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Manual Reduction Guide

Miguel de Val-Borro edited this page Nov 11, 2015 · 10 revisions

Here is a step-by-step guide to reducing some DIS data from start to finish with pyDIS. Note, this entire process is reproduced in the autoreduce helper function. In this simple example we'll assume you have all the needed calibration files in the working directory, that you are on a linux/mac for a couple shell commands, and that there is only 1 science frame to analyze. We will only do the RED chip in this case. The procedure is identical for the BLUE chip, but due to different Signal/Noise or color of the source some parameters may need tweaking.

Organizing the data to reduce

First we need to create some lists to group the calibration files (flats, biases). Note, darks are currently not supported explicitly. In your terminal you might say:

ls flat.0*r.fits > rflat.lis
ls bias.0*r.fits > rbias.lis

Make master calibration files

We'll switch to Python from here on. You might want to save these commands in a script that you could run again. As in IRAF, we must combine the biases and flats that will be applied to the science frame.

import pydis

bias = pydis.biascombine('rbias.lis', trim=True)

flat, fmask_out = pydis.flatcombine('rflat.lis', bias, trim=True, 
                                      mode='spline', response=True, display=True)

Now there should be newly created files named FLAT.fits and BIAS.fits in your directory. These default filenames can be changed for both functions using the output='FILE.fits' keyword. Note all the extra keyword arguments (aka "kwargs") for flatcombine, which are used for removing the flatfield lamp's spectrum (called RESPONSE in IRAF). If you're worried this is not being removed correctly, be sure to set display=True and check!

The output from biascombine is simply a 2-d numpy array that contains the combined flat. The outputs from flatcombine are 1) the combined flat as a 2-d numpy array and 2) the "flat mask", a 1-d array that defines the illuminated portion of the chip along the y-axis (spatial dimension). You pass this to several functions later on. It is totally fine to not pass it to subsequent functions, just make sure you're consistent with it! I suggest you do use it.

Next, let's define the wavelength solution that will be used for our science image. This is the most tedious manual step. We'll mimic IRAF and do the "identify" manually. While pyDIS can do this automatically (set interac=False), the solution is often too crude for science use. If you have previously done the manual identify and picked out lines, you can skip the identify step by setting previous=True. We'll start with a random guess at the fit_order parameter, but if interac=True then we'll be prompted to adjust this interactively.

HeNeAr_file = 'HeNeAr.0030r.fits'
wfit = pydis.HeNeAr_fit(HeNeAr_file, trim=True, fmask=fmask_out,
                          interac=True, mode='poly', fit_order=5)

pyDIS will pull the very rough wavelength solution out of the header, take a slice through the image, and show you the 1-d emission line spectrum. Click on prominent peaks in the image (sample arc lamp spectra for DIS is provided by APO here), then in the Python terminal type the wavelength of the line you identified and press . Each line is fit with a Gaussian to find the exact center. Repeat this until you've identified as many lines as you can. If you mess one up, click on it and enter a "d" for the wavelength.

After the lines are identified, you need to fit a smooth function between them. The polynomial fit and residual will be shown. Close this window and then in the terminal answer the question: should the polynomial order be changed (if so, enter an integer number) or is it OK (if so, enter a "d" for done)?

pyDIS will then trace these lines along the y-axis, producing a full 2-d wavelength solution for the image. Be sure to keep this solution wfit around, as we'll need to apply to every image we want a spectrum from (science and flux standard).

Reduce the science image

This is the "reduction" step, where we actually remove the bias and flat from the science image, and divide by the exposure time. The result is an image with units of counts/second. Everything (almost) is stored in numpy arrays, so performing simple math on them is trivial.

# the science image file name
spec = 'object.0035r.fits'

# open the image, get the data and a couple important numbers
img = pydis.OpenImg(spec, trim=True)
raw =
exptime = img.exptime
airmass = img.airmass

# remove bias and flat, divide by exptime
data = ((raw - bias) / flat) / exptime

You should also read in and reduce the flux standard star the same way:

# the flux standard file name
stdspec = 'Feige34.0065r.fits'
stdraw, stdexptime, stdairmass, _ = pydis.OpenImg(stdspec, trim=True)
stddata= ((stdraw - bias) / flat) / stdexptime

If we wanted to look at the science image in python, you might do this:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.imshow(np.log10(data), origin='lower',aspect='auto',cmap=cm.Greys_r)

Find and trace the spectrum

Examining the image above you should see the bright horizontal spectrum across the chip. We want to quantify this shape, tracing the flux across the chip along the wavelength dimension. If the target is bright and the spectrum is not too curved, this should be pretty simple! If there are multiple objects on the slit (multiple bright horizontal streaks in the image) then you want to select the target manually (interac=True).

Set display=True to see the trace over-plotted on the image. Make sure it doesn't wander. If it's not accurate enough, adjust the number of steps. For low Signal/Noise images, sometimes you have to use small values like nsteps=7 to trace the spectrum.

# trace the science image
trace = pydis.ap_trace(data, fmask=fmask_out, nsteps=50, interac=False, display=True)

# trace the flux standard image
stdtrace = pydis.ap_trace(stddata, fmask=fmask_out, nsteps=50, interac=False, display=True)

Now we extract the observed spectrum along this trace, for both the reduced object and the flux standard pydis. The result is a 1-d spectrum made by summing up the flux in each column in a range of +/- the aperture width. The sky is determined by fitting a polynomial along the column in two regions near the trace. Important consideration: if you choose a large sky region, or separate it a lot from the aperture, the sky will not be a good fit. This is because the HeNeAr lines (lines of constant wavelength) are bent and not perfectly vertical on the chip. Thus it is good to choose a small sky region. The skydeg parameter is the polynomial order to fit between the sky regions in each column. The default is skydeg=0, which is simply a median. A sky value at each pixel along the trace is returned. This routine also computes a flux error at each pixel along the trace.

ext_spec, sky, fluxerr = pydis.ap_extract(data, trace, apwidth=5,skysep=1,
                                    skywidth=7, skydeg=0)
ext_std, stdsky, stderr = pydis.ap_extract(stddata, stdtrace, apwidth=5,
                                     skysep=1, skywidth=7, skydeg=0)

# subtract the sky from the 1-d spectrum
flux_red = (ext_spec - sky) # the reduced object
flux_std = (ext_std - stdsky) # the reduced flux standard

You could make sure these values for the aperture and sky regions were sensible by plotting the image with the lines overlaid:

xbins = np.arange(data.shape[1])

plt.imshow(np.log10(data), origin='lower',aspect='auto',cmap=cm.Greys_r)

# the trace
plt.plot(xbins, trace,'b',lw=1)

# the aperture
plt.plot(xbins, trace-apwidth,'r',lw=1)
plt.plot(xbins, trace+apwidth,'r',lw=1)

# the sky regions
plt.plot(xbins, trace-apwidth-skysep,'g',lw=1)
plt.plot(xbins, trace-apwidth-skysep-skywidth,'g',lw=1)
plt.plot(xbins, trace+apwidth+skysep,'g',lw=1)
plt.plot(xbins, trace+apwidth+skysep+skywidth,'g',lw=1)

plt.title('(with trace, aperture, and sky regions)')

Calibrate the spectrum

We have a raw 1-d spectrum now, with flux measured at each pixel along the x-axis of the image along the trace. However, we want to calibrate the x-axis to use the wavelength solution we created before. You probably want to use mode='poly', which is the default and thus optional to write.

The spectrum itself is currently in units of counts/second, and we need to apply a wavelength dependent correction for the observed airmass. We'll use the airmass file for APO included with pyDIS. Note, this is different from the file that APO provided prior to April 2015 (an error in this file was noticed during the development of pyDIS).

# map the wavelength using the HeNeAr fit
wfinal = pydis.mapwavelength(trace, wfit, mode='poly')
wfinalstd = pydis.mapwavelength(stdtrace, wfit, mode='poly')

# correct the object and flux std for airmass extinction
flux_red_x = pydis.AirmassCor(wfinal, flux_red, airmass,
flux_std_x = pydis.AirmassCor(wfinalstd, flux_std, stdairmass,

#Flux calibration Now that we have the actual wavelength mapped to both the science target and the flux standard, and we've corrected them for their respective airmass, it's time for the final step: flux calibration. This is done by comparing the flux standard observation to a library of standard stars. For pyDIS we have hard-coded the IRAF library "spec50cal". Any other standard could be put in this directory and used, or a different library could be used with a little hacking to the code if you're brave or desperate. DefFluxCal will try to avoid Balmer lines, but at present does not have a sophisticated interactive mode where you can delete bad points. Set display=True in DefFluxCal to see if the fit looks smooth and good and does not blow up at the edges.

The sensitivity function is computed for the standard star, and has units of (erg/s/cm2/A) / (counts/s/cm2/A). The final step is to apply this sensfunc to the science target, which simply resamples the sensfunc on to the exact wavelengths as the target and then multiplies the observed 1-d spectrum by the sensitivity function. Note pyDIS works in flux units, not magnitude units used by IRAF. As a reality check, you can also apply the sensfunc back to the standard star spectrum to make sure it looks right!

sensfunc = pydis.DefFluxCal(wfinalstd, flux_std_x, mode='spline',

# final step in reduction, apply sensfunc
ffinal,efinal = pydis.ApplyFluxCal(wfinal, flux_red_x, fluxerr, 
                                    wfinalstd, sensfunc)

Our final parameters for the science target are now (wfinal, ffinal, efinal), the wavelength, flux, and flux error. Congratulations, you have fully reduced one spectrum in Python! If you'd like to view the result, you could do this:

# plt.plot(wfinal, ffinal)
plt.errorbar(wfinal, ffinal, yerr=efinal)
#plot within percentile limits
plt.ylim( (np.percentile(ffinal,2),
           np.percentile(ffinal,98)) )

Closing thoughts...

This procedure replicates (sometimes poorly) IRAF functions. We are also skipping a couple lesser-used functions, such as the illumination correction. You should be plotting things every step of the way, always making sure it looks sensible. Crazy things can happen if you're not careful...

The reduction script can be applied to many science targets from the same night, using the same calibration files and flux standards. In fact, this exact procedure is carried out in autoreduce.

I would not recommend using calibrations from another night if possible. To get better wavelength calibrations, use a HeNeAr image taken right before or after the science target, or even a different HeNeAr for each science image. Future helper-scripts in pyDIS will accommodate automatic solutions of multiple HeNeAr files.