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159 lines (113 loc) · 5.75 KB

The Weather Here

This is a little application that prompts you to "check-in". This application gets your location data then retrieves the weather for that location. On the server, the server queries the OpenAQ - open air quality - database for pollution data within 10km of the given coordinates. You can view your checkins and also a little "story" writted from the contextual data collected from the application. This includes data on the weather, your location, and the pollution in that area if measurements are available.

Check-in page Check-in map


cd the-weather-here

npm install

npm start

the app will be running at: http://localhost:3030


Handy Libraries:

see: index.js

// allow us to use "fetch()" on the server

// our 3rd party apis we want to query
const weather = require('weather-js');
  • es6-promise: allows us to use es6 promises
  • isomorphic-fetch: allows us to use the fetch() function on the server. fetch() is a function which is a built in browser function for making HTTP requests. For consistency, people have mirrored the functionality for serverside requests.
  • weather-js: a library to make it easier to query MSN's weather data API.

getting weather data on the server

weather-js msn weather data

see: index.js

// Show submission page
app.get("/weather/:lat/:lng", (req, res) => {
    let latlng = `${},${req.params.lng}`

    let searchOptions = {
        search: latlng, 
        degreeType: 'C'
    weather.find(searchOptions, function(err, result) {
        if(err) console.log(err);
        console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
        // we get back an array, so we only send the first value
  • Here whenever people query the endpoint: `/weather/40.679770/-73.961384, then we can get the weather for the location that the person is querying from.

Making a POST request and querying the air quality data

// accept a payload to this checkin post endpoint"/checkin", (req, res) => {

    // our unix timestamp
    const unixTimeCreated = new Date().getTime();
    // add our unix time as a "created" property and add it to our request.body
    // we receive the location data from the client in the req.body
    const newData = Object.assign({"created": unixTimeCreated}, req.body)

    const searchDistance = 10000; // meters == 10km
    let openAQUrl = `${},${req.body.location.lon}&nearest=${searchDistance}`

        .then(result =>{
            return result.json();
        }).then(result => {
            // add the pollution data to our newData
            // console.log(result)
            newData.pollution = result;

            // insert the data into our db
            db.insert(newData, (err, docs) =>{
                if(err){return err;}

        }).catch(err => {
            return err;
  • Here we accept a POST request. In our POST request, we get the location, and the weather data that was requested earlier.
  • The cool thing here that we do is to get the air quality data based on the location that is sent from the client.
  • You can see that we structure our query like so:${},${req.body.location.lon}&nearest=${searchDistance} where the %{} is a javascript template literal that allows us to mash up the result of javascript variables with text.

Our checkin map page!

check-in page

Using the leaflet.js library, we create a map of our checkins:

see: /public/checkin/sketch.js

  // create a leaflet map instance and using the "map" id set in your index.html
  myMap ='map')
          .setView([, latestLocation.lon], 10);
  // add your openstreetmap layer to your myMap variable
  const tiles = L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
          attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'


  // for each item in myData, create a circle with a popup
    for (let p in myData) {
        let item = myData[p];
        let location = item.location
        let weather =;
        let pollution = item.pollution;

        // add a circle to the myMap variable
        let currentCircle =[, location.lon], 700, {
            color: "red"

        // add some popup text
        let popUpText = `I'm sitting out here on this ${weather.current.skytext} ${} and it feels like ${weather.current.feelslike}℃ outside.`;
            popUpText += `\nThe concentration of small carcinogenic particles (pm2.5) I'm breathing in is ${pollution.results[0].measurements[0].value}${pollution.results[0].measurements[0].unit}`
            popUpText += `\nmeasured from ${pollution.results[0].city} at ${pollution.results[0].location}.`
  • this snippet adds a leafletjs map to the <main id="map> tag on out /public/index.html
  • the second part of the code renders each point you checked in point to the map. The function creates a point and the .addTo(myMap) function adds it to the map that we called myMap.
  • if we have pollution data, we add that to the popup that shows on click.