Generally i use Arch linux if i can on a work station machine.
- Install Paru or use your favourite AUR helper.
sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel
git clone
cd paru
makepkg -si
- Install genernal packages
paru -S qtile python-xlib python-pyxdg python-psutil rofi rofi-emoji xdotool alacritty flameshot nitrogen polkit-gnome ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd stow fish arandr dracula-gtk-theme starship firefox git lxappearance neofetch p7zip thunar timeshift cronie dunst volctl playerctl picom xclip
- Install fun packages
- Steam needs the multilib repository enabled see docs
- Then install these packages
paru -S steam ttf-ms-win11-auto discord_arch_electron spotify-launcher
- Install development packages
paru -S lazygit github-cli visual-studio-code-bin jetbrains-toolbox notion-app nvm git-lfs
- Open LXAppearance and set the theme to Dracula.
- Open Nitrogen and set the wallpaper to the desired wallpaper.
- Login with GitHub CLI
gh auth login
- Setup timeshift scheduled backups.
- Setup Node
nvm install --lts
nvm use --lts
- Install global node packages
npm install -g git-cz
- Run setup script. Symlinks are managed with GNU Stow
- Qtile calls an auto start script on login. ([/qtile/]
- Starts Nitrogen to set the wallpaper.
- Starts polkit agent.
- Everything is current based around the Dracula theme.
- Arandar can be used to setup a complex monitor setup and then save the layout to a script. Its worth adding this to your login script.