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Python solutions of Google Code Jam 2020. Solution begins with * means it will get TLE in the largest data set (total computation amount > 10^8, which is not friendly for Python to solve in 5 ~ 15 seconds). A problem was marked as Very Hard means that it was an unsolved one during the contest and may not be that difficult.

Qualification Round

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
A Vestigium Python O(N^2) O(N) Easy Math
B Nesting Depth Python O(N) O(1) Easy String
C Parenting Partnering Returns Python O(NlogN) O(1) Easy Greedy
D ESAb ATAd Python O(B^2) O(B) Medium Bit Manipulation
E Indicium Python O(N^3 * sqrt(N)) O(N) Hard Bipartite Matching, Greedy

Round 1A

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
A Pattern Matching Python O(N * P) O(P) Easy String
B Pascal Walk Python O(logN^2) O(logN) Medium Math, Greedy, Bit Manipulation
C Square Dance Python O(R * C) O(R * C) Hard Simulation, BFS, Linked List

Round 1B

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
A Expogo Python Python O(log(|X| + |Y|)) O(1) Medium Variant of Pogo Invariant, Greedy
B Blindfolded Bullseye Python O(128) O(1) Medium Probability, Binary Search, Geometry
C Join the Ranks Python O(R * S) O(1) Hard One-Liner Invariant, Sort

Round 1C

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
A Overexcited Fan Python O(M) O(1) Easy Simulation, Math
B Overrandomized Python O(L * U) O(1) Easy Probability
C Oversized Pancake Choppers PyPy Python Python O(N * DlogD) O(D * N) Hard Sort, Hash Table, Euclidean Algorithm, Binary Search, Greedy, Bucket, LCM

Round 2

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
A Incremental House of Pancakes Python Python O(1) O(1) Easy Binary Search, Math
B Security Update Python O(ClogC + D) O(C) Medium Sort
C Wormhoe in One Python O(N^2) O(N^2) Medium Math
D Emacs++ PyPy* PyPy O(KlogK + QlogK) O(KlogK) Hard Tree, Lazy Construction, Middle Line, Dijkstra's Algorithm, Iterative Recursion, LCA, Prefix Sum, Tree Ancestors (Binary Lifting)

Round 3

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
A Naming Compromise Python O(C * J) O(C * J) Easy DP, Edit Distance
B Thermometers Python Python O(N^2) O(1) Hard Greedy, Mirror
C Pen Testing PyPy
O(T * N^2 + N * S) O(N * (T + S)) Hard ❤️ Heuristic, Memoization, Probability
D Recalculating *PyPy
O(N^2 * logN) O(N^2) Hard ❤️ Coordinate Rotation, Sliding Window, Rolling Hash, Rabin-Karp Algorithm, Line Sweep, Coordinate Compression, Segment Tree

Virtual World Finals

You can relive the magic of the 2020 Code Jam Virtual World Finals by watching the Live Stream Recording of the competition, problem explanations, interviews with Google and Code Jam engineers, and announcement of winners.

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
A Pack the Slopes PyPy O(N * (logN)^2) O(N) Medium Greedy, Heavy-Light Decomposition, Stack, Recursion, Segment Tree (Lazy Propagation), RMQ
B Adjacent and Consecutive Python Python Python O(NlogN) O(N) Hard ❤️ State Compression, Math, Skip List
C Hexacoin Jam PyPy O(B^(D + 1) * D + N^2 * D) O(B^(D + 1) * D) Hard ❤️ Structure Match, Hash, Math
D Musical Cords PyPy O(NlogN + N * K) on average O(N * K) Very Hard ❤️ Geometry, Trigonometric Functions, Two Pointers, Binary Search, Quick Select, Sort
E Replace All Python O(A^3) O(A^2) Medium Floyd-Warshall Algorithm, SCC, Bipartite Matching