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Lists Additional Params

jurialmunkey edited this page Sep 18, 2023 · 6 revisions

Optional Exclusion and Filter Parameters

Several lists support filtering and excluding items based upon item properties.

Param Description
filter_key=KEY&filter_value=VALUE Only include items where the specified key matches the specified value.
exclude_key=KEY&exclude_value=VALUE Exclude all items that have the specified key that matches the specified value.

Advanced Usage Examples

Examples Description
filter_key=genre&filter_value=Action / Adventure Checking for multiple values is possible by using a /. For instance, this filter will include items that have Action or Adventure as a genre
exclude_key=providers&exclude_value=is_empty The is_empty value can be used to check for empty keys. For instance, this exclusion will exclude items that without a provider.
exclude_key=year&exclude_value=2000&exclude_operator=lt By default the standard comparison uses the IN operator to check if the specified VALUE is IN the KEY. The operator can be changed to any standard python operator. For instance, this exclusion will exclude items where the year is LESS THAN (lt) 2000.
filter_key=premiered&filter_value=$DAYS[-120]&filter_operator=lt As of 5.1.37 the $DAYS[X] can be used to generate a date X days from today - e.g. $DAYS[-120] will generate the date which was 120 days ago. The example filter here will only display items where the premiered date is older than 120 days ago.

Lookup Parameters

Params Required Possible Values Details
tmdb_type= Required movie tv person Type of item
imdb_id= Optional ListItem.IMDbNumber ListItem.Property(imdb_id) IMDb ID of item
tmdb_id= Optional ListItem.Property(tmdb_id) TMDb ID of item
query= Optional ListItem.Title ListItem.TvShowTitle Title of item
year= Optional ListItem.Year Used in conjunction with query= to match item to exact year
episode_year= Optional ListItem.Year Used in conjunction with query= to match fuzzily to year because the episode year doesn't match tvshow year. Will find the most recent show in the search with a first aired date on or before the year specified

Additional Widget Parameters

Param Description
nextpage=true Displays the "Next Page" item at the end of lists with a next page. Set to false to override any user settings and force the nextpage item to be hidden.
fanarttv=true Gets additional artwork from FanartTV. Used if you required additional artwork for a widget in video info dialog. Set to false to override user's settings and prevent unneeded additional artwork lookups
cacheonly=true Prevents additional TMDb details and FanartTV artwork lookups for items unless cached. Recommended to use for speed on widgets where only basic info is needed (i.e. poster, fanart, title, year). (v4.4.57+)
widget=true Overrides the user's TMDbHelper default onclick setting if "browse" and forces it to be "play". This param is automatically appended if the widget was added via skinshortcuts dialog in skin settings. Applies any "widget" based TMDbHelper user settings
detailed=true For performance purposes, default indexed properties (e.g. Cast.X.Name) are not set on lists even if details are available. If you are using a widget which requires these properties set the detailed param to true (v4.10.30+)
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