Yes, the name of the product has been changed from React VR to React 360.
If there are any changes in the samples, I will update the code here; things will be more up to date on GitHub than on the .zip from Packt.
This repository has the source, graphics, and models for examples from the book "Getting Started with React VR" by Packt publishing. I have created this repository to store the files used in examples and exercises, and to allow technical editors and myself to make any corretions to the files.
The "three-gltf-loader" version 1.2.0 will break react-vr 2.0.0; basically, glTF files cannot be loaded.
To fix this, download the source files, including package.json, and then open the Node.js command prompt, go to your project directory, issue the command:
npm install
Hopefully, either react-vr or three-gltf-loader will fix the problem; if so, I'll update this repository and remove the package.json.
The fix for your own files is to edit your package.json to add the following:
"three-gltf2-loader": "=1.1.0 || > 1.2.1"
This tells npm or your package manager that you need exactly version 1.1.0 of three-gltf2-loader OR anything above version 1.2.1. Currently version 1.2.0 has the bug; version 1.1.0 works fine.
I forgot to mention installing the simple-raycaster in the book, so if you don't download package.json, then please do an:
npm install simple-raycaster
Note that if you download package.json, and issue the npm install command, this will be done for you.
No source code
No source code
No source code
- Space Gallery
- Background (Pano) and model files
- Teapot
- Final world with background, pedestals, and the teapot
- The tile texture
- Teapot, flat and smooth shaded
- Teapot with tiles
- Better floor tiles
- Boiling sound files
- World with boiling teapot
- Button click sounds
- Bouncing cube
- Background pano (constructed from a NASA Mars image)
- Code and objects for a 3D user interface
BONUS: An additional chapter with the buttons hooked up coming shortly For page length reasons (I went > 30 pages over the target book) I had to cut it short; we show how to make gaze buttons in Chapter 11, so I cut gaze buttons from this chapter. Here, I'll hook them up for you. You will learn more if you do it yourself, however.
- ERRATA: There is a bug in React 2.0.0 and "three-gltf2-loader" which is bundled with React 2.0.0
- To fix this, download the source files, including package.json, and then open the Node.js command prompt, go to your project directory, issue the command: npm install
- Files include the maze generation objects, both HTML and WebVR
- Gem, hedge, and floor objects and .blend files where appropriate
No source code
In most cases, these files are sucessive changes to 'index.vr.js' However, in some cases I will present them as' index_cool_feature.vr.js' in the source here. When you obtain these files (through a .zip download or clone), please rename the file to index.vr.js.
I thought about making a whole new branch (confusing to some), a whole new directory (can take minutes to create all of the React/ReactVR supporting files), and decided the rename was the easiest way to do it. I'm open to suggestions on better ways!
- Read my book to find out
- Download Node.js
- Use npm to install ReactVR
- Initialize a new directory
In both cases, you then :
- Replace the index.vr.js files with the appropriate index_cool_feature.vr.js and client.js (located in the VR folder)
- Put any model files, etc. in the static_assets folder.
Note that for a large website, you may want to split up the static_assets folder and reorganize your source; these examples have been left artificially simple so as not to clutter up the examples.
Also please note, you really should leave more comments in source. I've added more comments in the comitted files than are in the book; this was to avoid blowing up the page count.