Date: 04-Mar-2022
- (enh #49, #50): Enhance compatibility for PHP 8.1.
- Enhance & standardize php docs for new website
Date: 08-Apr-2021
- (enh #45): Revert to use default Font Awesome CDN.
Date: 12-Jan-2021
- (enh #43): Use CDN link to avoid impact China sites.
- (enh #42): Update FontAwesome to use v5.13.0.
- (enh #41): Support for Font Awesome duotone and any other Pro icons.
- (enh #39): Correct deprecated params use for Icon::show.
- (enh #36): Update FontAwesome to use v5.0.13.
Date: 20-Sep-2018
- Enhancements for Font Awesome 5.x layering features.
- Ability to override Font Awesome Free 5.x asset load via Yii2 Asset Manager.
- Remove Font Awesome 4.x support and include load Font Awesome Free 5.x JS/SVG asset
- Enhancements to support Bootstrap 4.x
- Move all source code to
Date: 09-Mar-2018
- (enh #34, #35): Add support for Font Awesome 5 (Free & Pro versions) and icon layering.
Date: 10-Nov-2017
- Cleanup composer and update dev-master alias.
- (enh #30, #33): Update Elusive Icons library source
- (enh #28): Correct Font Awesome Asset rendering
Date: 22-Feb-2017
- (enh #26): Add IcoFont icons set.
- (enh #25): Enable publishOptions for Font Awesome Asset Bundle for reducing size of assets published.
- (enh #24): Eliminate icon asset bundle dependencies on Jquery or Bootstrap Assets.
- Add github contribution and PR templates.
Date: 13-Dec-2015
- (enh #23): Add support for Open Iconic Icons.
- (enh #19): Update to add custom icon sets.
- (enh #17): Added method
Date: 20-Apr-2015
- (enh #16): Add Flag Icons
- (enh #15): Add Octicons
- (enh #13): Add Socicon Icons
Date: 18-Dec-2014
- (enh #10): Add
method for displaying stacked icons like in FA
Date: 08-Dec-2014
- (enh #9): Update WHHG icons to latest version.
- (enh #8): Update elusive icons to latest version.
- (enh #7): Update typicons to latest version.
- (enh #6): Create a new JUI asset for core yii\jui package change.
Date: 10-Nov-2014
- Set dependency on Krajee base components
- Set release to stable
Date: 01-Mar-2014
- Initial release
- PSR4 alias change