It is a simple chess game which runs on flask server. It is equipped with one built-in chess engine. It has an assistant which gives the user some introduction, instructions and credits. It also warns the user when it is check and also when it is a checkmate or stalemate. But as it is running on a flask server it doesn't have any restrictions means anyone can play any move, at anytime.
You will have to manually executing the following commands to incorporate the requirements:
pip install python-chess
pip install flask
pip install pyttsx3
pip install webbrowser
Don't run the following as a command.
Install your stockfish engine from:
Run the following code in your VS code:
- In the line 202: you will have to enter the path of you stockfish engine.
- For MacOS you will have to download the exec file and for Windows you can download the exc version.
In the line 164: you will have to enter the path of your human.bin file for the selection of the initial move. It is included in
- For MacOS: Continue using it the way it is.
- For Windows: Comment out line 191 and uncomment the rest of the lines in the given function
- Voice Assistant
- Follows all chess rules
- Two Compatible Chess Engines
Stockfish engine stops working if used rapidly