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217 lines (186 loc) · 14.8 KB

File metadata and controls

217 lines (186 loc) · 14.8 KB

Thanks for contributing to TTK!

Please find below a few guidelines that we invite you to consider before making a pull request.

0. Getting set up with Github

Please find below generic recommendations for setting up your fork of TTK's main repository.

  • Setting up your Github account:
    • Create an account on Github.
    • If applicable, we recommend to upgrade (for free) this account to a Github Pro account, through the Github education program.
  • Forking TTK's main repository:
    • Go to TTK's main source code repository and click on the "Fork" button (top right corner).
    • In the remainder, let us designate by @PUBLIC the URL of TTK's main source code repository (i.e. @PUBLIC =
    • Similarly, let us designate by @FORK the URL of your public fork of TTK's public repository.
  • Creating your private TTK repository:
    • We recommend to use a private repository for the development of unpublished features.
    • For this, create and setup a private repository (e.g. ttk-yourusername). Let us call it @PRIVATE.
    • Clone your @PRIVATE repository locally and enter the following commands:
    $ git clone @PRIVATE ttk-yourusername
    $ cd ttk-yourusername
    $ git remote add ttk-public @PUBLIC
    $ git remote add ttk-fork @FORK
  • Daily usage:
    • At this point, you can regularly keep your private repository up-to-date by entering the following command in it:
    $ git pull ttk-public dev
    • When developing a new unpublished feature, we recommend to create a new branch on your @PRIVATE repository.
    • When this feature is ready to be made public (e.g. after publication of the corresponding research), push the corresponding branch to your @FORK. This will enable you to open a pull-request (PR) to the main TTK repository.
  • Setting up ttk-data
    • The repository ttk-data hosts data sets and examples.
    • We recommend that you re-iterate the above procedure (with a public fork and a private repository) for this repository as well.
    • Note that only the features which are covered by examples in ttk-data are tested by the continuous integration.

1. Authorship

2. Code formatting

  • To make TTK's source code more homogeneous and readable, we use clang-format (under Ubuntu, install the package clang-format-11). A style file is already available in TTK's source tree. Before creating a new pull request, please make sure that you clang-formatted your local repository by entering the following command at the top of TTK's source tree:
$ git ls-files | grep -E "\.cpp$|\.cxx$|\.h$|\.hpp$|\.inl$" | xargs -P$(nproc) -n1 clang-format -i
  • clang-format can also be used on individual files ($ clang-format -i source.cpp) or on Git diffs with git-clang-format.

  • To make your life even easier, we recommend that you setup a clang-format pre-commit hook, which will automatically run clang-format on any of your commits to your local repository. For this, we recommend to use scripts such as this one.

3. Examples

  • The repository ttk-data hosts a list of data sets and example pipelines.
  • If you develop some new feature in TTK (either by creating a new module or by extending an existing one), we strongly invite you to produce an entry in the ttk-data repository (by pull request).
  • Note that, at the moment, only code features which are used in ttk-data's state files are automatically tested by continuous integration (upon code pull requests). Also, note that only such code features (i.e. automatically tested by continuous integration) are considered for integration in Kitware's ParaView official distribution.
  • Please checkout ttk-data's CONTRIBUTOR Guide for detailed instructions.

4. Code documentation

  • TTK uses Doxygen for the automatic generation of online documentation.
  • Each base layer header file should be organized as follows:
    • A overview, including in order:
      • the line \ingroup base
      • the name of the class, with the command \class ttk::
      • the author(s) of the class, with the command \author
      • the date of creation of the class, with the command \date
      • a one-liner description of the class, with the command \brief
      • a long description of the purpose of the class
      • related publications (if applicable)
      • a list of related classes, with the command \sa:
        • other base layer modules commonly used in conjunction with the present filter
      • a pointer to the corresponding VTK layer class (if applicable), with the command \sa
    • Each function should be documented as follows:
      • a quick description, with preconditions \pre, notes \note or warnings \warning if needed.
      • a description of each attribute, with the command \param
      • a description of the return code, with the command \return
      • a list of related functions, with the command \sa
  • Each VTK layer header file should be organized as follows:
    • A overview, including in order:
      • the line \ingroup vtk
      • the name of the class, with the command \class
      • the author(s) of the class, with the command \author
      • the date of creation of the class, with the command \date
      • a one-liner description of the class, with the command \brief
      • a long description of the purpose of the class
      • if the class is a filter (this is the case in general):
        • a description of each input, with the command \param, describing:
          • its class (e.g. vtkDataSet, vtkPointSet, etc.)
          • the required data arrays if any (type, size, meaning).
        • a description of each output, with the command \param, describing:
          • the output class (e.g. vtkDataSet, vtkPointSet, etc.)
          • a description of each new data array:
            • type, size, meaning
            • if a new data are encodes with an integer code a specific classification (for instance, a region type), please clarify the mapping class/integer (e.g. the correspondence integer to region type).
        • recall that the class can be used as any other VTK filter
      • related publications (if applicable)
      • a list of related classes, with the command \sa:
        • other VTK filters commonly used in conjunction with the present filter
      • a pointer to the corresponding base code class (if applicable), with the command \sa
      • the list of all the entries from TTK's Examples website including the filter.
  • Each ParaView XML file should be organized as follows:
    • an overview <Documentation> section, within the main <SourceProxy> section:
      • this should be a copy of the overview description of the corresponding VTK class (see above).
    • for each <InputProperty> section:
      • include a <Documentation> section describing the corresponding input data, by specifying:
        • its class (e.g. vtkDataSet, vtkPointSet, etc.)
        • the required data arrays if any (type, size, meaning).
    • for each other Property section (<IntProperty>, <StringProperty>, etc.), specify:
      • the meaning of the input option and its possible values.
  • Please check out the following examples for inspiration:

5. Continuous integration

  • TTK uses some basic continuous integration, which consists in testing for build and run success under Linux, Windows and MacOs upon each commit or pull request. Your pull request will not be merged if it fails these tests.

  • TTK developers can either try to launch themselves the CI workflows on their public fork (see the CI documentation) or replicate locally the checks performed by the CI (way faster).

  • The CI makes heavy use of Clang tools, such as clang-check or clang-tidy. The first step is to use CMake to generate a Compilation Database, a JSON file that contains explicit compilation commands for each source file in the repository. Go to your build directory, then


    This will generate a compile_commands.json file in your build directory.

  • The clang-check tool parses source files according to the corresponding compilation database entry and displays eventual compilation errors or warnings. This tool can be used to complement GCC (it is quicker to run and the error descriptions are usually better phrased). From TTK's root directory, use $ clang-check -p build source.cpp where build is the build directory (which contains the compilation database). To pass over all TTK source files, use:

    $ git ls-files | grep core | grep -E "\.cpp$|\.cxx$" | xargs -P$(nproc) -n1 clang-check -p build
  • Among the warnings that are tested with clang-tidy in the CI are the unused-parameter warnings. To silence them, TTK offers several solutions:

    • the ttkNotUsed macro used on the parameter declaration highlights the non-usage of the parameter in the function body;
    • the TTK_FORCE_USE macro in the function body is treated by the compiler as a parameter use.

    See the definition of these variables in BaseClass.h for use-cases.

  • Finally, the clang-tidy tool is used in the CI to perform C++ code style checks and some basic static analysis (using Clang's Static Analyzer). The checks are listed in the .clang-tidy file. A description of each of these checks is available on clang-tidy's website. Similarly to clang-check, clang-tidy can be used on individual source files with $ clang-tidy -p build source.cpp, or on the whole TTK codebase:

    $ git ls-files | grep core | grep -E "\.cpp$|\.cxx$" | xargs -P$(nproc) -n1 clang-tidy -p build

    Note that a --fix flag is available to automatically correct some warnings.

  • Static analysis is performed using the --checks="-*,clang-analyzer-*" flags that disables every clang-tidy warning except the Clang Static Analyzer ones:

    $ git ls-files | grep core | grep -E "\.cpp$|\.cxx$" \
      | xargs -P$(nproc) -n1 clang-tidy --checks="-*,clang-analyzer-*" -p build
  • Code editors, thanks to the Language Server Protocol, can take advantage of clang-check and clang-tidy and display their warnings in their interface.

6. Submitting code

  • If you plan to submit a new module, we invite you to read our Guidelines for Developing a New TTK Module.
  • Prepare your pull-request to the dev branch of TTK. Before submitting it, please make sure that your fork is in sync with the latest version of TTK's source tree (typically by entering a command like git pull ttk-public dev, where ttk-public is the name of your remote pointing to TTK's public source tree). Please make sure that your new code runs fine with TTK's performance mode turned on TTK_ENABLE_KAMIKAZE=ON (OFF by default on the dev branch).
  • Please submit a pull-request with an example to ttk-data. See ttk-data's CONTRIBUTOR Guide for detailed instructions.
  • Prepare, if possible, a video tutorial, similar to those available on TTK's tutorial page. In this video, you should:
    • Open a terminal and load your state file demo to explain what it does and what it shows.
    • Re-open ParaView and re-create your state file pipeline from scratch (to show people how to put things together)

From our experience, video tutorials are essential to attract users towards new features. So if you want people to use your new module, you want to prepare a video tutorial. There are several excellent software packages for video editing (for instance kdenlive)

7. Tools for TTK developers

A list of tips & tools to help TTK developers has been gathered into