testing a way to perceive data as fluid animated form!
#Video Output https://vimeo.com/192249656/1e988e9e53
#More Info http://bdp.glia.ca/
simple mod of base TSNE algorithm so that as parameters change (between values that exceed recommended norms) an imge is saved.
#Example of How-to call thru Terminal: NOTE: change your file source (this demo is set to use Sondheim archive) python -O TSNE_ARGS.py --learning_rate=1096.1 --exag_rate=66.0 --complexity=2 --perplexity=2 --e_gate_limit=0 --c_gate_limit=1 --lr_gate_limit=0 --learning_rate_INC=0.1 --exag_rate_INC=0.5 --complexity_INC=0.01 --perplexity_INC=0.01 --exag_MAX=88