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Akka-Http-Swagger brings Swagger support for Akka Apis. The included SwaggerHttpService route will inspect Scala types with Swagger annotations and build a swagger compliant endpoint for a swagger compliant ui.

The swagger spec swagger spec is helpful for understanding the swagger api and resource declaration semantics behind swagger-core annotations.

Getting Akka-Http-Swagger

Release Version

The starting code used for this library has been extracted from Spray-swagger sonatype and mirrored to Maven Central. Akka-http-swagger is cross-compiled with scala 2.10.4 and 2.11.2.

libraryDependencies += "com.tecsisa" %% "akka-http-swagger" % "0.5.3-SNAPSHOT"


The /test directory includes an HttpSwaggerServiceSpec which leverages akka-http-testkit-experimental to test the API. It uses a PetHttpService and UserHttpService declared in the /samples folder.


The SwaggerHttpService is a trait extending Spray's HttpService. It will generate the appropriate Swagger json schema based on a set of inputs declaring your Api and the types you want to expose.

The SwagerHttpService will contain a routes property you can concatenate along with your existing akka-http routes. This will expose an endpoint at <baseUrl>/<specPath>/<resourcePath> with the specified apiVersion, swaggerVersion and resource listing.

The service requires a set of apiTypes and modelTypes you want to expose via Swagger. These types include the appropriate Swagger annotations for describing your api. The SwaggerHttpService will inspect these annotations and build the appropriate Swagger response.

Here's an example SwaggerHttpService snippet which exposes Wordnik's PetStore resources, Pet, User and Store. The routes property can be concatenated to your other route definitions:

  def actorRefFactory = context
  def apiTypes = Seq(typeOf[service1], typeOf[service2])
  def apiVersion = "1.0"

  override def baseUrl = "/"
  override def docsPath = "docs"

  val route = swaggerRoutes ~ get {
      pathPrefix("swagger") {
        pathEndOrSingleSlash {
      } ~ getFromResourceDirectory("swagger-ui")
    } ~ service1Route ~ service2Route

Adding Swagger Annotations

Routing works by concatenating various routes, built up by directives, to produce an api. The routing dsl is an elegant way to describe an api and differs from the more common class and method approach of other frameworks. But because Swagger's annotation library requires classes, methods and fields to describe an Api, one may find it difficult to annotate a akka-http-routing application.

A simple solution is to break apart a akka-http-routing application into various resource traits, with methods for specific api operations, joined by route concatenation into a route property. These traits with can then be joined together by their own route properties into a complete api. Despite losing the completeness of an entire api the result is a more modular application with a succinct resource list.

The balance is up to the developer but for a reasonably-sized application organizing routes across various traits is probably a good idea.

With this structure you can apply @Api annotations to these individual traits and @ApiOperation annotations to methods.

You can also use jax-rs @Path annotations alongside @ApiOperations if you need fine-grained control over path specifications or if you want to support multiple paths per operation. The functionality is the same as swagger-core.

Resource Definitions

The general pattern for resource definitions and Akka-Http routes:

  • Place an individual resource in its own trait
  • Annotate the trait with @Api to describe the resource
  • Define specific api operations with def methods which produce a route
  • Annotate these methods with @ApiOperation, @ApiImplictParams and @ApiResponse accordingly
  • Concatenate operations together into a single routes property, wrapped with a path directive for that resource
  • Concatenate all resource traits together on their routes property to produce the final route structure for your application.

Here's what Swagger's pet resource would look like:

@Api(value = "/pet", description = "Operations about pets")
trait PetHttpService extends HttpService {

  @ApiOperation(httpMethod = "GET", response = classOf[Pet], value = "Returns a pet based on ID")
      new ApiImplicitParam(name = "petId", required = false, dataType = "integer", paramType = "path", value = "ID of pet that needs to be fetched")
    new ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Invalid ID Supplied"),
    new ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Pet not found")))
  def petGetRoute = get { path("pet" / IntNumber) { petId =>
    complete(s"Hello, I'm pet ${petId}!")
    } }

Notice the use of ApiImplicitParams. This is the best way to apply parameter information. The paramType can be used to specify path, body, header, query or form. If the dataType value is not of the basic types, akka-http-swagger will try and find the type in the modelTypes sequence. Refer to swagger-core for other attribute information.

Model Definitions

Model definitions are fairly self-explanatory. Attributes are applied to case class entities and their respective properties. A simplified Pet model:

@ApiModel(description = "A pet object")
case class Pet(
  @(ApiModelProperty @field)(value = "unique identifier for the pet")
  val id: Int,

  @(ApiModelProperty @field)(value = "The name of the pet")
  val name: String)

Swagger UI

This library does not include Swagger's UI only the api support for powering a UI. Adding such a UI to your Akka-Http app is easy with getFromResource and getFromResourceDirectory support.

To add a Swagger UI to your site, simply drop the static site files into the resources directory of your project. The following trait will expose a swagger route hosting files from the ```resources/swagger/`` directory:

trait Site extends HttpService {
  val site =
    path("swagger") { getFromResource("swagger/index.html") } ~

You can then mix this trait with a new or existing Akka-Http class with an actorRefFactory and concatenate the site route value to your existing route definitions.

How Annotations are Mapped to Swagger

Let's categorize the Swagger Spec into the following levels:

  • The Resource Listing, at the root level of documentation, which provides an overview of multiple endpoints by listing available resources as an array of Resource Objects via the apis property, authorizations required for the API (via the authorizations property) and descriptive information about the API (via the info property)

  • API Declarations, at a subsequent level, providing information about a specific API endpoint exposed with an API Declaration. As per the Swagger spec there should be one file per Resource described in the Api listing. An API delcaration, via its apis property, lists available operations on the resource with an array of API Objects each having its own unique path. In turn each API Object has an array of Operations describing the available actions on that path.

  • The Resource Listing is based on fields set when declaring the HttpService.

  • The Resource Listing apis property--the list of Resource Objects--are built based on the apiTypes set when declaring the HttpService.

  • The @Api.value is used to specify the path in the Resource Objects list. This is relative and points to the API Declaration describing the resource.

  • An individual API Declaration is built from a combination of @Api and @ApiOperation annotations set on a specific akka service object. Anything describing a property related to an API Declaration is set via the @Api annotation and anything related to an Operation is done via @ApiOperation.

  • Akka-Http-Swagger does not validate that annotation values conform to the spec; this is up to the developer when applying annotations. We are adding functionality to provide validation when possible.

  • @Path will override the provided default value from @ApiOperation. It is only applicable with @ApiOperation.

  • By default an API Declaration's basePath is set from the HttpService.baseUrl property (this should be a full url) but can be overriden by specifying a basePath in an @Api annotation (again, as per spec, should be a full url).