Releases: jshiell/checkstyle-idea
Releases · jshiell/checkstyle-idea
Fixed: Temporary suppression of exception in #127 until it's fixed in CheckStyle.
Fixed: Started reducing the embarrassing amount of duplicated code.
Fixed: Errors are also now entered in the event log, so they can be read after the balloon popup closes.
Fixed: Modernised how notifications are raised.
Fixed: Java source files that are marked as generated are no longer scanned (#172).
Fixed: Properties are properly reloaded after hitting previous in the add file wizard (#170).
New: Updated to CheckStyle 6.8.1.
Fixed: TreeWalker logs are now suppressed, reducing event log spam when editing files (#169).
Fixed: Inspection no longer overrides getShortName as per the IDEA source docs - this has resulted in a ShortName change (#173).
Fixed: Only files in the project content source are scanned (#172).
Fixed: Mirrored JAR files are now used when available (#141).
Fixed: Modernised resource bundle usage.
New: Updated to CheckStyle 6.7 (#168).
New: Updated to CheckStyle 6.6 (#150).
- Fixed: Cached checkers are now cleaned by a background task (#141).
- Fixed: Updated icons to more closely resemble current CheckStyle icon.
- Fixed: File writes are now forced to UTF-8 (#84).
- Fixed: HTTP rules files should result in fewer temporary files (#149).
- Fixed: findFile now uses ReadAction (#140).
- New: Moved to CheckStyle 6.5, which requires Java 7 or above.
- New: Moved to Java 8. Please make sure IDEA is running on JDK 8. OS X users must use the 14.1 build with the bundled JDK.
- New: As such, we now use the IDEA 14.1 SDK.
- Reverted to IDEA 13 SDK, as when IDEA 14.1 drops with Java 8 for OS X users there's going to be an SDK update anyway.
- Fixed: Third party classes were not available in dialogue editors. (#133).