Lineal system to determine position given by a signal and controlled by a PID.
This project is given by a Tecnologico de Monterrey and John Deere´s challenge in order to implement a PID controller on a linear system.
The system involves a screw-nut system where the screw rotates and with a nut, the nut is able to move freely within a given range of the system.
The rotation is made by a DC motor of 6-12V and it has an encoder. The project has an ultrasonic sensor in order to make precise data and ranges.
- Motor-Encoder CHR-GM25-370.
- Motor JGA25-370.
- L298N H Bridge.
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor.
- Arduino UNO.
José Miguel Figarola Prado, Giancarlo Franco Carrillo