Releases: joshuamkite/terraform-aws-ssh-bastion-service
Wash and brush up
Feature: Add output "lb_arn"
Change: All policies are now rendered with aws_iam_policy_document
rather than as json blobs
Feature: Add tags to roles
Feature: Increment module version and add outputs for simple example
Getting up early
Bugfix: Change quote style for ssh_populate scripts to avoid early interpolation (Thanks KevinGreen)
Feature: Maintenance release - documentation changes and bump module version in example only
Community Contributions
Feature: Bastion load balancer can now be internal (Thanks Instacart)
Feature: Bastion can now be assigned a public IP - permits use of module without NAT gateway (Thanks Ivan Mesic navi7)
Feature: Example of simple use of module with a public IP (Thanks Ivan Mesic navi7)
Bugfix: Populate user data with default if empty (Thanks Ivan Mesic navi7)
Custom parameters
- Adds a new variable so that the hostname can be overridden completely
- Removes the provider so that it can set by the plan calling this module (as per Terraform guidelines)
- Adds a shebang as the default content for the shell script multipart mime types. This is so that, when using custom userdata, systemd doesn't report errors.
Dry wit
Feature: You can now specify a list of one or more security groups to attach to the host instance launch configuration. This can be supplied together with or instead of a whitelisted range of CIDR blocks. N.B. This is not aws_security_group_rule/source_security_group_id! If you wish to append your own 'security_group_id' rules then you will need to attach these from a plan caling this module (using output "bastion_sg_id") or as part of a separate security group which you then attach.
It may be useful in an enterprise setting to have security groups with rules managed separately from the bastion plan but of course if you do not assign a suitable security group or whitelist then you may not be able to reach the service!
Change: The code has been DRYed significantly in (to remove unused logic evaluations) and (to condense 2 seperate aws_launch_configuration and aws_autoscaling_group blocks into one each). This makes code maintenence much easier and less error prone BUT it does mean that these resources are now 'new' so if you are deploying over an older version of this plan then you can expect them to be recreated - as lifecycle 'create before destroy' is specified, deployment will be a bit longer but downtime should be brief.
Bugfix: Previously the Golang code used for obtaining users and ssh public keys limited the number of users returned to 100 if an IAM group was specified. This has now been increased to 1000 and the code change accepted upstream.
special and unique
Bugfix Make load balancer and target group names unique name to support multiple environments in one account
Option Paralysis
Feature: You can now specify a custom base AMI to use for the service host if you wish with var.custom_ami_id. Tested and working without other changes using Ubuntu 18.04
Feature: Userdata has been divided into sections which are now individually applicable. Each is now a HEREDOC and may be excluded by assigning any non-empty value to the relevant section variable. The value given is used simply for a logic test and not passed into userdata. If you ignore these variables then historic/ default behaviour continues and everything is built on the host instance on first boot (allow 3 minutes on t2.medium).
The variables for these sections are:
custom_ssh_populate - any value excludes default ssh_populate script used on container launch from userdata
custom_authorized_keys_command - any value excludes default Go binary to get IAM authorized keys built from source in userdata
custom_docker_setup - any value excludes default docker installation and container build from userdata
custom_systemd - any value excludes default systemd and hostname change from userdata
If you exclude any section then you must replace it with equivalent functionality, either in your base AMI or extra_user_data. Especially if you are not replacing all sections then be mindful that the systemd service expects docker to be installed and to be able to call the docker container as 'sshd_worker'. The service container in turn references the 'ssh_populate' script which calls 'iam-authorized-keys' from a specific location.
new balance
Implements AWS Network Load Balancer
Thanks for the fix
Fix to bastion_service names to prevent error when route53_zone_id is not defined