Follow the tutorail to build a to-do application using Django and React. And rewrite components by using Hooks. Furthermore, docker-composify them by following the tutorial and do some tweaks.
A to-do web app.
- Django
- Django REST framework
- Django CORS headers
- React.js
- Axios
- Docker Compose
Use Serializer from the REST framework to convert model instances to JSON so that it can communicate with the frontend. Docker-composifying the backend and the frontend to solve some problems caused by the environment, and it is more convenient to bring them up. Successfully deloyed on a Digital Ocean VPS (Virtual Private Server).
Ubuntu 20.04
cd django-todo-react/
docker-compose up --build
cd django-todo-react/
docker-compose down
Stop and remove all images used by services
cd django-todo-react/
docker-compose down --rmi all
- setting up the backend
- create todo app and register to INSTALLED_APPS
- defining the todo model and register it to adminsite
- setting up the APIs
- install djangorestframework and django-cors-headers, then add them to INSTALLED_APPS and MIDDLEARE. Add lcoalhost to CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST.
- creating serializers (rest framework) for the Todo model
- creating the TodoView, and specify the URL path for the API
- setting up the frontend
- install bootstrap and reactstrap, then import Bootstrap's stylesheet in src/index.js
- install axios and add a proxy to frontend/package.json