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Querying and Other Tools (PostGIS)
Juan Francisco Saldarriaga edited this page Jul 31, 2018
20 revisions
Here are some examples of queries and other useful commands.
- Selecting by location and counting:
select count(t.pickup_latitude) from green_trips as t, nynta as n where n.ntaname = 'East Harlem North' and st_intersects(t.the_geom,n.geom);
- Selecting by location with a radius:
select t.pickup_longitude from green_trips as t, nynta as n where n.ntaname = 'West Village' and st_dwithin(t.the_geom,n.geom,100);
- Adding trips by location:
select n.ntaname, count(t.pickup_latitude) from nynta as n, green_trips as t where st_intersects(t.the_geom,n.geom) group by n.ntaname;
- More adding trips by location:
select n.ntaname, count(pickup_latitude) as total, sum(t.cash) as sum_cash, sum(t.credit) as sum_credit from nynta as n, green_trips as t where st_intersects(t.the_geom,n.geom) group by n.ntaname;
- Select rows with
:select from tableName where tableColumn like 'keyWordOrLetter%';
. This one selects all that start with that keyword or letter. You can also do%keyword
- List all databases with
. Or list with description and size (disk usage):\l+
- List all databases outside Postgresql:
psql -l
- List all tables and their size:
- Viewing database size (inside psql):
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('dbname'));
- List first n records in a table:
SELECT column (or *) FROM table LIMIT n
- Deleting database:
drop database database_name;
or from the command line directly:dropdb database_name
. - Show location of database:
show data_directory;
- Removing a constraint so you can reproject:
alter table green_trips
drop constraint "enforce_srid_the_geom";
- Reproject table using a new SRID:
ALTER TABLE green_trips
alter column the_geom type geometry(point,2263)
using st_transform(the_geom,2263);
- Print SRDI (limit to 1 row):
select st_srid(geom) from nynta limit 1;
- To delete a specific record do:
delete from only table_name where condition returning *;
- Right-click on PostGIS (Browser panel) and set up a new connection.
- Add name, host is probably
, port is default5432
, add database name.
- Creating table from query:
create table temp_results as
select n.ntaname, count(pickup_latitude) as total, sum(t.cash) as sum_cash, sum(t.credit) as sum_credit from nynta as n, green_trips as t where st_intersects(t.the_geom,n.geom) group by n.ntaname;
- Exporting to csv:
copy temp_results to 'path/to/file.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;
- Exporting with tab delimited
copy table_name to 'path/to/file.csv' delimiter E'\t' csv;
- Example of query:
copy (select od_pair, count(od_pair), date_trunc('year', f_ocurrencia_hecho) as year from crimes where param_hecho = 5 group by od_pair, year) to '/Users/juansaldarriaga/Google_Drive/01_SIDL/02_SIDL_Projects/1507_Victims_and_Displacement_Colombia/02_Data/02_Processed_Data/1603/OD_Pair_All_Years.csv';
- Export table to shapefile (from outside postgres):
pgsql2shp -f "path/to/shapefile.shp" database_name table_name
drop table tableName;
SET datestyle TO "ISO, DMY";
or any other combination (MYD, YMD, etc)
alter table tableName rename to newTableName;
- There are multiple types of joins but the normal one is
SELECT * FROM weather LEFT OUTER JOIN cities ON (weather.city = cities.name);
- Here's an example creating a new table containing the join:
create table random_declaracion as select * from random_ubicacion left outer join cabecerasmunicipales on (random_ubicacion.dane_decla = cabecerasmunicipales.coddanedbl);
- Join Tutorial
- Join Tutorial
- Here's an example of a spatial join into a new table:
create table grid_yellow as select grid.gid as gid, count(yellow.vendorid) as total, grid.geom as geom from grid_200_all_data as grid, yellowdestinations as yellow where ST_Intersects(grid.geom, yellow.the_geom) group by grid.gid;
Alter table tableName add column columnName dataType;
Update tableName set columnName = ST_Distance_Sphere(tableName.geom, tableName2.geom);
Update tableName set columnName = date(columnName) - date(columnName);
: produces anint
Update tableName set columnName = newValue where columnName = referenceValue;
update service_area_allyearsdata_acs_price set grnpck13 = points.total from (select s.gid, count(t.pickup_latitude) as total from service_area_allyearsdata_acs_price as s, green_trip s_2013_pickups as t where st_contains(s.geom,t.the_geom) group by s.gid) points where service_area_allyearsdata_acs_price.gid=points.gid;
- Here's an example on how to create a table with a random sample from another one:
create table random_350k as select * from random_personas order by random() limit 350000;
psql -U myDatabaseUsername --password -d myDatabaseName -f mySqlScript.sql -h myHostName
- Local database:
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -d databaseName latest.dump
Juan's Wiki, with notes, commands and snippets of code | Creative Commons | More info @juanfrans