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C# implementation of the "Money" pattern as described in the "Base Patterns" section of "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture" (Fowler et al, 2002)

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ℹ️ This repository is part of my "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture" (PoEAA) catalog, based on Martin Fowler's book with the same title. For my full work on the topic, see kaiosilveira/poeaa


Represents a monetary value.

    class Money {
        +(), -(), *()
        >(), <(), <=(), >=(), =()

Implementation example

Sticking to the book's example, we're going to implement a Money class that's currency-aware and contains logic to perform arithmetics, equality/inequality comparisons, and also has an allocation strategy.

Implementation considerations

There are several considerations and concerns when it comes to implementing Money, some of them are detailed below.


When implementing Money, one of the biggest concerns that comes to mind is rounding. There are multiple ways of addressing this concern, such as defaulting to a predefined rounding strategy (and hopefully making it explicit to external clients), or allowing the clients themselves to choose how to round.


Another concern is arithmetics: in real life, we're used to adding and subtracting monies naturally. One way of representing that in code is by overriding the "+" and "-" operators, so we can do things like oneEuro + twoEuros like they were scalars.


Continuing with the idea introduced above, handling comparisons between two different money objects could be as natural and intuitive as oneEuro < twoEuros.


Distributing a certain amount of money to different parts with different ratios involved is one of the biggest concerns when working with Money, hence Foemmel's conundrum:

Suppose I have a business rule that says that I have to allocate the whole amount of a sum of money to two accounts: 70% to one and 30% to another. I have 5 cents to allocate. If I do the math I end up with 3.5 cents and 1.5 cents. Whichever way I round these I get into trouble. If I do the usual rounding to nearest then 1.5 becomes 2 and 3.5 becomes 4. So I end up gaining a penny. Rounding down gives me 4 cents and rounding up gives me 6 cents. There's no general rounding scheme I can apply to both that will avoid losing or gaining a penny.

There are several possible solutions for this problem, and we're going to implement the authors' favorite one.

Test suite

In a good TDD fashion, unit tests were used to guide this implementation, covering the main considerations listed above.

Basic capabilities

The most basic capability we need from Money is holding an amount for a certain currency:

public class MoneyTests_BasicInfo
    public void TestHasAmountAndCurrency()
        var money = new Money(amount: 10, currency: Currency.BRL);
        Assert.Equal(10, money.Amount);
        Assert.Equal(Currency.BRL, money.Currency);


Some shortcuts for instantiating monies of a specific currency are also handy:

public class MoneyTests_Shortcuts
    public void TestCreatesAnUSD()
        var money = Money.Dollars(amount: 10);
        Assert.Equal(Currency.USD, money.Currency);

    public void TestCreatesBRL()
        var money = Money.BrasilianReal(amount: 10);
        Assert.Equal(Currency.BRL, money.Currency);

    public void TestCreatesEUR()
        var money = Money.Euros(amount: 10);
        Assert.Equal(Currency.EUR, money.Currency);


Then, we can move on to arithmetics:

public class MoneyTests_Arithmetics
    public void TestAddsUp()
        var tenEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 10);
        var twentyEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 20);
        var thirtyEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 30);
        Assert.Equal(thirtyEuros, tenEuros + twentyEuros);

    public void TestCannotAddDifferentCurrencies()
        var tenEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 10);
        var tenDollars = Money.Dollars(amount: 10);
        Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => tenEuros + tenDollars);

    public void TestSubtracts()
        var thirtyEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 30);
        var tenEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 10);
        var twentyEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 20);
        Assert.Equal(twentyEuros, thirtyEuros - tenEuros);

    public void TestCannotSubtractDifferentCurrencies()
        var tenEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 10);
        var tenDollars = Money.Dollars(amount: 10);
        Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => tenEuros - tenDollars);

    public void TestMultiplication()
        var tenEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 10);
        var twentyEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 20);
        Assert.Equal(twentyEuros, tenEuros * 2);

    public void TestRoundsToHalfEvenWhenMultiplying()
        var oneEuro = Money.Euros(amount: 1);
        Assert.Equal(Money.Euros(amount: 2.76m), oneEuro * 2.756m);
        Assert.Equal(Money.Euros(amount: 2.75m), oneEuro * 2.754m);


We're also concerned about equality and inequality:

public class MoneyTests_Equality
    public void TestIsEqualSameAmountSameCurrency()
        var tenEuros1 = Money.Euros(amount: 10);
        var tenEuros2 = Money.Euros(amount: 10);
        Assert.Equal(tenEuros1, tenEuros2);

    public void TestIsNotEqualDifferentAmountSameCurrency()
        var tenEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 10);
        var twentyEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 20);
        Assert.NotEqual(tenEuros, twentyEuros);

    public void TestIsNotEqualSameAmountDifferentCurrency()
        var tenEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 10);
        var tenDollars = Money.Dollars(amount: 10);
        Assert.NotEqual(tenEuros, tenDollars);

public class MoneyTests_Inequality
    public void TestGreaterThanComparisons()
        var tenEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 10);
        var elevenEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 11);

        Assert.True(elevenEuros > tenEuros);
        Assert.True(tenEuros < elevenEuros);

    public void TestCannotCompareDifferentCurrencies()
        var tenEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 10);
        var tenDollars = Money.Dollars(amount: 10);
        Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => tenEuros > tenDollars);


And, finally, we have allocation:

public class MoneyTests_Allocation
    public void TestAllocation()
        var tenEuros = Money.Euros(amount: 10);
        var allocated = tenEuros.Allocate(ratios: [1, 1, 1]);
        Assert.Equal(Money.Euros(amount: 3.34m), allocated[0]);
        Assert.Equal(Money.Euros(amount: 3.33m), allocated[1]);
        Assert.Equal(Money.Euros(amount: 3.33m), allocated[2]);

    public void TestSolvesFoemmelsConundrum()
        var amount = Money.Euros(amount: 0.05m);
        var allocated = amount.Allocate(ratios: [3, 7]);
        Assert.Equal(Money.Euros(amount: 0.02m), allocated[0]);
        Assert.Equal(Money.Euros(amount: 0.03m), allocated[1]);

Note that we're covering Foemmel's conundrum in a specific test. Our goal is to address this problem as part of this implementation.

These test suites are implemented at PoeAAMoney.Tests/src/Money, check it out for more details.

Implementation details

Let's now dive a little deeper into the implementation that satisfies the unit tests above.

We can start by introducing a Currency enumerator, with some basic currencies:

public enum Currency

Now, on to our Money class, we can define properties for Currency, Amount and RoundingMode:

public class Money
    public readonly Currency Currency;
    private readonly MidpointRounding RoundingMode;
    private decimal amount;
    public decimal Amount
        get { return Round(amount / GetCentsFactor[Currency]); }
        set { amount = Round(value * GetCentsFactor[Currency]); }

    public Money(decimal amount, Currency currency, MidpointRounding roundingMode = MidpointRounding.ToEven)
        Amount = amount;
        Currency = currency;
        RoundingMode = roundingMode;

Notice how we're using a GetCentsFactor dictionary to convert the external amount into an internal representation based on cents (the smallest unit). We're also resorting to Round as a way to keep the amount consistent in the implementation boundaries. The Round function itself is pretty straightforward:

public class Money
    // more code above...

    private decimal Round(decimal amount)
        return Math.Round(amount, RoundingMode);


To implement the shortcuts, we can provide static methods with the currency name which returns a new Money class with the target Currency:

public class Money
    // more code above...

    public static Money Dollars(decimal amount) => new(amount, Currency.USD);

    public static Money BrasilianReal(decimal amount) => new(amount, Currency.BRL);

    public static Money Euros(decimal amount) => new(amount, Currency.EUR);


To handle equality, we can override Equals and GetHashCode:

public class Money
    // more code above...

    public override int GetHashCode() => HashCode.Combine(Amount, Currency);

    public override bool Equals(object? obj)
        if (obj is not Money other) return false;
        return Amount == other.Amount && Currency == other.Currency;


Arithmetics can be elegantly implemented in C#, by overriding the "+", "-", and "*" operators:

public class Money {
    // more code above

    public static Money operator +(Money a, Money b)
        AssertSameCurrency(a, b);
        return new Money(a.Amount + b.Amount, a.Currency);

    public static Money operator -(Money a, Money b)
        AssertSameCurrency(a, b);
        return new Money(a.Amount - b.Amount, a.Currency);

    public static Money operator *(Money a, decimal factor)
        return new Money(a.Amount * factor, a.Currency);


We can use the same overriding strategy to implement inequality logic:

public class Money {
    // more code above

    public static bool operator >(Money a, Money b)
        AssertSameCurrency(a, b);
        return a.Amount > b.Amount;

    public static bool operator <(Money a, Money b)
        AssertSameCurrency(a, b);
        return a.Amount < b.Amount;

Note that we're using the AssertSameCurrency() utility to make sure both monies have the same currency. The implementation is pretty simple:

private static void AssertSameCurrency(Money a, Money b)
    if (a.Currency != b.Currency)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot add Money with different currencies");


Finally, we have allocation:

public class Money {
    // more code above

    public Money[] Allocate(params int[] ratios)
        var total = ratios.Sum();
        var remainder = amount;

        var results = new decimal[ratios.Length];
        for (var i = 0; i < ratios.Length; i++)
            var share = amount * ratios[i] / total;
            results[i] = share;
            remainder -= share;

        for (var i = 0; i < remainder; i++)
            results[i] += 1;

        return results.Select(r => new Money(r / GetCentsFactor[Currency], Currency)).ToArray();

The algorithm used above was extracted from the book, with some modifications to fit in C#.

And that's it, now we have a fully functional Money class! Check out the full implementation at Money.cs.


C# implementation of the "Money" pattern as described in the "Base Patterns" section of "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture" (Fowler et al, 2002)





