From be7f9a9aff02ebb6e2f37bf6cb1da0f0e32b4104 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Julius Kreutz Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2023 04:09:03 +1000 Subject: [PATCH] Saving whatever I did --- ...c71dc79ef3e3e451157d26c002d20455ed36c.json | 15 ++ ...d6e1877336b69292f00a5f59f081ced501c89.json | 17 -- ...99a825c721a12b062e29bbfa42b221fe0367d.json | 14 ++ ...5a8dcc583fbece88e8748c812e3681c347fb.json} | 23 +- ...76d0bd88fe7989d73e8b689f4274cc15c18f1.json | 48 ---- ...af365cb8e4548a36c87ae265030d55e45cce1.json | 47 ---- ...b039a9bd8f94eada1cd64b418b26ae5a00432.json | 17 -- ...0f5e03a5f3d3ba5b1672f235cc0163de4b794.json | 14 ++ ...7d5ff4fdbd2632d525b9ecabe63d1d6658fe7.json | 15 ++ ...697e5b4b5f6f12dcd379323f9f7888e06270c.json | 48 ---- ...6a4740e284a2ee28fe316663ea56cb1e9c67c.json | 19 ++ ...0b366efd716bfa95a302fb6f8d83db53ad683.json | 17 -- ...782f51d690785fe7354d27de980bfb47c5624.json | 47 ---- ...cca10cb1344cfdb73404aac104fad444773a9.json | 17 -- ...5896f8297e269735438bca387e0b89e4eac00.json | 48 ---- 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"ordinal": 2, - "name": "character", - "type_info": "Int4" - }, - { - "ordinal": 3, - "name": "timestamp", - "type_info": "Timestamp" - }, - { - "ordinal": 4, - "name": "name", - "type_info": "Text" - } - ], - "parameters": { - "Left": [ - "Int8", - "Text" - ] - }, - "nullable": [ - false, - false, - false, - false, - false - ] - }, - "hash": "ea7158526eac5fac6de2de7518c5310c51413b5aad22b494bfb582b3da82deca" -} diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml index 71bd4be9..493be71c 100644 --- a/Cargo.toml +++ b/Cargo.toml @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ actix-web = "4.3.1" anyhow = "1.0.75" async-rwlock = "1.3.0" async-trait = "0.1.73" +calamine = "0.22.0" chrono = { version = "0.4.26", features = ["serde"] } csv = "1.2.2" dotenv = "0.15.0" @@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ image = "0.24.7" indexmap = "2.0.0" lettre = { version = "0.10.4", features = ["tokio1-native-tls"] } log = "0.4.20" +quick-xml = { version = "0.30.0", features = ["serialize"] } rand = "0.8.5" regex = "1.9.3" reqwest = { version = "0.11.18", features = ["json"] } diff --git a/migrations/20230907085011_users_references.sql b/migrations/20230907085011_users_references.sql new file mode 100644 index 00000000..13af8b1b --- /dev/null +++ b/migrations/20230907085011_users_references.sql @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +ALTER TABLE admins DROP CONSTRAINT admins_username_fkey; +ALTER TABLE admins ADD CONSTRAINT admins_username_fkey FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES users ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; + +ALTER TABLE sessions DROP CONSTRAINT sessions_new_username_fkey; +ALTER TABLE sessions ADD CONSTRAINT sessions_username_fkey FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES users ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; + +ALTER TABLE users_achievements DROP CONSTRAINT completed_username_fkey; +ALTER TABLE users_achievements ADD CONSTRAINT users_achievements_username_fkey FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES users ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; + +ALTER TABLE users_books DROP CONSTRAINT users_books_username_fkey; +ALTER TABLE users_books ADD CONSTRAINT users_books_username_fkey FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES users ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; + +ALTER TABLE verifications DROP CONSTRAINT verifications_username_fkey; +ALTER TABLE verifications ADD CONSTRAINT verifications_username_fkey FOREIGN KEY (username) REFERENCES users ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; diff --git a/migrations/20230912034344_books.sql b/migrations/20230912034344_books.sql new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4f2e9a77 --- /dev/null +++ b/migrations/20230912034344_books.sql @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN comment TEXT; +ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN image1 TEXT; +ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN image2 TEXT; diff --git a/migrations/20230921163833_warps.sql b/migrations/20230921163833_warps.sql new file mode 100644 index 00000000..323374bc --- /dev/null +++ b/migrations/20230921163833_warps.sql @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +DROP TABLE warp_standard_characters; +DROP TABLE warp_standard_light_cones; +DROP TABLE warp_departure_characters; +DROP TABLE warp_departure_light_cones; +DROP TABLE warp_special_characters; +DROP TABLE warp_special_light_cones; +DROP TABLE warp_lc_characters; +DROP TABLE warp_lc_light_cones; + +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS warps ( + id INT8 NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, + uid INT8 NOT NULL REFERENCES mihomo ON DELETE CASCADE, + gacha_type TEXT NOT NULL, + character INT4 REFERENCES characters ON DELETE CASCADE, + light_cone INT4 REFERENCES light_cones ON DELETE CASCADE, + timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL +); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/migrations/20230921172629_warps_primary_key.sql b/migrations/20230921172629_warps_primary_key.sql new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5c8683c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/migrations/20230921172629_warps_primary_key.sql @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +ALTER TABLE warps DROP CONSTRAINT warps_pkey; + +ALTER TABLE warps ADD PRIMARY KEY (id, gacha_type); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/api/achievements/ b/src/api/achievements/ index 80d275dc..e32e2d9a 100644 --- a/src/api/achievements/ +++ b/src/api/achievements/ @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ use super::Language; struct ApiDoc; #[derive(Display, EnumString, Serialize, Deserialize, ToSchema)] -#[strum(serialize_all = "lowercase")] -#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] +#[strum(serialize_all = "snake_case")] +#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")] enum Difficulty { Easy, Medium, diff --git a/src/api/books/id/comment/ b/src/api/books/id/comment/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d57abbea --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/books/id/comment/ @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +use actix_session::Session; +use actix_web::{delete, put, web, HttpResponse, Responder}; +use serde::Deserialize; +use sqlx::PgPool; +use utoipa::{OpenApi, ToSchema}; + +use crate::{api::ApiResult, database}; + +#[derive(OpenApi)] +#[openapi( + tags((name = "books/{id}/comment")), + paths(put_book_comment, delete_book_comment), + components(schemas(CommentUpdate)) +)] +struct ApiDoc; + +#[derive(Deserialize, ToSchema)] +struct CommentUpdate { + comment: String, +} + +pub fn openapi() -> utoipa::openapi::OpenApi { + ApiDoc::openapi() +} + +pub fn configure(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) { + cfg.service(put_book_comment).service(delete_book_comment); +} + +#[utoipa::path( + tag = "books/{id}/comment", + put, + path = "/api/books/{id}/comment", + request_body = CommentUpdate, + responses( + (status = 200, description = "Updated comment"), + (status = 403, description = "Not an admin"), + ), + security(("admin" = [])) +)] +#[put("/api/books/{id}/comment")] +async fn put_book_comment( + session: Session, + id: web::Path, + comment_update: web::Json, + pool: web::Data, +) -> ApiResult { + let Ok(Some(username)) = session.get::("username") else { + return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().finish()); + }; + + if database::get_admin_by_username(&username, &pool) + .await + .is_err() + { + return Ok(HttpResponse::Forbidden().finish()); + } + + database::update_book_comment(*id, &comment_update.comment, &pool).await?; + + Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().finish()) +} + +#[utoipa::path( + tag = "books/{id}/comment", + delete, + path = "/api/books/{id}/comment", + responses( + (status = 200, description = "Deleted comment"), + (status = 403, description = "Not an admin"), + ), + security(("admin" = [])) +)] +#[delete("/api/books/{id}/comment")] +async fn delete_book_comment( + session: Session, + id: web::Path, + pool: web::Data, +) -> ApiResult { + let Ok(Some(username)) = session.get::("username") else { + return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().finish()); + }; + + if database::get_admin_by_username(&username, &pool) + .await + .is_err() + { + return Ok(HttpResponse::Forbidden().finish()); + } + + database::delete_book_comment(*id, &pool).await?; + + Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().finish()) +} diff --git a/src/api/books/id/image1/ b/src/api/books/id/image1/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de001189 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/books/id/image1/ @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +use actix_session::Session; +use actix_web::{delete, put, web, HttpResponse, Responder}; +use serde::Deserialize; +use sqlx::PgPool; +use utoipa::{OpenApi, ToSchema}; + +use crate::{api::ApiResult, database}; + +#[derive(OpenApi)] +#[openapi( + tags((name = "books/{id}/image1")), + paths(put_book_image1, delete_book_image1), + components(schemas(Image1Update)) +)] +struct ApiDoc; + +#[derive(Deserialize, ToSchema)] +struct Image1Update { + image1: String, +} + +pub fn openapi() -> utoipa::openapi::OpenApi { + ApiDoc::openapi() +} + +pub fn configure(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) { + cfg.service(put_book_image1).service(delete_book_image1); +} + +#[utoipa::path( + tag = "books/{id}/image1", + put, + path = "/api/books/{id}/image1", + request_body = Image1Update, + responses( + (status = 200, description = "Updated image1"), + (status = 403, description = "Not an admin"), + ), + security(("admin" = [])) +)] +#[put("/api/books/{id}/image1")] +async fn put_book_image1( + session: Session, + id: web::Path, + image1_update: web::Json, + pool: web::Data, +) -> ApiResult { + let Ok(Some(username)) = session.get::("username") else { + return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().finish()); + }; + + if database::get_admin_by_username(&username, &pool) + .await + .is_err() + { + return Ok(HttpResponse::Forbidden().finish()); + } + + database::update_book_image1(*id, &image1_update.image1, &pool).await?; + + Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().finish()) +} + +#[utoipa::path( + tag = "books/{id}/image1", + delete, + path = "/api/books/{id}/image1", + responses( + (status = 200, description = "Deleted image1"), + (status = 403, description = "Not an admin"), + ), + security(("admin" = [])) +)] +#[delete("/api/books/{id}/image1")] +async fn delete_book_image1( + session: Session, + id: web::Path, + pool: web::Data, +) -> ApiResult { + let Ok(Some(username)) = session.get::("username") else { + return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().finish()); + }; + + if database::get_admin_by_username(&username, &pool) + .await + .is_err() + { + return Ok(HttpResponse::Forbidden().finish()); + } + + database::delete_book_image1(*id, &pool).await?; + + Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().finish()) +} diff --git a/src/api/books/id/image2/ b/src/api/books/id/image2/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e801c1f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/books/id/image2/ @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +use actix_session::Session; +use actix_web::{delete, put, web, HttpResponse, Responder}; +use serde::Deserialize; +use sqlx::PgPool; +use utoipa::{OpenApi, ToSchema}; + +use crate::{api::ApiResult, database}; + +#[derive(OpenApi)] +#[openapi( + tags((name = "books/{id}/image2")), + paths(put_book_image2, delete_book_image2), + components(schemas(Image2Update)) +)] +struct ApiDoc; + +#[derive(Deserialize, ToSchema)] +struct Image2Update { + image2: String, +} + +pub fn openapi() -> utoipa::openapi::OpenApi { + ApiDoc::openapi() +} + +pub fn configure(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) { + cfg.service(put_book_image2).service(delete_book_image2); +} + +#[utoipa::path( + tag = "books/{id}/image2", + put, + path = "/api/books/{id}/image2", + request_body = Image2Update, + responses( + (status = 200, description = "Updated image2"), + (status = 403, description = "Not an admin"), + ), + security(("admin" = [])) +)] +#[put("/api/books/{id}/image2")] +async fn put_book_image2( + session: Session, + id: web::Path, + image2_update: web::Json, + pool: web::Data, +) -> ApiResult { + let Ok(Some(username)) = session.get::("username") else { + return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().finish()); + }; + + if database::get_admin_by_username(&username, &pool) + .await + .is_err() + { + return Ok(HttpResponse::Forbidden().finish()); + } + + database::update_book_image2(*id, &image2_update.image2, &pool).await?; + + Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().finish()) +} + +#[utoipa::path( + tag = "books/{id}/image2", + delete, + path = "/api/books/{id}/image2", + responses( + (status = 200, description = "Deleted image2"), + (status = 403, description = "Not an admin"), + ), + security(("admin" = [])) +)] +#[delete("/api/books/{id}/image2")] +async fn delete_book_image2( + session: Session, + id: web::Path, + pool: web::Data, +) -> ApiResult { + let Ok(Some(username)) = session.get::("username") else { + return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().finish()); + }; + + if database::get_admin_by_username(&username, &pool) + .await + .is_err() + { + return Ok(HttpResponse::Forbidden().finish()); + } + + database::delete_book_image2(*id, &pool).await?; + + Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().finish()) +} diff --git a/src/api/books/id/ b/src/api/books/id/ index 2bb19a2e..844be4ec 100644 --- a/src/api/books/id/ +++ b/src/api/books/id/ @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +mod comment; +mod image1; +mod image2; + use actix_web::{get, web, HttpResponse, Responder}; use sqlx::PgPool; use utoipa::OpenApi; @@ -15,11 +19,18 @@ use crate::{ struct ApiDoc; pub fn openapi() -> utoipa::openapi::OpenApi { - ApiDoc::openapi() + let mut openapi = ApiDoc::openapi(); + openapi.merge(comment::openapi()); + openapi.merge(image1::openapi()); + openapi.merge(image2::openapi()); + openapi } pub fn configure(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) { - cfg.service(get_book); + cfg.service(get_book) + .configure(comment::configure) + .configure(image1::configure) + .configure(image2::configure); } #[utoipa::path( diff --git a/src/api/books/ b/src/api/books/ index 22462ddb..9b3887b1 100644 --- a/src/api/books/ +++ b/src/api/books/ @@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ use super::Language; struct ApiDoc; #[derive(Display, EnumString, Serialize, Deserialize, ToSchema)] -#[strum(serialize_all = "lowercase")] -#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] +#[strum(serialize_all = "snake_case")] +#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")] enum Difficulty { Easy, Medium, @@ -43,11 +43,24 @@ struct Book { series_world_name: String, series_inside: i32, name: String, + #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + comment: Option, + images: Vec, percent: f64, } impl From for Book { fn from(db_book: database::DbBook) -> Self { + let mut images = Vec::new(); + + if let Some(image) = db_book.image1 { + images.push(image); + } + + if let Some(image) = db_book.image2 { + images.push(image); + } + Book { id:, series: db_book.series, @@ -56,6 +69,8 @@ impl From for Book { series_world_name: db_book.series_world_name, series_inside: db_book.series_inside, name:, + comment: db_book.comment, + images, percent: db_book.percent, } } diff --git a/src/api/free_jade_alert/ b/src/api/free_jade_alert/ index 37f295a0..52287d6a 100644 --- a/src/api/free_jade_alert/ +++ b/src/api/free_jade_alert/ @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ struct Reward { } #[derive(Deserialize, ToSchema)] -#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] +#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")] enum RewardType { Jade, Credit, diff --git a/src/api/import/ b/src/api/import_achievements/ similarity index 94% rename from src/api/import/ rename to src/api/import_achievements/ index 564935c6..39165d20 100644 --- a/src/api/import/ +++ b/src/api/import_achievements/ @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ use crate::{api::ApiResult, database}; #[derive(OpenApi)] #[openapi( - tags((name = "import")), - paths(import), + tags((name = "import-achievements")), + paths(import_achievements), components(schemas( File, )) @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ pub fn openapi() -> utoipa::openapi::OpenApi { } pub fn configure(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) { - cfg.service(import); + cfg.service(import_achievements); } #[derive(MultipartForm, ToSchema)] @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ struct Achievement { #[utoipa::path( tag = "pinned", post, - path = "/api/import", + path = "/api/import-achievements", request_body(content = File, content_type = "multipart/form-data"), responses( (status = 200, description = "Successfully imported"), @@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ struct Achievement { (status = 403, description = "Not an admin") ) )] -#[post("/api/import")] -async fn import( +#[post("/api/import-achievements")] +async fn import_achievements( session: Session, file: MultipartForm, pool: web::Data, diff --git a/src/api/import_books/ b/src/api/import_books/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1d8af37b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/import_books/ @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +use std::collections::HashMap; + +use actix_multipart::form::{tempfile::TempFile, MultipartForm}; +use actix_session::Session; +use actix_web::{post, web, HttpResponse, Responder}; +use calamine::{DataType, Reader}; +use sqlx::PgPool; +use utoipa::{OpenApi, ToSchema}; + +use crate::{api::ApiResult, database}; + +#[derive(OpenApi)] +#[openapi( + tags((name = "import-books")), + paths(import_books), + components(schemas( + File, + )) +)] +struct ApiDoc; + +pub fn openapi() -> utoipa::openapi::OpenApi { + ApiDoc::openapi() +} + +pub fn configure(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) { + cfg.service(import_books); +} + +#[derive(MultipartForm, ToSchema)] +struct File { + #[schema(value_type = String, format = Binary)] + file: TempFile, +} + +#[utoipa::path( + tag = "pinned", + post, + path = "/api/import-books", + request_body(content = File, content_type = "multipart/form-data"), + responses( + (status = 200, description = "Successfully imported"), + (status = 400, description = "Not logged in"), + (status = 403, description = "Not an admin") + ) +)] +#[post("/api/import-books")] +async fn import_books( + session: Session, + file: MultipartForm, + pool: web::Data, +) -> ApiResult { + let Ok(Some(username)) = session.get::("username") else { + return Ok(HttpResponse::BadRequest().finish()); + }; + + if database::get_admin_by_username(&username, &pool) + .await + .is_err() + { + return Ok(HttpResponse::Forbidden().finish()); + } + + let mut workbook = calamine::open_workbook_auto(&file.file.file)?; + + let mut images = HashMap::new(); + if let Some(Ok(r)) = workbook.worksheet_formula("Bookshelf") { + let (sy, _) = r.start().unwrap_or_default(); + + let height = r.height(); + + for y in 0..height { + let image1 = r.get((y, 0)).unwrap().clone(); + let image2 = r.get((y, 6)).unwrap().clone(); + + if !image1.is_empty() && !image2.is_empty() { + let image1 = image1[7..image1.len() - 2].to_string(); + let image2 = image2[7..image2.len() - 2].to_string(); + + images.insert(sy as usize + y, (image1, image2)); + } + } + } + + for (y, row) in workbook + .worksheet_range("Bookshelf") + .unwrap()? + .rows() + .enumerate() + .skip(1) + .filter(|(_, data)| data[7] != DataType::Empty) + { + let ids = match &row[7] { + &DataType::Int(id) => vec![id], + &DataType::Float(id) => vec![id as i64], + DataType::String(ids) => ids.lines().map(|id| id.parse().unwrap()).collect(), + _ => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Id in row {y} is in a wrong format").into()), + }; + + let comment = match &row[5] { + DataType::String(s) => s, + DataType::Empty => "", + _ => { + return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("How to obtain in row {y} is in a wrong format").into()) + } + }; + + for id in ids { + if !comment.is_empty() { + database::update_book_comment(id, comment, &pool).await?; + } else { + database::delete_book_comment(id, &pool).await?; + } + + if let Some((image1, image2)) = images.get(&(y + 1)) { + database::update_book_image1(id, image1, &pool).await?; + database::update_book_image2(id, image2, &pool).await?; + } + } + } + + Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().finish()) +} diff --git a/src/api/ b/src/api/ index b82a5250..1962bd8a 100644 --- a/src/api/ +++ b/src/api/ @@ -6,13 +6,15 @@ mod books; mod characters; mod community_tier_list; mod free_jade_alert; -mod import; +mod import_achievements; +mod import_books; mod languages; mod light_cones; mod mihomo; mod pages; mod scores; mod select_all; +mod sitemap; mod users; mod warps; @@ -65,8 +67,8 @@ struct LanguageParams { Clone, Copy, )] -#[strum(serialize_all = "lowercase")] -#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] +#[strum(serialize_all = "snake_case")] +#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")] enum Language { Chs, Cht, @@ -120,13 +122,15 @@ pub fn openapi() -> utoipa::openapi::OpenApi { openapi.merge(characters::openapi()); openapi.merge(community_tier_list::openapi()); openapi.merge(free_jade_alert::openapi()); - openapi.merge(import::openapi()); + openapi.merge(import_achievements::openapi()); + openapi.merge(import_books::openapi()); openapi.merge(languages::openapi()); openapi.merge(light_cones::openapi()); openapi.merge(mihomo::openapi()); openapi.merge(pages::openapi()); openapi.merge(scores::openapi()); openapi.merge(select_all::openapi()); + openapi.merge(sitemap::openapi()); openapi.merge(users::openapi()); openapi.merge(warps::openapi()); openapi @@ -141,13 +145,15 @@ pub fn configure(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) { .configure(characters::configure) .configure(community_tier_list::configure) .configure(free_jade_alert::configure) - .configure(import::configure) + .configure(import_achievements::configure) + .configure(import_books::configure) .configure(languages::configure) .configure(light_cones::configure) .configure(mihomo::configure) .configure(pages::configure) .configure(scores::configure) .configure(select_all::configure) + .configure(sitemap::configure) .configure(users::configure) .configure(warps::configure); } @@ -157,3 +163,7 @@ pub fn cache_achievement_tracker( ) -> web::Data { pages::cache_achievement_tracker(pool) } + +pub fn cache_book_tracker(pool: PgPool) -> web::Data { + pages::cache_book_tracker(pool) +} diff --git a/src/api/pages/achievement_tracker/ b/src/api/pages/achievement_tracker/ index 55011121..eddd1618 100644 --- a/src/api/pages/achievement_tracker/ +++ b/src/api/pages/achievement_tracker/ @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ use crate::{ }; #[derive(OpenApi)] -#[openapi(paths(get_achievemenent_tracker))] +#[openapi(paths(get_achievement_tracker))] struct ApiDoc; pub fn openapi() -> utoipa::openapi::OpenApi { @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ pub fn openapi() -> utoipa::openapi::OpenApi { } pub fn configure(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) { - cfg.service(get_achievemenent_tracker); + cfg.service(get_achievement_tracker); } #[derive(Default)] @@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ struct Achievement { } #[derive(EnumString, Serialize)] -#[strum(serialize_all = "lowercase")] -#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] +#[strum(serialize_all = "snake_case")] +#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")] enum Difficulty { Easy, Medium, @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ async fn update( ) )] #[get("/api/pages/achievement-tracker", guard = "private")] -async fn get_achievemenent_tracker( +async fn get_achievement_tracker( language_params: web::Query, achievement_tracker_cache: web::Data, ) -> ApiResult { diff --git a/src/api/pages/book_tracker/ b/src/api/pages/book_tracker/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4e30c24a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/pages/book_tracker/ @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +use std::{ + collections::HashMap, + time::{Duration, Instant}, +}; + +use actix_web::{get, web, HttpResponse, Responder}; +use anyhow::Result; +use async_rwlock::RwLock; +use indexmap::IndexMap; +use serde::Serialize; +use sqlx::PgPool; +use strum::IntoEnumIterator; +use utoipa::OpenApi; + +use crate::{ + api::{private, ApiResult, Language, LanguageParams}, + database, +}; + +#[derive(OpenApi)] +#[openapi(paths(get_book_tracker))] +struct ApiDoc; + +pub fn openapi() -> utoipa::openapi::OpenApi { + ApiDoc::openapi() +} + +pub fn configure(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) { + cfg.service(get_book_tracker); +} + +#[derive(Default)] +pub struct BookTrackerCache { + book_tracker_map: RwLock>, +} + +#[derive(Default, Serialize)] +struct BookTracker { + book_count: usize, + user_count: i64, + language: Language, + worlds: Vec, +} + +#[derive(Serialize)] +struct World { + world: String, + book_count: usize, + series: Vec, +} + +#[derive(Serialize)] +struct Series { + series: String, + book_count: usize, + books: Vec, +} + +#[derive(Serialize)] +struct Book { + id: i64, + series: i32, + series_name: String, + series_world: i32, + series_world_name: String, + name: String, + #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + comment: Option, + percent: f64, +} + +impl From for Book { + fn from(db_book: database::DbBook) -> Self { + Book { + id:, + series: db_book.series, + series_name: db_book.series_name.clone(), + series_world: db_book.series_world, + series_world_name: db_book.series_world_name, + name:, + comment: db_book.comment.clone(), + percent: db_book.percent, + } + } +} + +pub fn cache(pool: PgPool) -> web::Data { + let book_tracker_cache = web::Data::new(BookTrackerCache::default()); + + { + let book_tracker_cache = book_tracker_cache.clone(); + + tokio::spawn(async move { + let mut interval = tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(60)); + + loop { + interval.tick().await; + + let start = Instant::now(); + + if let Err(e) = update(&book_tracker_cache, &pool).await { + log::error!( + "Book Tracker update failed with {e} in {}s", + start.elapsed().as_secs_f64() + ); + } else { + log::info!( + "Book Tracker update succeeded in {}s", + start.elapsed().as_secs_f64() + ); + } + } + }); + } + + book_tracker_cache +} + +async fn update(book_tracker_cache: &web::Data, pool: &PgPool) -> Result<()> { + let mut book_tracker_map = HashMap::new(); + + for language in Language::iter() { + let db_books = database::get_books(&language.to_string(), pool).await?; + + let mut worlds: IndexMap>> = IndexMap::new(); + + for db_book in db_books { + worlds + .entry(db_book.series_world_name.clone()) + .or_default() + .entry(db_book.series_name.clone()) + .or_default() + .push(Book::from(db_book)); + } + + let worlds = worlds + .into_iter() + .map(|(world, series)| { + let series = series + .into_iter() + .map(|(series, books)| Series { + series, + book_count: books.len(), + books, + }) + .collect::>(); + + let book_count = series.iter().map(|bs| bs.book_count).sum(); + + World { + world, + book_count, + series, + } + }) + .collect::>(); + + let book_count = worlds.iter().map(|bw| bw.book_count).sum(); + let user_count = database::get_users_books_user_count(pool).await?; + + let book_tracker = BookTracker { + book_count, + user_count, + language, + worlds, + }; + + book_tracker_map.insert(language, book_tracker); + } + + *book_tracker_cache.book_tracker_map.write().await = book_tracker_map; + + Ok(()) +} + +#[utoipa::path( + tag = "pages", + get, + path = "/api/pages/book-tracker", + params(LanguageParams), + security(("api_key" = [])), + responses( + (status = 200, description = "BookTracker"), + ) +)] +#[get("/api/pages/book-tracker", guard = "private")] +async fn get_book_tracker( + language_params: web::Query, + book_tracker_cache: web::Data, +) -> ApiResult { + Ok(HttpResponse::Ok() + .json(&[&language_params.lang])) +} diff --git a/src/api/pages/ b/src/api/pages/ index fea1ac40..0c8aaffa 100644 --- a/src/api/pages/ +++ b/src/api/pages/ @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ pub mod achievement_tracker; +pub mod book_tracker; mod community_tier_list; mod leaderboard; mod profiles; +mod warp_tracker; use actix_web::web; use sqlx::PgPool; @@ -14,17 +16,21 @@ struct ApiDoc; pub fn openapi() -> utoipa::openapi::OpenApi { let mut openapi = ApiDoc::openapi(); openapi.merge(achievement_tracker::openapi()); + openapi.merge(book_tracker::openapi()); openapi.merge(community_tier_list::openapi()); openapi.merge(leaderboard::openapi()); openapi.merge(profiles::openapi()); + openapi.merge(warp_tracker::openapi()); openapi } pub fn configure(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) { cfg.configure(achievement_tracker::configure) + .configure(book_tracker::configure) .configure(community_tier_list::configure) .configure(leaderboard::configure) - .configure(profiles::configure); + .configure(profiles::configure) + .configure(warp_tracker::configure); } pub fn cache_achievement_tracker( @@ -32,3 +38,7 @@ pub fn cache_achievement_tracker( ) -> web::Data { achievement_tracker::cache(pool) } + +pub fn cache_book_tracker(pool: PgPool) -> web::Data { + book_tracker::cache(pool) +} diff --git a/src/api/pages/warp_tracker/ b/src/api/pages/warp_tracker/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2a230393 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/pages/warp_tracker/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +use actix_web::web; +use utoipa::OpenApi; + +mod uid; + +#[derive(OpenApi)] +#[openapi()] +struct ApiDoc; + +pub fn openapi() -> utoipa::openapi::OpenApi { + uid::openapi() +} + +pub fn configure(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) { + cfg.configure(uid::configure); +} diff --git a/src/api/pages/warp_tracker/uid/ b/src/api/pages/warp_tracker/uid/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..66beaeec --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/pages/warp_tracker/uid/ @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +use actix_web::{get, web, HttpResponse, Responder}; +use chrono::NaiveDateTime; +use serde::Serialize; +use sqlx::PgPool; +use utoipa::OpenApi; + +use crate::{ + api::{private, ApiResult, LanguageParams}, + database, +}; + +#[derive(OpenApi)] +#[openapi(paths(get_warp_tracker))] +struct ApiDoc; + +pub fn openapi() -> utoipa::openapi::OpenApi { + ApiDoc::openapi() +} + +pub fn configure(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) { + cfg.service(get_warp_tracker); +} + +#[derive(Serialize)] +struct Warp { + r#type: WarpType, + name: Option, + timestamp: NaiveDateTime, +} + +#[derive(Serialize)] +#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")] +enum WarpType { + Character, + LightCone, +} + +impl From for Warp { + fn from(warp: database::DbWarp) -> Self { + let r#type = if warp.character.is_some() { + WarpType::Character + } else { + WarpType::LightCone + }; + + Self { + r#type, + name:, + timestamp: warp.timestamp, + } + } +} + +#[derive(Serialize)] +struct WarpTracker { + count: usize, + standard: Vec, + departure: Vec, + special: Vec, + lc: Vec, +} + +#[utoipa::path( + tag = "pages", + get, + path = "/api/pages/warp-tracker/{uid}", + security(("api_key" = [])), + responses( + (status = 200, description = "WarpTracker"), + ) +)] +#[get("/api/pages/warp-tracker/{uid}", guard = "private")] +async fn get_warp_tracker( + uid: web::Path, + language_params: web::Query, + pool: web::Data, +) -> ApiResult { + let warps = database::get_warps_by_uid(*uid, &language_params.lang.to_string(), &pool).await?; + + let mut standard = Vec::new(); + let mut departure = Vec::new(); + let mut special = Vec::new(); + let mut lc = Vec::new(); + + for warp in warps { + match warp.gacha_type.as_str() { + "standard" => standard.push(warp.into()), + "departure" => departure.push(warp.into()), + "special" => special.push(warp.into()), + "lc" => lc.push(warp.into()), + _ => {} + } + } + + let count = standard.len() + departure.len() + special.len() + lc.len(); + + let warp_tracker = WarpTracker { + count, + standard, + departure, + special, + lc, + }; + + Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().json(warp_tracker)) +} diff --git a/src/api/scores/ b/src/api/scores/ index 8862dcbc..970558fe 100644 --- a/src/api/scores/ +++ b/src/api/scores/ @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ use utoipa::{IntoParams, OpenApi, ToSchema}; struct ApiDoc; #[derive(Display, EnumString, Serialize, Deserialize, ToSchema, Clone, Copy)] -#[strum(serialize_all = "lowercase")] -#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] +#[strum(serialize_all = "snake_case")] +#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")] pub enum Region { NA, EU, diff --git a/src/api/sitemap/ b/src/api/sitemap/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..00a19ffd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/api/sitemap/ @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +use actix_web::{get, web, HttpResponse, Responder}; +use serde::Serialize; +use sqlx::PgPool; +use utoipa::OpenApi; + +use crate::{api::ApiResult, database}; + +#[derive(OpenApi)] +#[openapi( + tags((name = "sitemap")), + paths(sitemap) +)] +struct ApiDoc; + +pub fn openapi() -> utoipa::openapi::OpenApi { + ApiDoc::openapi() +} + +pub fn configure(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) { + cfg.service(sitemap); +} + +const ROUTES: &[&str] = &[ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", +]; + +#[derive(Serialize)] +#[allow(non_camel_case_types)] +struct urlset { + #[serde(rename = "@xmlns")] + xmlns: String, + url: Vec, +} + +#[derive(Serialize)] +struct Url { + loc: String, + lastmod: String, +} + +#[utoipa::path( + tag = "sitemap", + get, + path = "/api/sitemap", + responses( + (status = 200, description = "Sitemap"), + ) +)] +#[get("/api/sitemap")] +async fn sitemap(pool: web::Data) -> ApiResult { + let lastmod = "2023-09-06"; + + let mut urls = Vec::new(); + + for route in ROUTES { + let url = Url { + loc: route.to_string(), + lastmod: lastmod.to_string(), + }; + + urls.push(url); + } + + for id in database::get_achievements_id(&pool).await? { + let url = Url { + loc: format!("{id}"), + lastmod: lastmod.to_string(), + }; + + urls.push(url); + } + + let urlset = urlset { + xmlns: "".to_string(), + url: urls, + }; + + let sitemap = r#""#.to_string() + + &quick_xml::se::to_string(&urlset)?; + + Ok(HttpResponse::Ok() + .content_type("application/xml") + .body(sitemap)) +} diff --git a/src/api/warps/ b/src/api/warps/ index 9d07b8bf..b497e9e2 100644 --- a/src/api/warps/ +++ b/src/api/warps/ @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ use actix_web::{post, web, HttpResponse, Responder}; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use serde::Deserialize; use sqlx::PgPool; +use strum::Display; use utoipa::{OpenApi, ToSchema}; use crate::{api::ApiResult, database}; @@ -12,10 +13,20 @@ use crate::{api::ApiResult, database}; #[openapi( tags((name = "warps")), paths(post_warps), - components(schemas(WarpAuthKey)) + components(schemas(WarpAuthKey, GachaType)) )] struct ApiDoc; +#[derive(Display, Deserialize, ToSchema)] +#[strum(serialize_all = "snake_case")] +#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")] +enum GachaType { + Standard, + Departure, + Special, + Lc, +} + pub fn openapi() -> utoipa::openapi::OpenApi { let mut openapi = ApiDoc::openapi(); openapi.merge(uid::openapi()); @@ -85,48 +96,45 @@ async fn post_warps( for entry in { let id =; + let gacha_type = GachaType::Standard.to_string(); + + if database::get_warp_by_id_and_gacha_type(id, &gacha_type, "en", &pool) + .await + .is_ok() + { + break 'outer; + } + let uid = entry.uid.parse()?; let timestamp = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(&entry.time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")?; - if entry.item_type == "Character" { - if database::get_warp_standard_character_by_id_and_uid(id, uid, "en", &pool) - .await - .is_ok() - { - break 'outer; - } - - let character = entry.item_id.parse()?; + let item = entry.item_id.parse()?; - let db_warp_standard_character = database::DbWarpStandardCharacter { + if entry.item_type == "Character" { + let db_warp = database::DbWarp { id, uid, - character, - name: String::new(), + character: Some(item), + light_cone: None, + gacha_type, + name: None, timestamp, }; - database::set_warp_standard_character(&db_warp_standard_character, &pool).await?; + database::set_warp(&db_warp, &pool).await?; } else if entry.item_type == "Light Cone" { - if database::get_warp_standard_light_cone_by_id_and_uid(id, uid, "en", &pool) - .await - .is_ok() - { - break 'outer; - } - - let light_cone = entry.item_id.parse()?; - - let db_warp_standard_light_cone = database::DbWarpStandardLightCone { + let db_warp = database::DbWarp { id, uid, - light_cone, - name: String::new(), + character: None, + light_cone: Some(item), + gacha_type, + name: None, timestamp, }; - database::set_warp_standard_light_cone(&db_warp_standard_light_cone, &pool).await?; + database::set_warp(&db_warp, &pool).await?; } } @@ -155,49 +163,45 @@ async fn post_warps( for entry in { let id =; + let gacha_type = GachaType::Departure.to_string(); + + if database::get_warp_by_id_and_gacha_type(id, &gacha_type, "en", &pool) + .await + .is_ok() + { + break 'outer; + } + let uid = entry.uid.parse()?; let timestamp = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(&entry.time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")?; - if entry.item_type == "Character" { - if database::get_warp_departure_character_by_id_and_uid(id, uid, "en", &pool) - .await - .is_ok() - { - break 'outer; - } - - let character = entry.item_id.parse()?; + let item = entry.item_id.parse()?; - let db_warp_departure_character = database::DbWarpDepartureCharacter { + if entry.item_type == "Character" { + let db_warp = database::DbWarp { id, uid, - character, - name: String::new(), + character: Some(item), + light_cone: None, + gacha_type, + name: None, timestamp, }; - database::set_warp_departure_character(&db_warp_departure_character, &pool).await?; + database::set_warp(&db_warp, &pool).await?; } else if entry.item_type == "Light Cone" { - if database::get_warp_departure_light_cone_by_id_and_uid(id, uid, "en", &pool) - .await - .is_ok() - { - break 'outer; - } - - let light_cone = entry.item_id.parse()?; - - let db_warp_departure_light_cone = database::DbWarpDepartureLightCone { + let db_warp = database::DbWarp { id, uid, - light_cone, - name: String::new(), + character: None, + light_cone: Some(item), + gacha_type, + name: None, timestamp, }; - database::set_warp_departure_light_cone(&db_warp_departure_light_cone, &pool) - .await?; + database::set_warp(&db_warp, &pool).await?; } } @@ -226,48 +230,45 @@ async fn post_warps( for entry in { let id =; + let gacha_type = GachaType::Special.to_string(); + + if database::get_warp_by_id_and_gacha_type(id, &gacha_type, "en", &pool) + .await + .is_ok() + { + break 'outer; + } + let uid = entry.uid.parse()?; let timestamp = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(&entry.time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")?; - if entry.item_type == "Character" { - if database::get_warp_special_character_by_id_and_uid(id, uid, "en", &pool) - .await - .is_ok() - { - break 'outer; - } + let item = entry.item_id.parse()?; - let character = entry.item_id.parse()?; - - let db_warp_special_character = database::DbWarpSpecialCharacter { + if entry.item_type == "Character" { + let db_warp = database::DbWarp { id, uid, - character, - name: String::new(), + character: Some(item), + light_cone: None, + gacha_type, + name: None, timestamp, }; - database::set_warp_special_character(&db_warp_special_character, &pool).await?; + database::set_warp(&db_warp, &pool).await?; } else if entry.item_type == "Light Cone" { - if database::get_warp_special_light_cone_by_id_and_uid(id, uid, "en", &pool) - .await - .is_ok() - { - break 'outer; - } - - let light_cone = entry.item_id.parse()?; - - let db_warp_special_light_cone = database::DbWarpSpecialLightCone { + let db_warp = database::DbWarp { id, uid, - light_cone, - name: String::new(), + character: None, + light_cone: Some(item), + gacha_type, + name: None, timestamp, }; - database::set_warp_special_light_cone(&db_warp_special_light_cone, &pool).await?; + database::set_warp(&db_warp, &pool).await?; } } @@ -296,48 +297,45 @@ async fn post_warps( for entry in { let id =; + let gacha_type = GachaType::Lc.to_string(); + + if database::get_warp_by_id_and_gacha_type(id, &gacha_type, "en", &pool) + .await + .is_ok() + { + break 'outer; + } + let uid = entry.uid.parse()?; let timestamp = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(&entry.time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")?; - if entry.item_type == "Character" { - if database::get_warp_lc_character_by_id_and_uid(id, uid, "en", &pool) - .await - .is_ok() - { - break 'outer; - } - - let character = entry.item_id.parse()?; + let item = entry.item_id.parse()?; - let db_warp_lc_character = database::DbWarpLcCharacter { + if entry.item_type == "Character" { + let db_warp = database::DbWarp { id, uid, - character, - name: String::new(), + character: Some(item), + light_cone: None, + gacha_type, + name: None, timestamp, }; - database::set_warp_lc_character(&db_warp_lc_character, &pool).await?; + database::set_warp(&db_warp, &pool).await?; } else if entry.item_type == "Light Cone" { - if database::get_warp_lc_light_cone_by_id_and_uid(id, uid, "en", &pool) - .await - .is_ok() - { - break 'outer; - } - - let light_cone = entry.item_id.parse()?; - - let db_warp_lc_light_cone = database::DbWarpLcLightCone { + let db_warp = database::DbWarp { id, uid, - light_cone, - name: String::new(), + character: None, + light_cone: Some(item), + gacha_type, + name: None, timestamp, }; - database::set_warp_lc_light_cone(&db_warp_lc_light_cone, &pool).await?; + database::set_warp(&db_warp, &pool).await?; } } diff --git a/src/api/warps/uid/ b/src/api/warps/uid/ index 88fc26d0..b0175dd4 100644 --- a/src/api/warps/uid/ +++ b/src/api/warps/uid/ @@ -9,27 +9,28 @@ use crate::{ database, }; +use super::GachaType; + #[derive(OpenApi)] #[openapi( tags((name = "warps/{uid}")), paths(get_warps), - components(schemas(Warp, GachaType)) + components(schemas(Warp)) )] struct ApiDoc; #[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)] struct Warp { - name: String, + r#type: WarpType, + name: Option, timestamp: NaiveDateTime, } -#[derive(Deserialize, ToSchema)] -#[serde(rename_all = "lowercase")] -enum GachaType { - Standard, - Departure, - Special, - Lc, +#[derive(Serialize, ToSchema)] +#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")] +enum WarpType { + Character, + LightCone, } #[derive(Deserialize, IntoParams)] @@ -37,74 +38,18 @@ struct WarpParams { gacha_type: GachaType, } -impl From for Warp { - fn from(warp_character: database::DbWarpStandardCharacter) -> Self { - Self { - name:, - timestamp: warp_character.timestamp, - } - } -} - -impl From for Warp { - fn from(warp_light_cone: database::DbWarpStandardLightCone) -> Self { - Self { - name:, - timestamp: warp_light_cone.timestamp, - } - } -} - -impl From for Warp { - fn from(warp_character: database::DbWarpDepartureCharacter) -> Self { - Self { - name:, - timestamp: warp_character.timestamp, - } - } -} - -impl From for Warp { - fn from(warp_light_cone: database::DbWarpDepartureLightCone) -> Self { - Self { - name:, - timestamp: warp_light_cone.timestamp, - } - } -} - -impl From for Warp { - fn from(warp_character: database::DbWarpSpecialCharacter) -> Self { - Self { - name:, - timestamp: warp_character.timestamp, - } - } -} - -impl From for Warp { - fn from(warp_light_cone: database::DbWarpSpecialLightCone) -> Self { - Self { - name:, - timestamp: warp_light_cone.timestamp, - } - } -} - -impl From for Warp { - fn from(warp_character: database::DbWarpLcCharacter) -> Self { - Self { - name:, - timestamp: warp_character.timestamp, - } - } -} +impl From for Warp { + fn from(warp: database::DbWarp) -> Self { + let r#type = if warp.character.is_some() { + WarpType::Character + } else { + WarpType::LightCone + }; -impl From for Warp { - fn from(warp_light_cone: database::DbWarpLcLightCone) -> Self { Self { - name:, - timestamp: warp_light_cone.timestamp, + r#type, + name:, + timestamp: warp.timestamp, } } } @@ -123,7 +68,7 @@ pub fn configure(cfg: &mut web::ServiceConfig) { path = "/api/warps/{uid}", params(LanguageParams, WarpParams), responses( - (status = 200, description = "[WarpSpecial]", body = Vec), + (status = 200, description = "[Warp]", body = Vec), ) )] #[get("/api/warps/{uid}")] @@ -133,126 +78,16 @@ async fn get_warps( warp_params: web::Query, pool: web::Data, ) -> ApiResult { - let (warp_characters, warp_light_cones) = match warp_params.gacha_type { - GachaType::Standard => { - let warp_standard_characters = database::get_warp_standard_characters_by_uid( - *uid, - &language_params.lang.to_string(), - &pool, - ) - .await? - .into_iter() - .map(Warp::from) - .collect::>(); - - let warp_standard_light_cones = database::get_warp_standard_light_cones_by_uid( - *uid, - &language_params.lang.to_string(), - &pool, - ) - .await? - .into_iter() - .map(Warp::from) - .collect::>(); - - (warp_standard_characters, warp_standard_light_cones) - } - GachaType::Departure => { - let warp_departure_characters = database::get_warp_departure_characters_by_uid( - *uid, - &language_params.lang.to_string(), - &pool, - ) - .await? - .into_iter() - .map(Warp::from) - .collect::>(); - - let warp_departure_light_cones = database::get_warp_departure_light_cones_by_uid( - *uid, - &language_params.lang.to_string(), - &pool, - ) - .await? - .into_iter() - .map(Warp::from) - .collect::>(); - - (warp_departure_characters, warp_departure_light_cones) - } - GachaType::Special => { - let warp_special_characters = database::get_warp_special_characters_by_uid( - *uid, - &language_params.lang.to_string(), - &pool, - ) - .await? - .into_iter() - .map(Warp::from) - .collect::>(); - - let warp_special_light_cones = database::get_warp_special_light_cones_by_uid( - *uid, - &language_params.lang.to_string(), - &pool, - ) - .await? - .into_iter() - .map(Warp::from) - .collect::>(); - - (warp_special_characters, warp_special_light_cones) - } - GachaType::Lc => { - let warp_lc_characters = database::get_warp_lc_characters_by_uid( - *uid, - &language_params.lang.to_string(), - &pool, - ) - .await? - .into_iter() - .map(Warp::from) - .collect::>(); - - let warp_lc_light_cones = database::get_warp_lc_light_cones_by_uid( - *uid, - &language_params.lang.to_string(), - &pool, - ) - .await? - .into_iter() - .map(Warp::from) - .collect::>(); - - (warp_lc_characters, warp_lc_light_cones) - } - }; - - let mut warp_characters = warp_characters.into_iter().peekable(); - let mut warp_light_cones = warp_light_cones.into_iter().peekable(); - - let mut warps = Vec::new(); - - loop { - let n = match (warp_characters.peek(), warp_light_cones.peek()) { - (Some(l), Some(r)) => { - if l.timestamp < r.timestamp { - -1 - } else { - 1 - } - } - (Some(_), None) => -1, - (None, Some(_)) => 1, - (None, None) => 0, - }; - - match n { - -1 => warps.push(, - 1 => warps.push(, - _ => break, - } - } + let warps: Vec<_> = database::get_warps_by_uid_and_gacha_type( + *uid, + &warp_params.gacha_type.to_string(), + &language_params.lang.to_string(), + &pool, + ) + .await? + .into_iter() + .map(Warp::from) + .collect(); Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().json(warps)) } diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/ index 79dea121..5a048e36 100644 --- a/src/database/ +++ b/src/database/ @@ -111,6 +111,24 @@ pub async fn get_achievements(language: &str, pool: &PgPool) -> Result Result> { + Ok(sqlx::query!( + " + SELECT + id + FROM + achievements + WHERE NOT + (hidden AND impossible) + " + ) + .fetch_all(pool) + .await? + .iter() + .map(|r| + .collect()) +} + pub async fn get_related(id: i64, set: i32, pool: &PgPool) -> Result> { Ok(sqlx::query!( " diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/ index 4bb21d9f..f89493c8 100644 --- a/src/database/ +++ b/src/database/ @@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ pub struct DbBook { pub series_world_name: String, pub series_inside: i32, pub name: String, + pub comment: Option, + pub image1: Option, + pub image2: Option, pub percent: f64, } @@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ pub async fn get_books(language: &str, pool: &PgPool) -> Result> { ON = AND book_series_worlds_text.language = $1 ORDER BY - id + world, series, id ", language ) @@ -116,3 +119,67 @@ pub async fn get_book_by_id(id: i64, language: &str, pool: &PgPool) -> Result Result> { + Ok(sqlx::query!( + " + SELECT + id + FROM + books + " + ) + .fetch_all(pool) + .await? + .iter() + .map(|r| + .collect()) +} + +pub async fn update_book_comment(id: i64, comment: &str, pool: &PgPool) -> Result<()> { + sqlx::query!("UPDATE books SET comment = $2 WHERE id = $1", id, comment,) + .execute(pool) + .await?; + + Ok(()) +} + +pub async fn update_book_image1(id: i64, image1: &str, pool: &PgPool) -> Result<()> { + sqlx::query!("UPDATE books SET image1 = $2 WHERE id = $1", id, image1,) + .execute(pool) + .await?; + + Ok(()) +} + +pub async fn update_book_image2(id: i64, image2: &str, pool: &PgPool) -> Result<()> { + sqlx::query!("UPDATE books SET image2 = $2 WHERE id = $1", id, image2,) + .execute(pool) + .await?; + + Ok(()) +} + +pub async fn delete_book_comment(id: i64, pool: &PgPool) -> Result<()> { + sqlx::query!("UPDATE books SET comment = NULL WHERE id = $1", id) + .execute(pool) + .await?; + + Ok(()) +} + +pub async fn delete_book_image1(id: i64, pool: &PgPool) -> Result<()> { + sqlx::query!("UPDATE books SET image1 = NULL WHERE id = $1", id) + .execute(pool) + .await?; + + Ok(()) +} + +pub async fn delete_book_image2(id: i64, pool: &PgPool) -> Result<()> { + sqlx::query!("UPDATE books SET image2 = NULL WHERE id = $1", id) + .execute(pool) + .await?; + + Ok(()) +} diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/ index 8107783b..0719c09e 100644 --- a/src/database/ +++ b/src/database/ @@ -25,14 +25,7 @@ mod users; mod users_achievements; mod users_books; mod verifications; -mod warp_departure_characters; -mod warp_departure_light_cones; -mod warp_lc_characters; -mod warp_lc_light_cones; -mod warp_special_characters; -mod warp_special_light_cones; -mod warp_standard_characters; -mod warp_standard_light_cones; +mod warps; pub use achievement_series::*; pub use achievement_series_text::*; @@ -61,11 +54,4 @@ pub use users::*; pub use users_achievements::*; pub use users_books::*; pub use verifications::*; -pub use warp_departure_characters::*; -pub use warp_departure_light_cones::*; -pub use warp_lc_characters::*; -pub use warp_lc_light_cones::*; -pub use warp_special_characters::*; -pub use warp_special_light_cones::*; -pub use warp_standard_characters::*; -pub use warp_standard_light_cones::*; +pub use warps::*; diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/ index cbe57e70..346c689e 100644 --- a/src/database/ +++ b/src/database/ @@ -32,6 +32,24 @@ pub async fn set_session(session: &DbSession, pool: &PgPool) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) } +pub async fn delete_oldest_sessions_by_username(username: &str, pool: &PgPool) -> Result<()> { + sqlx::query!( + " + DELETE FROM + sessions + WHERE + uuid + IN + (SELECT uuid FROM sessions WHERE username = $1 ORDER BY expiry DESC OFFSET 9) + ", + username, + ) + .execute(pool) + .await?; + + Ok(()) +} + pub async fn get_session_by_uuid(uuid: Uuid, pool: &PgPool) -> Result { Ok(sqlx::query_as!( DbSession, diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/ index 2c44cce7..d6c934dd 100644 --- a/src/database/ +++ b/src/database/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ pub async fn add_user_achievement( pool: &PgPool, ) -> Result<()> { sqlx::query!( - "INSERT INTO users_achievements(username, id) VALUES($1, $2)", + "INSERT INTO users_achievements(username, id) VALUES($1, $2) ON CONFLICT(username, id) DO NOTHING", user_achievement.username,, ) diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/ deleted file mode 100644 index 77e60ffa..00000000 --- a/src/database/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -use anyhow::Result; -use chrono::NaiveDateTime; -use sqlx::PgPool; - -pub struct DbWarpDepartureCharacter { - pub id: i64, - pub uid: i64, - pub character: i32, - pub name: String, - pub timestamp: NaiveDateTime, -} - -pub async fn set_warp_departure_character( - warp_departure_character: &DbWarpDepartureCharacter, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result<()> { - sqlx::query!( - " - INSERT INTO - warp_departure_characters(id, uid, character, timestamp) - VALUES - ($1, $2, $3, $4) - ON CONFLICT - (id, uid) - DO UPDATE SET - character = EXCLUDED.character, - timestamp = EXCLUDED.timestamp - ", -, - warp_departure_character.uid, - warp_departure_character.character, - warp_departure_character.timestamp, - ) - .execute(pool) - .await?; - - Ok(()) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_departure_characters_by_uid( - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result> { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpDepartureCharacter, - " - SELECT - warp_departure_characters.*, - - FROM - warp_departure_characters - INNER JOIN - characters_text - ON - = character AND characters_text.language = $2 - WHERE - uid = $1 - ORDER BY - timestamp - ", - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_all(pool) - .await?) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_departure_character_by_id_and_uid( - id: i64, - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpDepartureCharacter, - " - SELECT - warp_departure_characters.*, - - FROM - warp_departure_characters - INNER JOIN - characters_text - ON - = character AND characters_text.language = $3 - WHERE - = $1 - AND - uid = $2 - ", - id, - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_one(pool) - .await?) -} diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/ deleted file mode 100644 index d1976f88..00000000 --- a/src/database/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -use anyhow::Result; -use chrono::NaiveDateTime; -use sqlx::PgPool; - -pub struct DbWarpDepartureLightCone { - pub id: i64, - pub uid: i64, - pub light_cone: i32, - pub name: String, - pub timestamp: NaiveDateTime, -} - -pub async fn set_warp_departure_light_cone( - warp_departure_light_cone: &DbWarpDepartureLightCone, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result<()> { - sqlx::query!( - " - INSERT INTO - warp_departure_light_cones(id, uid, light_cone, timestamp) - VALUES - ($1, $2, $3, $4) - ON CONFLICT - (id, uid) - DO UPDATE SET - light_cone = EXCLUDED.light_cone, - timestamp = EXCLUDED.timestamp - ", -, - warp_departure_light_cone.uid, - warp_departure_light_cone.light_cone, - warp_departure_light_cone.timestamp, - ) - .execute(pool) - .await?; - - Ok(()) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_departure_light_cones_by_uid( - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result> { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpDepartureLightCone, - " - SELECT - warp_departure_light_cones.*, - - FROM - warp_departure_light_cones - INNER JOIN - light_cones_text - ON - = light_cone AND light_cones_text.language = $2 - WHERE - uid = $1 - ORDER BY - timestamp - ", - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_all(pool) - .await?) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_departure_light_cone_by_id_and_uid( - id: i64, - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpDepartureLightCone, - " - SELECT - warp_departure_light_cones.*, - - FROM - warp_departure_light_cones - INNER JOIN - light_cones_text - ON - = light_cone AND light_cones_text.language = $3 - WHERE - = $1 - AND - uid = $2 - ", - id, - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_one(pool) - .await?) -} diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/ deleted file mode 100644 index f3e6f36c..00000000 --- a/src/database/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -use anyhow::Result; -use chrono::NaiveDateTime; -use sqlx::PgPool; - -pub struct DbWarpLcCharacter { - pub id: i64, - pub uid: i64, - pub character: i32, - pub name: String, - pub timestamp: NaiveDateTime, -} - -pub async fn set_warp_lc_character( - warp_lc_character: &DbWarpLcCharacter, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result<()> { - sqlx::query!( - " - INSERT INTO - warp_lc_characters(id, uid, character, timestamp) - VALUES - ($1, $2, $3, $4) - ON CONFLICT - (id, uid) - DO UPDATE SET - character = EXCLUDED.character, - timestamp = EXCLUDED.timestamp - ", -, - warp_lc_character.uid, - warp_lc_character.character, - warp_lc_character.timestamp, - ) - .execute(pool) - .await?; - - Ok(()) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_lc_characters_by_uid( - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result> { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpLcCharacter, - " - SELECT - warp_lc_characters.*, - - FROM - warp_lc_characters - INNER JOIN - characters_text - ON - = character AND characters_text.language = $2 - WHERE - uid = $1 - ORDER BY - timestamp - ", - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_all(pool) - .await?) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_lc_character_by_id_and_uid( - id: i64, - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpLcCharacter, - " - SELECT - warp_lc_characters.*, - - FROM - warp_lc_characters - INNER JOIN - characters_text - ON - = character AND characters_text.language = $3 - WHERE - = $1 - AND - uid = $2 - ", - id, - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_one(pool) - .await?) -} diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/ deleted file mode 100644 index ed701faf..00000000 --- a/src/database/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -use anyhow::Result; -use chrono::NaiveDateTime; -use sqlx::PgPool; - -pub struct DbWarpLcLightCone { - pub id: i64, - pub uid: i64, - pub light_cone: i32, - pub name: String, - pub timestamp: NaiveDateTime, -} - -pub async fn set_warp_lc_light_cone( - warp_lc_light_cone: &DbWarpLcLightCone, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result<()> { - sqlx::query!( - " - INSERT INTO - warp_lc_light_cones(id, uid, light_cone, timestamp) - VALUES - ($1, $2, $3, $4) - ON CONFLICT - (id, uid) - DO UPDATE SET - light_cone = EXCLUDED.light_cone, - timestamp = EXCLUDED.timestamp - ", -, - warp_lc_light_cone.uid, - warp_lc_light_cone.light_cone, - warp_lc_light_cone.timestamp, - ) - .execute(pool) - .await?; - - Ok(()) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_lc_light_cones_by_uid( - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result> { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpLcLightCone, - " - SELECT - warp_lc_light_cones.*, - - FROM - warp_lc_light_cones - INNER JOIN - light_cones_text - ON - = light_cone AND light_cones_text.language = $2 - WHERE - uid = $1 - ORDER BY - timestamp - ", - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_all(pool) - .await?) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_lc_light_cone_by_id_and_uid( - id: i64, - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpLcLightCone, - " - SELECT - warp_lc_light_cones.*, - - FROM - warp_lc_light_cones - INNER JOIN - light_cones_text - ON - = light_cone AND light_cones_text.language = $3 - WHERE - = $1 - AND - uid = $2 - ", - id, - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_one(pool) - .await?) -} diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/ deleted file mode 100644 index cf0745f6..00000000 --- a/src/database/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -use anyhow::Result; -use chrono::NaiveDateTime; -use sqlx::PgPool; - -pub struct DbWarpSpecialCharacter { - pub id: i64, - pub uid: i64, - pub character: i32, - pub name: String, - pub timestamp: NaiveDateTime, -} - -pub async fn set_warp_special_character( - warp_special_character: &DbWarpSpecialCharacter, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result<()> { - sqlx::query!( - " - INSERT INTO - warp_special_characters(id, uid, character, timestamp) - VALUES - ($1, $2, $3, $4) - ON CONFLICT - (id, uid) - DO UPDATE SET - character = EXCLUDED.character, - timestamp = EXCLUDED.timestamp - ", -, - warp_special_character.uid, - warp_special_character.character, - warp_special_character.timestamp, - ) - .execute(pool) - .await?; - - Ok(()) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_special_characters_by_uid( - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result> { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpSpecialCharacter, - " - SELECT - warp_special_characters.*, - - FROM - warp_special_characters - INNER JOIN - characters_text - ON - = character AND characters_text.language = $2 - WHERE - uid = $1 - ORDER BY - timestamp - ", - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_all(pool) - .await?) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_special_character_by_id_and_uid( - id: i64, - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpSpecialCharacter, - " - SELECT - warp_special_characters.*, - - FROM - warp_special_characters - INNER JOIN - characters_text - ON - = character AND characters_text.language = $3 - WHERE - = $1 - AND - uid = $2 - ", - id, - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_one(pool) - .await?) -} diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/ deleted file mode 100644 index 1e7d73b1..00000000 --- a/src/database/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -use anyhow::Result; -use chrono::NaiveDateTime; -use sqlx::PgPool; - -pub struct DbWarpSpecialLightCone { - pub id: i64, - pub uid: i64, - pub light_cone: i32, - pub name: String, - pub timestamp: NaiveDateTime, -} - -pub async fn set_warp_special_light_cone( - warp_special_light_cone: &DbWarpSpecialLightCone, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result<()> { - sqlx::query!( - " - INSERT INTO - warp_special_light_cones(id, uid, light_cone, timestamp) - VALUES - ($1, $2, $3, $4) - ON CONFLICT - (id, uid) - DO UPDATE SET - light_cone = EXCLUDED.light_cone, - timestamp = EXCLUDED.timestamp - ", -, - warp_special_light_cone.uid, - warp_special_light_cone.light_cone, - warp_special_light_cone.timestamp, - ) - .execute(pool) - .await?; - - Ok(()) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_special_light_cones_by_uid( - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result> { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpSpecialLightCone, - " - SELECT - warp_special_light_cones.*, - - FROM - warp_special_light_cones - INNER JOIN - light_cones_text - ON - = light_cone AND light_cones_text.language = $2 - WHERE - uid = $1 - ORDER BY - timestamp - ", - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_all(pool) - .await?) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_special_light_cone_by_id_and_uid( - id: i64, - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpSpecialLightCone, - " - SELECT - warp_special_light_cones.*, - - FROM - warp_special_light_cones - INNER JOIN - light_cones_text - ON - = light_cone AND light_cones_text.language = $3 - WHERE - = $1 - AND - uid = $2 - ", - id, - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_one(pool) - .await?) -} diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/ deleted file mode 100644 index 8b88ce50..00000000 --- a/src/database/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -use anyhow::Result; -use chrono::NaiveDateTime; -use sqlx::PgPool; - -pub struct DbWarpStandardCharacter { - pub id: i64, - pub uid: i64, - pub character: i32, - pub name: String, - pub timestamp: NaiveDateTime, -} - -pub async fn set_warp_standard_character( - warp_standard_character: &DbWarpStandardCharacter, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result<()> { - sqlx::query!( - " - INSERT INTO - warp_standard_characters(id, uid, character, timestamp) - VALUES - ($1, $2, $3, $4) - ON CONFLICT - (id, uid) - DO UPDATE SET - character = EXCLUDED.character, - timestamp = EXCLUDED.timestamp - ", -, - warp_standard_character.uid, - warp_standard_character.character, - warp_standard_character.timestamp, - ) - .execute(pool) - .await?; - - Ok(()) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_standard_characters_by_uid( - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result> { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpStandardCharacter, - " - SELECT - warp_standard_characters.*, - - FROM - warp_standard_characters - INNER JOIN - characters_text - ON - = character AND characters_text.language = $2 - WHERE - uid = $1 - ORDER BY - timestamp - ", - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_all(pool) - .await?) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_standard_character_by_id_and_uid( - id: i64, - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpStandardCharacter, - " - SELECT - warp_standard_characters.*, - - FROM - warp_standard_characters - INNER JOIN - characters_text - ON - = character AND characters_text.language = $3 - WHERE - = $1 - AND - uid = $2 - ", - id, - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_one(pool) - .await?) -} diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/ deleted file mode 100644 index 6807102b..00000000 --- a/src/database/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -use anyhow::Result; -use chrono::NaiveDateTime; -use sqlx::PgPool; - -pub struct DbWarpStandardLightCone { - pub id: i64, - pub uid: i64, - pub light_cone: i32, - pub name: String, - pub timestamp: NaiveDateTime, -} - -pub async fn set_warp_standard_light_cone( - warp_standard_light_cone: &DbWarpStandardLightCone, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result<()> { - sqlx::query!( - " - INSERT INTO - warp_standard_light_cones(id, uid, light_cone, timestamp) - VALUES - ($1, $2, $3, $4) - ON CONFLICT - (id, uid) - DO UPDATE SET - light_cone = EXCLUDED.light_cone, - timestamp = EXCLUDED.timestamp - ", -, - warp_standard_light_cone.uid, - warp_standard_light_cone.light_cone, - warp_standard_light_cone.timestamp, - ) - .execute(pool) - .await?; - - Ok(()) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_standard_light_cones_by_uid( - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result> { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpStandardLightCone, - " - SELECT - warp_standard_light_cones.*, - - FROM - warp_standard_light_cones - INNER JOIN - light_cones_text - ON - = light_cone AND light_cones_text.language = $2 - WHERE - uid = $1 - ORDER BY - timestamp - ", - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_all(pool) - .await?) -} - -pub async fn get_warp_standard_light_cone_by_id_and_uid( - id: i64, - uid: i64, - language: &str, - pool: &PgPool, -) -> Result { - Ok(sqlx::query_as!( - DbWarpStandardLightCone, - " - SELECT - warp_standard_light_cones.*, - - FROM - warp_standard_light_cones - INNER JOIN - light_cones_text - ON - = light_cone AND light_cones_text.language = $3 - WHERE - = $1 - AND - uid = $2 - ", - id, - uid, - language, - ) - .fetch_one(pool) - .await?) -} diff --git a/src/database/ b/src/database/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a473069b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/database/ @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +use anyhow::Result; +use chrono::NaiveDateTime; +use sqlx::PgPool; + +pub struct DbWarp { + pub id: i64, + pub uid: i64, + pub gacha_type: String, + pub character: Option, + pub light_cone: Option, + pub name: Option, + pub timestamp: NaiveDateTime, +} + +pub async fn set_warp(warp: &DbWarp, pool: &PgPool) -> Result<()> { + sqlx::query!( + " + INSERT INTO + warps(id, uid, gacha_type, character, light_cone, timestamp) + VALUES + ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) + ON CONFLICT + DO NOTHING + ", +, + warp.uid, + warp.gacha_type, + warp.character, + warp.light_cone, + warp.timestamp, + ) + .execute(pool) + .await?; + + Ok(()) +} + +pub async fn get_warps_by_uid(uid: i64, language: &str, pool: &PgPool) -> Result> { + Ok(sqlx::query_as!( + DbWarp, + " + SELECT + warps.*, + COALESCE(, AS name + FROM + warps + LEFT JOIN + characters_text + ON + = character AND characters_text.language = $2 + LEFT JOIN + light_cones_text + ON + = light_cone AND light_cones_text.language = $2 + WHERE + uid = $1 + ORDER BY + id + ", + uid, + language, + ) + .fetch_all(pool) + .await?) +} + +pub async fn get_warps_by_uid_and_gacha_type( + uid: i64, + gacha_type: &str, + language: &str, + pool: &PgPool, +) -> Result> { + Ok(sqlx::query_as!( + DbWarp, + " + SELECT + warps.*, + COALESCE(, AS name + FROM + warps + LEFT JOIN + characters_text + ON + = character AND characters_text.language = $3 + LEFT JOIN + light_cones_text + ON + = light_cone AND light_cones_text.language = $3 + WHERE + uid = $1 + AND + gacha_type = $2 + ORDER BY + id + ", + uid, + gacha_type, + language, + ) + .fetch_all(pool) + .await?) +} + +pub async fn get_warp_by_id_and_gacha_type( + id: i64, + gacha_type: &str, + language: &str, + pool: &PgPool, +) -> Result { + Ok(sqlx::query_as!( + DbWarp, + " + SELECT + warps.*, + COALESCE(, AS name + FROM + warps + LEFT JOIN + characters_text + ON + = character AND characters_text.language = $3 + LEFT JOIN + light_cones_text + ON + = light_cone AND light_cones_text.language = $3 + WHERE + = $1 + AND + gacha_type = $2 + ", + id, + gacha_type, + language, + ) + .fetch_one(pool) + .await?) +} diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index da07f24c..b9c819bd 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let tokens_data = Data::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::::new())); //FIXME: This is ugly as hell let achievement_tracker_cache_data = api::cache_achievement_tracker(pool.clone()); + let book_tracker_cache_data = api::cache_book_tracker(pool.clone()); let key = Key::from(&std::fs::read("session_key")?); @@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { .app_data(tokens_data.clone()) .app_data(pool_data.clone()) .app_data(achievement_tracker_cache_data.clone()) + .app_data(book_tracker_cache_data.clone()) .wrap(Compress::default()) .wrap(if cfg!(debug_assertions) { SessionMiddleware::builder(PgSessionStore::new(pool.clone()), key.clone()) diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 3b169833..4fa92e51 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ impl SessionStore for PgSessionStore { let username = &session_state["username"]; let username = username[1..username.len() - 1].to_string(); + database::delete_oldest_sessions_by_username(&username, &self.pool) + .await + .map_err(SaveError::Other)?; + let expiry = (Utc::now() + chrono::Duration::seconds(ttl.whole_seconds())).naive_utc(); let db_session = database::DbSession { diff --git a/src/update/ b/src/update/ index 99680a73..c6ee3a13 100644 --- a/src/update/ +++ b/src/update/ @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ -use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; +use std::{ + collections::HashMap, + time::{Duration, Instant}, +}; use anyhow::Result; use sqlx::PgPool; @@ -34,10 +37,20 @@ async fn update(pool: &PgPool) -> Result<()> { let achievements_users_count = database::get_achievements_users_count(pool).await?; + let mut achievements_users_count_map = HashMap::new(); + + for id in database::get_achievements_id(pool).await? { + achievements_users_count_map.insert(id, 0.0); + } + for achievement_users_count in achievements_users_count { let id =; let percent = achievement_users_count.count.unwrap_or_default() as f64 / total_count; + achievements_users_count_map.insert(id, percent); + } + + for (id, percent) in achievements_users_count_map { let achievement_percent = database::DbAchievementPercent { id, percent }; database::set_achievement_percent(&achievement_percent, pool).await?; diff --git a/src/update/ b/src/update/ index b0bfe438..0b526e18 100644 --- a/src/update/ +++ b/src/update/ @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ -use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; +use std::{ + collections::HashMap, + time::{Duration, Instant}, +}; use anyhow::Result; use sqlx::PgPool; @@ -34,10 +37,20 @@ async fn update(pool: &PgPool) -> Result<()> { let books_users_count = database::get_books_users_count(pool).await?; + let mut books_users_count_map = HashMap::new(); + + for id in database::get_books_id(pool).await? { + books_users_count_map.insert(id, 0.0); + } + for book_users_count in books_users_count { let id =; let percent = book_users_count.count.unwrap_or_default() as f64 / total_count; + books_users_count_map.insert(id, percent); + } + + for (id, percent) in books_users_count_map { let book_percent = database::DbBookPercent { id, percent }; database::set_book_percent(&book_percent, pool).await?; diff --git a/src/update/ b/src/update/ index c2701bae..e53140bd 100644 --- a/src/update/ +++ b/src/update/ @@ -325,6 +325,9 @@ async fn update(pool: &PgPool) -> Result<()> { series_world_name: String::new(), series_inside, name: String::new(), + comment: None, + image1: None, + image2: None, percent: 0.0, }; @@ -361,6 +364,14 @@ async fn update(pool: &PgPool) -> Result<()> { } .to_string(); + if language == "EN" { + *text_map.get_mut("1279882444").unwrap() = "Use Basic ATK at least #1[i] times and win within a single battle in Simulated Universe".to_string(); + *text_map.get_mut("1279882442").unwrap() = + "Unlock 1 Blessing(s) of Propagation in Simulated Universe".to_string(); + *text_map.get_mut("1279882440").unwrap() = + "In Simulated Universe: Swarm Disaster, enter a Combat: Swarm, Occurrence: Swarm, or Boss: Swarm domain with a Path other than Propagation for a total of 15 times".to_string(); + } + for achievement_series in achievement_series.values() { let id =;