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401 lines (197 loc) · 8.26 KB

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401 lines (197 loc) · 8.26 KB

jstable 1.3.4

  • Fix: error in forestcox when categorical binary outcome

jstable 1.3.3

  • Update: Add cox2.display available in fine-and-gray(competing risk), Multi-State Model (MSM)
  • Update: Add TableSubgroupMultiCox available in fine-and-gray(competing risk)
  • Fix: error in forestcox and forestglm with datatype of P value in table

jstable 1.3.2

  • Fix: error in subgroup option due to non-existent item in forestcox
  • Fix: Factor order error in forestcox

jstable 1.3.1

  • Fix: addOverall options to svyCreateTableOneJS
  • Fix: TableSubgroupCox

jstable 1.3.0

  • Update: Add weights option to TableSubgroupCox and TableSubgroupMultiCox for marginal cox model. ex: weights = "weights"
  • Update: Add strata option to TableSubgroupCox and TableSubgroupMultiCox for marginal cox model. ex: strata = "sex"
  • Fix: error in TableSubgroupMultiCox with cluster

jstable 1.2.7

  • Fix: Interaction P when 3 or more categorical subgroups in TableSubgroupCox and TableSubgroupMultiCox

jstable 1.2.6

  • Add AIC metric to cox2.display.

jstable 1.2.5

  • Update: Add cluster option to TableSubgroupCox and TableSubgroupMultiCox for marginal cox model. ex: cluster = "inst"

jstable 1.2.4

  • Fix: error for multi-category independent variable in forestcox and forestglm.

jstable 1.2.3

  • Fix: error and ref. for interaction terms in svycox and svyglm.

jstable 1.2.2

  • Fix: error and ref. for interaction terms in lmer.

jstable 1.2.1

  • Fix: error about interaction terms in coxme.

jstable 1.2.0

  • Fix: ref. for interaction terms in cox2.

jstable 1.1.9

  • Fix: ref. for interaction terms in glmshow.

jstable 1.1.8

  • Add normalityTest option to CreateTableOneJS to perform the Shapiro test for all variables.

jstable 1.1.7

  • Add family 'poisson', 'quasipoisson' in glmshow.display and TableSubgroupMultiGLM
  • Add data mort

jstable 1.1.6

  • Bugfix TableSubgroupGLM: thanks for weisx2022

jstable 1.1.5

  • Bugfix TableSubgroupCox: thanks for ciciing

jstable 1.1.4

  • Fix: confidence interval calculation in svyglm ( thanks for cyk0315)

jstable 1.1.3

  • Add addOverall options to CreateTableOneJS and svyCreateTableOneJS to add overall column.

jstable 1.1.2

  • Bugfix mk.lev

jstable 1.1.1

  • Bugfix LabelepiDisplay: thanks for thisis05

jstable 1.1.0

  • Bugfix TableSubgroupCox: thanks for Ding-yuan Wan

jstable 1.0.9

  • Bugfix coxme.display: thanks for Cristina Ganuza Vallejo

jstable 1.0.8

  • Update: TableSubgroupGLM & TableSubgroupCox allow subgroup variable with continuous.

jstable 1.0.7

  • Update *.display: univariate analysis with stats::update

jstable 1.0.6

  • Bugfix svyCreateTableOneJS in example/test.

jstable 1.0.5

  • Bugfix svycox.display

jstable 1.0.4

  • Remove dependency with group_split function (dplyr package)

  • Use survey::regTermTest for interaction p calculation with survey::svycoxph.

jstable 1.0.3

  • Remove dependency with car packages

jstable 1.0.2

  • Bugfix CreateTableOneJS, svyCreateTableOneJS: when with labeldata, variables other than numeric or factor types are excluded.

jstable 1.0.1

  • Bugfix TableSubgroupGLM, TableSubgroupMultiGLM: p value

jstable 1.0.0

  • Add TableSubgroupGLM, TableSubgroupMultiGLM: subgroup analysis for GLM(gaussian, logistic)

jstable 0.9.8


  • showpm option with showAllLevels = F when no strata.

jstable 0.9.7


  • TableSubgroupCox: apply extend = T option to summary.survfit

  • LabelepiDisplay, LabeljsTable with only 1 independent variable.


  • CreateTableOneJS, svyCreateTableOneJS: Add showpm option to show normal distributed continuous variables as Mean ± SD.

jstable 0.9.6

  • Bugfix LabelepiDisplay, LabeljsTable: label error.

jstable 0.9.5

  • Bugfix TableSubgroupCox: error with too large time_eventrate

jstable 0.9.4

  • Bugfix TableSubgroupCox: error with factor variable including NA.

  • Update TableSubgroupCox: compatible with upcoming survival pacakge update.

jstable 0.9.3

  • Update svycox.display: compatible with upcoming survival pacakge update.

jstable 0.9.2

Bug fix

  • Column name fix: Run CreateTableOneJS with 2 level strata & psub = F.

jstable 0.9.1

Bug fix

jstable 0.9.0

  • Updates & Bug fix: match with survival3.1-x.

jstable 0.8.6

  • Updates: Non-normal variables can be summarized with [min,max].

jstable 0.8.5

  • Bug fixes: Additional incorrect P for interaction in TableSubgroupCox.

jstable 0.8.4

  • Bug fixes: Incorrect P for interaction in TableSubgroupCox.

jstable 0.8.3

  • Bug fixes: Univariate analysis in geeglm.display.

jstable 0.8.2

  • Bug fixes: Apply label information to table 1 with strata.

jstable 0.8.1


  • CreateTableOneJS and svyCreateTableOneJS can get simplified table with showAllLevels = F option.

jstable 0.8.0

New function

  • TableSubgroupMultiCox: Get sub-group analysis table for forestplot with Cox/svycox model.

jstable 0.7.10

  • Update CreateTableOneJS and svyCreateTableOneJS according to tableone package(0.10.0).

jstable 0.7.9

  • Add namespace survival::cluster, survival::frailty to cox2.display

jstable 0.7.8

  • Remove 2 packages to Import: DT, epiDisplay.

jstable 0.7.7

  • Fix typo in DESCRIPTION.

jstable 0.7.6

  • Fix description text and some examples for cran release.

jstable 0.7.5

  • Change package Title for cran release.

jstable 0.7.4

Bug fixes

  • Fix some spell for cran release


  • Update travis-ci

  • Add appveyor CI to test window environment

  • Add vignettes

jstable 0.7.3


  • Add R-squared to glmshow.display

jstable 0.7.2

Bug fixes

  • svyCreateTableOne2, svyCreateTableOneJS, LabelJsTable, LabelepiDisplay and svyregress.display


  • coefNA can be used in svyregress.display

jstable 0.7.1

Bug fixes

  • svyglm function.

  • Apply testhat.

jstable 0.7.0


  • Auto-selection between Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test in CreateTableOneJS, CreateTableOne2.

  • Table 1 for survey data: svyCreateTableOne2 and svyCreateTableOneJS are modified functions of svyCreateTableOne(tableone package).

jstable 0.6.9

  • New function: coefNA

  • Bug fixes: Coefficients in glmshow.display, cox2.display

jstable 0.6.8

  • Bug fixes: data.frame & cluster model issue in cox2.display

jstable 0.6.7

  • Bug fixes : duplicate variable name - glmshow.display, cox2.display, geeglm.display, coxme.display

jstable 0.6.5

New function

  • glmshow.display: table from glm.object.

Bug fixes

  • LabelepiDisplay: column name issue.

jstable 0.6.3

New function

  • svycox.display: table from svycoxph.object in survey package

jstable 0.6.2

New function

  • svyregress.display: table from svyglm.object in survey package

jstable 0.6.1

  • Update: cox2.display function allows data argument.

  • Remove jsBasicGadget : Move to jsmodule package.

jstable 0.6.0

  • Shiny gadget for descriptive statistics: jsBasicGadget

  • Rstudio Addin of jsBasicGadget: jsBasicAddin

jstable 0.5.2

  • Bug fixes: geeExp, lmerExp function

jstable 0.5.1

  • Bug fixes: coxExp, cox2.display function

jstable 0.5.0

New function

  • Table from coxph.object (survival package) - allow cluster & frailty options: cox2.display function

  • Apply label information to cox2.display: LabeljsCox function

  • Apply label information to geeglm.display: LabeljsGeeglm function

Bug fixes

  • Bug fixes: geeglm.display function

jstable 0.4.5

  • Apply label information to epiDisplay.object: LabelepiDisplay function

  • Apply label information to lmer.display, coxme.display: LabeljsMixed function

jstable 0.4.0

New function

  • Table from coxme.object (coxme package): coxme.display function

Bug fixes

  • Bug fixes: 1 variable case.

jstable 0.3.5

  • Change default page length option of opt.tb1 from 10 to 25.