How to up a Ruby on Rails dev environment on NeoVim for macOS Catalina.
/usr/bin/ruby -e " $( curl -fsSL "
Git and other command line tools
Trying to execute git
for the first time will trigger the install wizzard. This will install git and other command line tools necessary for compiling some gems.
brew tap thoughtbot/formulae
brew install rcm
Various useful GNU utilities.
brew install the_silver_searcher
Nice looking git diff
brew install diff-so-fancy
JS package manager. Also installs Node.js as a dependency.
Random JS dependency for javascript development on SpaceVim
Increase speed on keypress.
defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 10
defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1
Nord color scheme (optional).
Colors for directories and files in the terminal.
curl -fLo ~ /.dircolors
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew cask install font-hack-nerd-font
Select hack as the default font on your iterm2 profile.
Fancy shell prompt and extra plugins for the Zsh shell.
sh -c " $( curl -fsSL "
Clone this repo and run Rcup to install these configuration files.
cd ~
git clone
cd .dotfiles
rcup -v SpaceVim.d/ zshrc gitconfig gitignore_global
Update your name and email address on ~/.gitconfig
Exit terminal and open again to initialize Rbenv properly
Check the latest available versions of Ruby
rbenv install --list | egrep " [^-.]2\.\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}$" | tail
Install the latest Ruby version (ie 2.6.5), set it up as the default versionand install rubocop
rbenv install 2.6.5
rbenv global 2.6.5
gem install rubocop
Verify Rbenv works properly
curl -fsSL | bash
brew install postgresql
brew services start postgresql
In-memory DB. Necessary for using Sidekiq and other cool gems.
brew install redis
brew services start redis
curl -sLf | bash
Run NeoVim after installing SpaceVim.
If asked, use "j" and "k" keys to select "Dark power mode" and press enter.
Close with ":qa" and run NeoVim again a couple of times to allow all the plugins to install.