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Datacube machine


Create a machine in the JASMIN cloud portal

  1. Login using your JASMIN user credentials and navigate to your external cloud tenancy
  2. Create a new machine under the Machines tab:
    • Name: datacube
    • Image: ubuntu-2004-20221013
    • Size: j4.large
  3. Create a new volume under the Volumes tab:
    • Name: datacube-vol
    • Size (GB): 40
  4. Attach the volume to the datacube machine

The root user for the machine will use the same ssh key as your JASMIN cloud portal user so you'll need to use this to login until it's configured with FreeIPA.


  1. ssh to a machine with an external IP using your JASMIN cloud portal username and key and authentication forwarding

     ssh -A <username>@<external_ip>
  2. ssh to the datacube machine

     ssh root@<datacube_machine_ip>

Configure a FreeIPA client

For first time server setup, you can follow this guide to configure the FreeIPA client. E.g.:

  1. Install the freeipa-client package

     sudo apt-get update
     sudo apt-get -y upgrade
     sudo apt-get install freeipa-client

    Enter to skip through input fields

  2. Edit the /etc/hosts file to add this entry:

     <freeipa_ip> <freeipa_name>.novalocal ipa

    Where <freeipa_ip> is the internal IP of the FreeIPA machine created by the identity manager cluster, and <freeipa_name> is the name, e.g. identity-freeipa-0.

  3. Run the client install command, subbing in the <freeipa_name> where needed:

     ipa-client-install --hostname=`hostname -f` --mkhomedir --server=<freeipa_name>.novalocal --domain <freeipa_name>.novalocal

    Use the following options:

    • Proceed with fixed values and no DNS discovery: yes
    • Continue to configure with these values: yes
    • Admin username and password: use the FreeIPA admin credentials
  4. Run the following command to configure the user home directories:

     sudo bash -c "cat > /usr/share/pam-configs/mkhomedir" <<EOF
     Name: activate mkhomedir
     Default: yes
     Priority: 900
     Session-Type: Additional
     required umask=0022 skel=/etc/skel
     sudo pam-auth-update

    Enter to proceed with defaults

  5. Log out of root and login as the FreeIPA admin user to check FreeIPA has been configured correctly

  6. Configure sudo for all users in the FreeIPA admin group

    First initialise the session using the FreeIPA admin credentials

     kinit admin

    Then set up a group with all sudorules

     ipa sudorule-add --cmdcat=all All
     ipa sudorule-add-user --groups=admins All

    Then edit the /etc/nsswitch.conf file so that the sudoers list includes ldap like so

     sudoers: files sss ldap

Configure and mount the volume at /data

By following the JASMIN guide:

Setup a cube-in-a-box

Pull down the git repo and run their setup script which will install make, docker, and docker-compose, then start the docker service.

cd /data
git clone
cd cube-in-a-box
sudo systemctl start docker

Log out then in again, then spin up the docker containers and initialise the database.

cd /data/cube-in-a-box
make up-prod
make init

At this point you have a "jupyter" container with jupyter notebook and the datacube cli, and a "postgres" container with an initialised but empty db. You can use the datacube cli like so:

docker-compose exec jupyter datacube --version

Setup the datacube_ingester scripts

The python scripts are relatively simple and can be setup by pulling the repo and then creating the mamba environment.

  1. Install mamba following their instructions here

  2. Clone this repo onto the machine

     cd /data
     git clone
     cd eodh-datacube/datacube_ingester
  3. Follow the setup instructions in datacube_ingester/ to create the mamba environment

  4. Create a scripts, config, and processing folder

     mkdir /data/scripts /data/config /data/processing
  5. Add a datacube-ingester-luigi.cfg and object-store-secrets.json file to /data/config using the examples datacube-ingester-luigi.cfg.example and object-store-secrets.json.example.

  6. Add a .datacube.conf file to /data/config with contents like:

     db_database: <db_name>
     db_hostname: <datacube_machine_ip>
     db_username: <username>
     db_password: <password>
  7. Create a helper script called in the /data/scripts folder to make running more convenient, with contents like so:

     export DATACUBE_CONFIG_PATH="/data/config/.datacube.conf"
     # Create dir to save state files in
     timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
     mkdir -p $stateDir
     source /data/conda/bin/activate
     conda activate datacube_ingester_env
     LUIGI_CONFIG_PATH=/data/config/datacube-ingester-luigi.cfg PYTHONPATH='/data/eodh-datacube' luigi --module datacube_ingester IngestIntoDatacube --startDate=$START_DATE --endDate=$END_DATE --stateLocation=$stateDir --cleanupFiles --local-scheduler

    Note: you may have to change the conda/mamba install path.

  8. Make it an executable

     chmod +x /data/scripts/

Indexing data

You'll need to add product definitions (see sen1_prod_spec.yaml and sen2_prod_spec.yaml) and dataset documents (for each scene/granule) to the datacube for indexing.

Add product definitions

On the datacube VM, add the product definition files (this only needs to be done once)

cd /data/cube-in-a-box/

docker-compose exec jupyter datacube product add ""

docker-compose exec jupyter datacube product add ""

Note: the URLs are a bit weird because of object store + datacube workarounds. You can also use local files if needed.

Add dataset documents

Run the ingestion process by passing in the start and end dates to the script like so:

/data/scripts/ 2020-01-01 2020-12-31

Note I haven't found a way of getting the datacube cli to accept object store URLs for the datasets, so the script currently downloads them.

If you're providing a large date range (e.g. a year) it can take ~5 hours to run.