulnerabilities 2.2
sqale_index float Technical Debt 2.4
sqale_debt_ratio float Technical Debt Ratio 2.4

agent_data (since 3.4)

Metric Type Description Introduced in
agent_name string Name of an agent called by the build
agent_label string Label of an agent called by the build

Cobertura plugin


Metric Type Description Introduced in
cobertura_branch_coverage_rate float Branch coverage percentage
cobertura_class_coverage_rate float Class coverage percentage
cobertura_line_coverage_rate float Line coverage percentage
cobertura_number_of_classes float Amount of classes
cobertura_number_of_packages float Amount of packages
cobertura_number_of_sourcefiles float Amount of source files
cobertura_package_coverage_rate float Package coverage percentage

JaCoCo plugin

jacoco_data (since 1.7)

Metric Type Description Introduced in
jacoco_brach_coverage_rage float Branch coverage percentage
jacoco_brach_covered integer Amount of branches covered 2.1
jacoco_brach_missed integer Amount of branches missed 2.1
jacoco_class_coverage_rage float Class coverage percentage
jacoco_class_covered integer Amount of classes covered 2.1
jacoco_class_missed integer Amount of classes missed 2.1
jacoco_complexity_coverage_rage float Complexity coverage percentage
jacoco_complexity_covered integer Amount of complexity covered 2.1
jacoco_complexity_missed integer Amount of complexity missed 2.1
jacoco_instruction_coverage_rage float Instruction coverage percentage
jacoco_instruction_covered integer Amount of instructions covered 2.1
jacoco_instruction_missed integer Amount of instructions missed 2.1
jacoco_line_coverage_rage float Line coverage percentage
jacoco_line_covered integer Amount of lines covered 2.1
jacoco_line_missed integer Amount of lines missed 2.1
jacoco_method_coverage_rage float Method coverage percentage
jacoco_method_covered integer Amount of methods covered 2.1
jacoco_method_missed integer Amount of methods missed 2.1

Performance plugin

performance_data (since 1.10.1)

Metric Type Description Introduced in
90percentile integer Point when 90 percentile was reached 1.12
average float Average performance (total duration / size)
error_count integer Amount of failed samples
error_percent integer Percentage of failed samples
max integer Maximum duration
median integer Median duration 1.12
min integer Minimum duration
size integer Amount of samples
total_traffic integer Total traffic in KB

Performance publisher plugin

perfpublisher_metric (since 1.13)

Metric Type Description Introduced in
average float Average value
best float Best value
metric_name string Metric name
worst float Worst value

perfpublisher_summary (since 1.13)

Metric Type Description Introduced in
average_compile_time float Average compilation test time
average_execution_time float Average execution test time
average_performance_time float Average performance test time
best_compile_time_test_name string Best compilation time test name
best_compile_time_test_value float Best compilation time test value
best_performance_time_test_name string Best performance time test name
best_performance_test_value float Best performance test value
best_execution_time_test_name string Best execution time test name
best_execution_time_test_value float Best execution time test value
number_of_executed_tests integer Amount of executed tests
number_of_failed_tests integer Amount of failed tests
number_of_not_executed_tests integer Amount of not executed tests
number_of_passed_tests integer Amount of passed tests
number_of_success_tests integer Amount of succeeded tests
number_of_tests integer Total amount of tests
number_of_true_false_tests integer Amount of true-false tests
worst_compile_time_test_name string Worst compilation time test name
worst_compile_time_test_value float Worst compilation time test value
worst_performance_time_test_name string Worst performance time test name
worst_performance_time_test_value float Worst performance time test value
worst_execution_time_test_name string Worst execution time test name
worst_execution_time_test_value float Worst execution time test value

perfpublisher_test (since 1.13)

Metric Type Description Introduced in
executed boolean Was test executed
execution_time float Test execution time
compile_time float Test compilation time
message boolean Test message
performance float Test performance
successful boolean Was test successful
test_name string Test name

Tags specific for this measurement:

Tag Description Introduced in
test_name Test name

perfpublisher_test_metric (since 1.13)

Metric Type Description Introduced in
metric_name string Test metric name
relevant boolean Is metric relevant
test_name string Test name
value float Metric value
unit string Metric unit

Tags specific for this measurement:

Tag Description Introduced in
test_name Test name

Robot Framework plugin


Metric Type Description Introduced in
rf_critical_failed integer Amount of failed critical tests REMOVED IN 4.0
rf_critical_pass_percentage float Percentage of passed critical tests.
Since 4.0 this is the total pass percentage including skipped tests.
rf_critical_passed integer Amount of passed critical tests REMOVED IN 4.0
rf_critical_total integer Total amount of critical tests REMOVED IN 4.0
rf_duration integer Test execution duration
rf_failed integer Amount of failed tests
rf_pass_percentage float Percentage of passed tests, excuding skipped tests
rf_passed integer Amount of passed tests
rf_suites integer Amount of test suites
rf_skipped integer Amount of skipped tests 3.0
rf_skip_percentage float Percentage of skipped tests 3.0
rf_total integer Total amount of tests


Metric Type Description Introduced in
rf_critical_failed integer Amount of failed critical tests REMOVED IN 4.0
rf_critical_passed integer Amount of passed critical tests REMOVED IN 4.0
rf_critical_total integer Total amount of critical tests REMOVED IN 4.0
rf_duration integer Test execution duration
rf_failed integer Amount of failed tests
rf_passed integer Amount of passed tests
rf_skipped integer Amount of skipped tests 3.0
rf_suite_name string Name of the test suite
rf_testcases integer Total amount of tests (including child suites)
rf_total integer Amount of tests in this suite

Tags specific for this measurement:

Tag Description Introduced in
rf_suite_name Name of the test suite 1.20.1


Metric Type Description Introduced in
rf_critical_failed integer Amount of failed critical tests REMOVED IN 4.0
rf_critical_passed integer Amount of passed critical tests REMOVED IN 4.0
rf_critical_total integer Total amount of critical tests REMOVED IN 4.0
rf_duration integer Test execution duration
rf_failed integer Amount of failed tests
rf_passed integer Amount of passed tests
rf_skipped integer Amount of skipped tests 3.0
rf_total integer Total amount of tests
rf_tag_name string Test tag name 1.20.1

Tags specific for this measurement:

Tag Description Introduced in
rf_tag_name Tag name 1.20.1


Metric Type Description Introduced in
rf_critical_failed integer 0 or 1 REMOVED IN 4.0
rf_critical_passed integer 0 or 1 REMOVED IN 4.0
rf_duration integer Test case execution duration
rf_failed integer 0 or 1
rf_name string Name of the test case
rf_passed integer 0 or 1
rf_skipped integer 0 or 1 3.0
rf_suite_name string Name of the suite of the test case
rf_age int How many times test has failed since last pass 3.7

Tags specific for this measurement:

Tag Description Introduced in
rf_name Name of the test case 1.20.1

Serenity plugin

serenity_data (since 2.1)

Metric Type Description Introduced in
serenity_results_average_test_duration integer Maximum average duration in milliseconds
serenity_results_counts_compromised integer Amount of compromised results
serenity_results_counts_error integer Amount of error results
serenity_results_counts_failure integer Amount of failed results
serenity_results_counts_ignored integer Amount of ignored results
serenity_results_counts_pending integer Amount of pending results
serenity_results_counts_skipped integer Amount of skipped results
serenity_results_counts_success integer Amount of success results
serenity_results_counts_total integer Total amount of results
serenity_results_max_test_duration integer Maximum test duration in milliseconds
serenity_results_min_test_duration integer Minimum test duration in milliseconds
serenity_results_percentages_compromised integer Percentage of compromised results
serenity_results_percentages_error integer Percentage of error results
serenity_results_percentages_failure integer Percentage of failure results
serenity_results_percentages_ignored integer Percentage of ignored results
serenity_results_percentages_pending integer Percentage of pending results
serenity_results_percentages_skipped integer Percentage of skipped results
serenity_results_percentages_success integer Percentage of success results
serenity_results_total_clock_duration integer Total test clock duration in milliseconds
serenity_results_total_test_duration integer Total test duration in milliseconds
serenity_tags_* integer Amount of tests for each tag

Metrics plugin

metrics_data (since 3.4)

Metric Type Description Introduced in
blocked_time long Milliseconds in the queue because build was blocked.
buildable_time long Milliseconds in the queue in a buildable state.
building_time long Milliseconds of the builds
executing_time long Milliseconds building from when it left the queue until it was finished.
executor_utilization double 0-1 percentage of the executor utilization
queue_time long Milliseconds when build entered the queue until it left the queue.
subtask_count int Amount of subtasks
total_duration long Build duration in milliseconds from when it entered the queue until it was finished.
waiting_time long Milliseconds in the queue waiting before it could be considered for execution.

Git plugin

git_data (since 3.4)

Metric Type Description Introduced in
git_repository string URL of the Git repository used by the build
git_revision string SHA-1 of the commit selected
git_reference string reference of the branch

Coverage plugin (since 4.0)

Dynamically gathers available data for Project, Modified Lines, and Modified Files (see coverage plugin documentation for more information). The delta metrics are not sent to InfluxDB.

coverage_project_data, coverage_modified_lines_data, coverage_modified_files_data

Metric Type Description Introduced in
branch float Branch coverage percentage
class float Class coverage percentage *
complexity integer Code complexity percentage *
complexity-density float 0-1 decimal calculated by complexity/loc *
complexity-maximum integer Maximum complexity
file float File coverage percentage
instruction float Instruction coverage percentage *
line float Line coverage percentage
loc integer Lines of code percentage
method float Method coverage percentage *
module float Module coverage percentage
package float Package coverage percentage
tests integer Amount of tests

* These metrics are not available for coverage_modified_lines_data.