- Introduction
- Requirements
- Installation
- How to start
- Defining context, containers, components, relationships
- Usage
This package allows you to document your software architecture in C4 model. Key features include:
- Documentation of architecture in code
- Generation of architecture diagram
- python >= 3.0
- pyvenv
- Git clone this repository and run make
To start the service, use:
source .venv/bin/activate
Let's consider a simple example of describing the backend system of an online shop.
1. Level: Context
To document the Context, create Context, Person, System. Afterwards add Person and System to context.
from c4.architecture import Context, Person, System, Container, Component
online_shop = Context(
name='Online shop',
description='E commerce online shop.')
external_user = Person(
name='External users',
description='Visitors of the online shop.')
backend = System(
name='Shop backend',
description='The php backend system of the online shop.'
external_system = System(
name='External system',
description='A example external system',
2. Level: Container
Create Container and add container to the System:
product_management = Container(
name='Product management',
description='Management of products and catalogs.')
customer_management = Container(
name='Customer management',
description='Management of clients.')
db = Container(
name='Backend database',
description='Postgres database storing products and customer data.')
3. Level: Component
Create Component and add Component to Container:
product_content = Component(
name='Product content',
description='Management of product content, e.g. image, price.')
product_inventory = Component(
name='Product inventory',
description='Management of stocks and logistic of products.')
The relationship can be defined between Person, System, Container, Component.
external_user.add_relationship(backend, 'Makes requests', 'HTTPS')
backend.add_relationship(external_system, 'Uses', 'API')
Generating the architecture diagram from e.g. dwh.py with:
python3 architectures/dwh.py