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326 lines (238 loc) · 17 KB

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326 lines (238 loc) · 17 KB


6.2.1 - 2024-04-19

  • Update three.js from v0.160.0 to v0.163.0
  • Update all devDependencies with exception of eslint

6.2.1 - 2024-01-05

  • Switch to wtd-core@3.0.0 and wtd-three-ext@3.0.0
    • Adjust code to the changes
    • Example OBJLoader2 basic (Offscreen Canvas) now relies on utility functions supplied by wtd-core and wtd-three-ext

6.1.0 - 2023-10-21

  • Upgrade to versions 2.3.0 of wtd-core and wtd-three-ext.
  • OBJLoader2Worker can be re-executed. This was a regression, but also the code has been re-worked.


  • Avoid window reference if absolute url is provided #77
  • Added Offscreen canvas example
  • Updated dependencies and aligned code with type definitions of three.js release 156.


  • Converted all code to TypeScript
  • Align vertex colors to linear (three.js) #70
  • Re-added AssetPipelineLoader, AssetPipeline, AssetTask and ResourceDescriptor to the package
  • Updated dependencies


  • Clean-up and uncluttering
    • Remove all code related to worker online assembly and minification workarounds
  • Upgrade to versions 2.1.0 of wtd-core and wtd-three-ext
    • OBJLoader2Parallel is no longer using WorkerTaskDirector, but only using the generic WorkerTask
  • Transformed repository to npm workspaces
  • Switched to vite for development and bundle creation #63
  • Webworker with three-wtm and webpack #60
    • Make parser independent and thereby reduce worker size to a minimum
    • Fully rely on module workers. Use vite config to generate standard workers from module workers at build time
    • package.json now exports:
      • wwobjloader2: Unpacked javascript module code
      • wwobjloader2/bundle: An esm bundle
      • wwobjloader2/worker: The raw module parser worker
      • bundle/worker/module: Pre-packaged module parser worker
      • bundle/worker/classic: Pre-packaged classic parser worker
  • Add @react-three/fiber examples #69
  • Explore aligning types with the core loaders #68
  • three.js versioning in package file #65


  • three.js is no longer a peerDependency. It is just a dependency. This resolves issue #58.
  • Updated devDependencies to resolve potential security issues.


  • All worker related functionality has been moved to external WorkerTaskManager, see three-wtm.
  • Introduction of potentially Infinite running WorkerTaskManager example wtm_potentially_infinite.html
  • Updated Example webgl_loader_obj2_options.html: Expose parser options and logging configuration in UI
  • Completely removed the need to use gulp.
  • Use snowpack for development.
  • Use rollup for library creation and used rollup and snowpack for supplement of the library verification environment.


  • Changed structure of the repository to mimic three.js layout
  • Fixes #18335 CodeSerializer works with uglified code
  • All multiple files loading examples now use AssetPipelineLoader prototype.


  • three.js issue 17769:
    • Move ObjectManipulator into WorkerRunner and export it from there
    • Remove OBJLoader2Parser import from WorkerRunner. Remove unneeded functions from DefaultWorkerPayloadHandler and WorkerRunner and aligned typescript definitions
    • The parser in DefaultWorkerPayloadHandler should not be limited to OBJ2LoaderParser. js and ts was not aligned here.


  • three.js issue 17615/17711: ObjLoader2Parser materials are not applied in worker
  • Additionally, allow material override from OBJLoader2#addMaterials to MaterialHandler#addMaterials


  • OBJLoader2 is now based on Loader (three.js issue 17406)
  • Updated typescript definitions (fixed three.js issue 17364) Note: OBJLoader2Parallel#parse is implemented differently
  • Unified load and parse behaviour of OBJLoader2 and OBJLoader2Parallel: Separate onParseComplete is gone. onLoad serves the same purpose in both sync an parallel use cases
  • Fix logging verbosity (MaterialHandler, etc)
  • Fixed three.js 15227 along


  • Transformed the whole code base to jsm and added typescript definitions (in scope of complete three.js code base transformation).
  • Removed LoaderWorkerDirector. This is going to be replaced with more generic approach likely driven by three.js
  • OBJLoader2 extends OBJLoader2Parser: Moved common functions (parser configuration and callback) to OBJLoader2Parser. Here aim was to remove redundant function definitions in both the independent parser code and in OBJLoader2.
  • OBJLoader2Parser: All private functions are now identified by "_". Provides functions and members for extensions.
  • WorkerExecutionSupport is able to create the worker code for OBJLoader2Parallel by concatenation of existing code pieces (memory or files) or loading a jsm file that contains all dependencies.
  • MaterialHandler and MeshReceiver have been extracted from OBJLoader2. The are re-usable WorkerExecutionSupport context.
  • All MTL handling code has been removed from OBJLoader2. New approach via bridge MtlObjBridge.
  • OBJLoader2 will not get any further dependencies. WorkerExecutionSupport will use OBJLoader2 and other loaders.
  • OBJ Verify has been updated to use modules for both OBJLoader and OBJLoader2.
  • Started AssetPipelineLoader prototyping


  • three.js issue 15219: Materials are initialised as objects.
  • three.js issue 15468. OBJLoader2: Reduced log level from warn to info when defaultMaterial is used when material name was not resolvable.
  • three.js issue 16307: Backported onError function usage from OBJLoader2/Parser V3. Unified callback naming


  • Issue #47: Fixed incorrect vertex color pointerC initialization (omitting first set of values)
  • Pull Request #46: It is now possible to run THREE.OBJLoader2 in nodejs 10.5.0+. Thanks to @Cobertos
  • Replaced Singletons with pure function/prototype definitions (backport from dev (V3.0.0)). Reason: Counter issues with worker code Blob generation from minified code base (e.g when using webpack)
  • three.js issue 12942: Align setPath and setResourcePath meaning and handling


  • Issue #43: OBJLoader2 allows to register a generic error handler. If this callback is available it will be used instead of a throw. LoaderWorkerDirector uses this callback to report a problem, but continue with the next loading task. loadMtl now allows to pass onProgress and onError as well.


  • three.js issue 14010: TRHEE.OBJLoader2.loadMtl transforms an ArrayBuffer to String THREE.LoaderUtils.decodeText if content is provided as ArrayBuffer
  • three.js issue 14032: Vertex Color value was not correctly initialized. Vertex colors are now correctly used
  • Issue #40: Added function TRHEE.OBJLoader2.setUseOAsMesh to enforce mesh creation on occurrence of "o". The default is false (spec compliant).
  • Issue #39: Ensure name of THREE.LoaderSupport.ResourceDescriptor always has a default name
  • Issue #38: Fixed onMeshAlter and onLoadMaterials callback usage in THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerDirector and fixed handling of returned objects in THREE.LoaderSupport.MeshBuilder


  • three.js issue 13197:
    • Added forceWorkerDataCopy to THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport and THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerDirector
    • THREE.OBJLoader2 handles cached resources properly. This increases overall performance as no unnecessary reloads are requested.
  • THREE.OBJLoader2: Reduced Parser complexity:
    • Simplified slash counting used for face type detection
    • One buildFace function is used for all four face types, lines and points including indices (=vertex reduction) creation if wanted.
    • String processing (o, g, mtllib and usemtl) just concatenates chars
    • Overall speed improvements due simpler code paths
  • Removed THREE.LoaderSupport.ConsoleLogger: Added setLogging function as replacement where required. Console logging is behind boolean flags. Important: Code adjustments are required.
  • Removed THREE.LoaderSupport.LoaderBase: Many functions are coupled with OBJLoader2. It was simply not generic enough and added unneeded complexity.
  • Reduced THREE.LoaderSupport.PrepData to minimum set of generic functions. Simple properties are added by demand and are no longer enforced.
  • Renamed THREE.LoaderSupport.Builder to THREE.LoaderSupport.MeshBuilder
  • Added objverify to npm package
  • Updated documentation


  • Issue #10: Moved load and checkResourceDescriptorFiles from OBJLoader2 to LoaderBase. Re-use generic functions in other loaders


  • Issue #28: Parser Verification. Reduce overall complexity of Parser. It is now a single class. Missing 'g' statement don't cripple parsing.
  • Issue #31: Worker code still works when mangling is used during minification.
  • Issue #32: THREE.LoaderSupport.ConsoleLogger: Allow to pass additional arguments to error, warn, info and debug
  • Issue #33: Added support for Points and fixed Lines along


  • Issue #27: Multiple mesh definitions (vertices, normals, uvs and faces) within one group are now supported. Needed to remove early release of vertex data from memory.
  • Issue #28: Negative face indices are now supported.
  • Issue #29: Cleaned loadMtl API and clarified contract. Transferable is automatically attached if data is an ArrayBuffer.


  • WorkerRunnerRefImpl changes: No longer required THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator and THREE.LoaderSupport.ConsoleLogger which reduces size of worker. Default workers only include WorkerRunnerRefImpl for establishing communication and no longer need the Validator or the ConsoleLogger.
  • LoaderWorkerSupport changes: It always ensures logConfig parameters are properly initialized before being passed to worker. Fixed logging problems.
  • Issue #25: OBJLoader2 now logs an error if THREE.LoaderSupport is not included as script in HTML. The same is true for missing THRE.MTLLoader, but only if method loadMtl is used.
  • Issue #26: WorkerSuport now contains a inner private class LoaderWorker that encapsulates the native worker. This separates the runtime functionality from the setup and interaction. Workers are now terminated when immediately when they are not running otherwise LoaderWorker.terminateRequested ensures termination when final execution status is reached. WorkerDirector now properly handles shutdown of workers. Evaluation of status is always performed in WorkerDirector.processQueue. WorkerDirector.callbackOnFinishedProcessing is called when processing is completed and all workers are terminated. This allows to clear all meshes, for example.


  • Added onLoadMaterials allowing alteration of materials when they have been loaded
  • Issue #21 Part2: Fixed new mesh detection (offset and not) solely relies on 'v' and 'f' occurrences. 'o' and 'g' are meta information, that no longer drive the decision
  • Issue #22: WorkerDirector now only allows implementations that have property callbacks
  • Example WWOBJLoader2Stage: Added validity checks to ZipTools
  • Fixed worker code generated from minified version is broken


  • Issue #21: Fixed 'o' or 'g' declaration lead to early cleanup of stored vertex data
  • WorkerSupport: Added worker payloads "imageData" and "error"


  • Issue #18: Builder enhancements:
    • Materials can be added to it as regular objects, as jsonified objects (e.g. from worker) and as clone instruction (map of property and value)
    • Separated mesh processing from material processing
    • Builder no longer defines default materials. This is no the responsibility of the user (loader)
  • WorkerSupport is now able to load arbitrary js files into Blob used to create the Worker (as exemplary shown and used in MeshSpray)


  • three.js issue #12324: Fix slashes in string pattern (e.g. usemtl) were replaced by spaces
  • Fixed line processing with uv


  • OBJLoader2 and WWOBJLoader2 have been fused. Worker based asynchronous execution of the loader is now handled by parseAsync, load with useAsync flag or run which is used for batch processing
  • All common functionality independent of OBJ parsing has been moved to package THREE.LoaderSupport. Thease are:
    • Builder
    • LoadedMeshUserOverride
    • WorkerSupport
    • WorkerRunnerRefImpl
    • WorkerDirector
    • PrepData
    • Commons
    • Callbacks
    • Validator
    • ConsoleLogger
  • OBJLoader2.parse method accepts arraybuffer or string as input.
  • Indexed rendering is supported.
  • Issue #15: ConsoleLogger now encapsulates all console logging. Logging can be fully deactivated or switched to debug mode
  • Issue #16: progress callbacks provide numerical values to indicate overall progress of download or parsing


Loader related changes:

  • Issue #14: RawObject was not set with usemtl name, but with mtllib


Loader related changes:

  • Issue #12, three.js issue #11804, #11871, PR #11928: Added n-gon support


Loader related changes:

  • Issue #12, three.js issue #11804, #11871, PR #11928: Added n-gon support


Loader related changes:

  • SmoothingGroups: activeSmoothingGroup is ensured to be a number (integer). "0" instead of "off" did not lead to detection of flat shading.
  • Issue 8: OBJLoader2 sets the mesh name properly. Mesh name is taken from group name (g) if exists or object name (o). Fixed cut-off names (o, g, mtllib, usemtl)
  • Issue 9: Fixed debug logging in MeshCreator related to Multi-Material creation.
  • three.js issue 11422: OBJLoader2 and WWOBJLoader2 are able to load vertexColors when defined as: v x y z r g b
  • Added download/progress feedback in all examples

Example related changes:

  • Replaced Boolean with own Validator function


Loader related changes:

  • Validator and its functions replace all Boolean calls. It is included in THREE.OBJLoader2.
  • Versions are now defined inside OBJLoader2 and WWOBJLoader2.
  • Static OBJLoader2._getValidator and OBJLoader2_buildWebWorkerCode are reached via prototype of OBJLoader2. Instance of OBJLoader2 is no longer created.
  • Requires three.js release 85 (now available)

Example related changes:

  • webgl_loader_obj2_ww_parallels: Fixed "Run Queue" started new run before first was completed.


Loader related changes:

  • THREE.OBJLoader2.WWOBJLoader2
    • Function _receiveWorkerMessage now uses a meshDescription that allows to override material or bufferGeometry or to completely disregard the mesh. THREE.OBJLoader2.WWOBJLoader2.LoadedMeshUserOverride was introduced for this.
    • Allow usage of multiple callbacks per callback type
    • THREE.OBJLoader2.WWOBJLoader2.PrepDataArrayBuffer and THREE.OBJLoader2.WWOBJLoader2.PrepDataFile require less mandatory parameters. Setters are introduced to handle optional things
  • THREE.OBJLoader2.WWOBJLoader2Director
    • Added per queue object callbacks
    • Global callbacks in prepareWorkers will be specified with new object OBJLoader2.WWOBJLoader2.PrepDataCallbacks. This object is also used in both PrepData objects for defining extra per model callbacks in addition to the global ones
    • Callbacks will be reset and reassigned for every run
  • All Examples
    • Improve code quality and logging: Replaced != or == with Boolean() or ! Boolean() where applicable
    • Improve logging and comments
    • Restored compatibility with three.js release 84


  • wwobjloader2 npm relase 1.1.0 did not set three.js dependency properly. That's why it was immediately succeeded by this version.

Loader related changes:

  • Adjusted to removal of MultiMaterial in three.js release 85. Therefore not compatible with three.js < 0.85.0.

1.0.7 / 1.0.6

Improvements since initial release. This was the first npm release and the first release for three.js.

Loader related changes:

  • THREE.OBJLoader2
    • Removed need for making Parser public. OBJLoader2 has a build function for web worker code.
    • MeshCreator is now private to OBJLoader2
    • Removed underscores from functions of private classes
  • THREE.OBJLoader2.WWOBJLoader2
    • Added checks for Blob and URL.createObjectURL
    • Worker code build: Removed need to adjust constructor and some new Object calls
    • Allow to properly set CORS to MTLLoader via WWOBJLoader2 and WWOBJLoader2Director
    • Now allows to enable/disable mesh streaming
    • Adjusted naming of web worker classes
  • All Examples
    • Library headers now carry references to development repository

Example related changes:

  • webgl_loader_obj
    • Added GridHelper
    • Resources to load are now defined outside example classes
  • webgl_loader_obj2_ww
    • Allow to clear all meshes in
    • Allows to load user OBJ/MTL files
    • Added GridHelper
    • Resources to load are now defined outside example classes
  • All Examples
    • Created one page examples and tuned naming
    • All examples now use dat.gui
    • Removed namespace "THREE.examples"
    • Fixed comment typos
    • Fixed some code formatting issues
    • Fixed tabs in examples


Initial public release.