Chamilo LMS is a free software, community-driven project.
Chamilo LMS is an LAMP-based e-learning web platform that focuses on providing an easy-to-use environment for teachers to improve both the quality and availability of their educational material, and on providing students with an awesome learning platform.
Before you report an issue, please check the official Chamilo documentation (not always up to date)
We are a relatively small development team and greatly welcome any contribution from the outside world, although we will thoroughly review them before integration, to make sure they do not introduce security vulnerabilities or degrade the ease of use of the platform.
1.11.x is a development branch for the 1.11.* releases. The master branch is used for the 2.* releases. 1.10.x and 1.11.x are transitional branches that partially uses a series of Symfony 2 modules but rely heavily on Composer to manage the dependencies towards common libraries. Version 2.0 is based on a deeper integration with Symfony 4.
If you'd like to contribute to this project, please read the following documents:
- Coding conventions: The main conventions document
- PSR-1: PSR-1 are standard conventions rules we use as a base (conversion of old code still in progress)
- PSR-2: PSR-2 are more detailed standard conventions rules we use as base (conversion of old code still in progress)
In short, we expect contributions to be sent through Pull Requests, a very clean feature of Github. We recommend you follow this guide to understand a little more about the way it works:
As new major features are added, automated tests should be added that ensure that the feature continues to work in the foreseeable future.
In Chamilo, we rely on "Behat": to do Automated Behaviour Testing. You can find examples and information on how to run Behat tests in the tests/behat/ folder of your Chamilo installation.
Tests are run automatically for every new contribution, courtesy of "Travis-CI":, so you can follow your feature in time and see whether something breaks it. Check the Chamilo tests URL here:
If your changes require database changes, here are a few instructions on how to proceed. You will then need to submit these changes as explained above.
If your changes are about structure, you want to follow these steps:
- Create or modify an entity in src/somethingBundle/Entity/
- Create a new Migration in src/CoreBundle/Migrations/Schema/something/
This second step is most easily done by copying one of the current migration files in that directory. For example, if you're doing it on the 14th of July 2019 at noon:
- Copy Version20190527120703.php to Version20190714120000.php
- Edit the file and change any "20190527120703" you find to "20190714120000"
- Check it works by issuing an update command from the command line:
php bin/console migrations:execute 20190714120000 --up --configuration=app/config/migrations.yml
If you only want to change the data in the database, then you don't need to modify or create an entity, but you will still need to follow these two steps:
- Modify the main/install/data.sql file (at the end, add a new section before the chamilo_database_version update)
- Create a new Migration in src/Chamilo/CoreBundle/Migrations/Schema/V110/ (see above section for details)
For configuration settings, check
to be updated We are working on an official (production) image of Chamilo LMS for Docker. In the meantime, you can test development versions following more or less this procedure:
host$ composer run -it ubuntu:14.04.2
root@docker$ apt-get update
root@docker$ apt-get install -y git vim libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql php5-gd php5-intl php5-curl curl mysql-server mysql-client
Pick a password for the MySQL server and enter it twice, when prompted.
root@docker$ cd /var/www
root@docker$ rm -rf html
root@docker$ git clone --single-branch -b 1.10.0-beta html
root@docker$ cd html
root@docker$ chmod -R 0777 var/ vendor/ main/lang/ public/
root@docker$ vim /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
Look for timezone and modify it to the best timezone that suits you:
; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
;date.timezone =
date.timezone = Europe/Brussels
Save and exit.
root@docker$ service apache2 reload
root@docker$ service mysql start
root@docker$ ifconfig | grep inet
Now you should be able to load Chamilo in your host machine's browser by loading the IP address showing on the first line of this command's results (and proceed with the installation on the MySQL server you configured above).