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File metadata and controls

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Below is a breakdown of the Request component which is an extended Readable stream matching official Node.js specification.

  • See > [ExpressJS] for more information on additional compatibility methods and properties.
  • See > [Stream.Readable] for more information on additional native methods and properties.

Request Properties

Property Type Description
raw uWS.HttpRequest The underlying raw uWS Http Request instance. (Unsafe)
app HyperExpress.Server HyperExpress Server instance this Request originated from.
method String Request HTTP method in uppercase.
url String path + path_query string.
path String Request path without the query.
path_query String Request query string without the ?.
headers Object Request Headers from incoming request.
cookies Object Request cookies from incoming request.
path_parameters Object Path parameters from incoming request.
query_parameters Object Query parameters from incoming request.
ip String Remote connection IP.
proxy_ip String Remote proxy connection IP.

Request Methods

  • sign(String: string, String: secret): Signs provided string with provided secret.
    • Returns a String.
  • unsign(String: signed_value, String: secret): Attempts to unsign provided value with provided secret.
    • Returns String or undefined if signed value is invalid.
  • buffer(): Parses body as a Buffer from incoming request.
    • Returns Promise which is then resolved to a Buffer.
  • text(): Parses body as a string from incoming request.
    • Returns Promise which is then resolved to a String.
  • urlencoded(): Parses body as an object from incoming urlencoded body.
    • Returns Promise which is then resolved to an Object.
  • json(Any: default_value): Parses body as a JSON Object from incoming request.
    • Returns Promise which is then resolved to an Object or typeof default_value.
    • Note this method returns the specified default_value if JSON parsing fails instead of throwing an exception. To have this method throw an exception, pass undefined for default_value.
    • Note default_value is {} by default meaning json() is a safe method even if incoming body is invalid json.
  • multipart(...2 Overloads): Parses incoming multipart form based requests allowing for file uploads.
    • Returns a Promise which is resolved once all of the fields have been processed.
      • Note you may provide an async handler to ensure all fields get executed after each handler invocaton has finished.
      • Note the returnd Promise can reject with one of the String constants below or an uncaught Error object.
        • PARTS_LIMIT_REACHED: This error is rejected when the configured Busboy limit has been reached.
        • FILES_LIMIT_REACHED: This error is rejected when the configured Busboy limits.files limit has been reached.
        • FIELDS_LIMIT_REACHED: This error is rejected when the configured Busboy limits.fields limit has been reached.
    • Overload Types:
      • multipart(Function: handler): Parses the incoming multipart request with the default Busboy options through the specified handler.
      • multipart(BusboyConfig: options, Function: handler): Parses the incoming multipart request with the spcified options through the specified handler.
      • Handler Example: (field: MultipartField) => { /* Your Code Here */}
        • Note this handler can be either a synchronous or asynchronous function.
        • Note HyperExpress will automatically pause and wait for your async handler to resolve on each field.
      • See > [MultipartField] to view all properties and methods available for each multipart field.
      • See > [Busboy] to view all customizable BusboyConfig options and learn more about the Busboy multipart parser.
    • Note the body parser uses the global Server.max_body_length by default. You can override this property on a route by specifying a higher max_body_length in the route options when creating that route.
    • Note HyperExpress currently does not support chunked transfer requests.
  • See ExpressJS documentation for more properties/methods that are also implemented for compatibility.

Request Events

The Request component extends an EventEmitter/Readable stream meaning your application can listen for the following lifecycle events.

  • [received]: This event will get emitted when Request has completely received all of the incoming body data.
  • See the official > [stream.Readable] Node.js documentation for more information.