Note: You are viewing the Sails.js v0.9.x documentation. If you're looking for information on v0.8.x, please visit here.
Sails makes HTTP and interoperable, making it easier than ever to add realtime/pubsub/comet functionality to your app.
Using standard controllers
Using the CRUD blueprints
Using the built-in realtime sync methods (e.g.
) -
Using Sails built-in low-level pubsub/socket methods (e.g.
) -
Obtaining raw access to via
Out of the box, Sails handles requests the same way it handles HTTP requests-- through the Express interface. It does this by creating a fake Express request and automatically routing the socket requests to the proper controller and action. For instance, here is a simple controller:
// api/controllers/EchoController.js
module.exports = {
index: function (req,res) {
// Get the value of a parameter
var param = req.param('message');
// Send a JSON response
success: true,
message: param
Start sails and open the Sails Welcome Page (e.g. localhost:1337) in a browser. From within the browser conosle we can access our controller like so:
// socket is globalized by sails
message: 'hi there!'
}, function (response) {
// response === {success: true, message: 'hi there!'}
In controllers, when handling a socket request, req and res are automatically set up to take the appropriate actions using instead of Express. If you need it, req.socket
contains a raw reference to the underlying socket. If you ever need to access it directly, you can do so. But for the majority of use cases, using Sails' built-in behavior will keep your syntax simple and conventional.
The default blueprint API supports pubsub for socket requests out of the box. So for instance if you create a model called User, then send a message to the server from the client requesting a list of users, the client will be automatically subscribed to changes to the users collection for the remainder of the connection:
IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to access
, etc., the page using the methods must have access to the client-side
which is included in new Sails projects. In this example, we'll use them to talk to the backend via Please be aware that you can use these methods whether or not you're using CRUD blueprints.
socket.get('/user', function (response) {
// response contains a list of all users
});'/user',{name: 'foo'}, function (response) {
// create a new user
socket.put('/user/1',{name: 'foobar'}, function (response) {
// update the user
socket.delete('/user/1', function (response) {
// delete the user
These calls will subscribe you to changes to the model, see your assets/js/app.js
file to see default socket setup.
Sails exposes some convenient accessor methods for performing common publish/subscribe operations. The following methods may be used in your custom controllers to give you lower-level access to the same kind of realtime functionality you've seen in the blueprints.
Under the covers, Sails blueprints work their realtime magic by automatically furnishing models with a collection-wide "class room" and an "instance room" for each instance.
If you have a visitor whose socket is subscribed to the "class room" (e.g. User.subscribe( req.socket )
), she'll receive messages any time User.publishCreate()
is called.
Subscribe the request object's socket (req.socket
) to this model's class room.
Your subscribed socket on the client will receive a message every time a new instance of the specified model is created. Any time publishCreate
is called, sockets subscribed to the class room are automatically subscribed to newly created models' instance rooms (more on that below).
e.g. User.subscribe( req.socket )
If the visitor is subscribed to one or more "instance rooms" (e.g. User.subscribe( req.socket, listOfUserInstances )
), she'll receive messages when User.publishUpdate()
or User.publishDestroy()
is called involving one of the instances she cares about.
Subscribe the request object's socket (req.socket
) to the specified model, id OR array of models
or ids. Subscribed sockets will receive a message every time the specified model(s) are updated or destroyed from here on out.
User.subscribe(req.socket , [7, 3] )
Player.subscribe(req.socket , todaysLuckyGuests )
User.subscribe(req.socket , req.session.userId )
Product.subscribe(req.socket, saleItems )
Model.subscribe( req.socket, [])
is not the same asModel.subscribe( req.socket )
. The latter usage will subscribe to the "class room." The former will subscribe to nothing! This is because the presence of the second argument (in this case the empty list[]
) signals to Sails that you're subscribing to instances, but in this case you've specified none!
Inform all sockets who are members of the "class room" for Model
that a new instance has been created. Those sockets will also be automatically subscribed to the new instance's room.
Optionally, if socket
argument is specified, it will be omitted from the broadcast.
// For example
id: 3,
name: 'Randy'
Client-side sockets who were subscribed to the class room and are listening to the message
event would receive a JSON message like the following:
data: {
id: 3,
name: 'Randy'
id: 3
model: 'user'
verb: 'create'
Inform all sockets who are subscribed to the specified id
's instance room for Model
that the instance has been updated.
Optionally, if socket
argument is specified, it will be omitted from the broadcast.
// For example
User.publishUpdate( 7, {
name: 'Amanda'
Client-side sockets who were subscribed to the class room and are listening to the message
event would receive a JSON message like the following:
data: {
name: 'Amanda'
id: 7
model: 'user'
verb: 'update'
Inform all sockets who are subscribed to the specified id
's instance room for Model
that the instance has been destroyed.
Optionally, if socket
argument is specified, it will be omitted from the broadcast.
// For example
Client-side sockets who were subscribed to the class room and are listening to the message
event would receive a JSON message like the following:
id: 7
model: 'user'
verb: 'destroy'
If you need more precise functionality, the raw API is pretty straightforward to figure out.
To get access to the socket in a request, use req.socket
. You can read more here:
The root object is available globally in Sails via
. You can also access the currently connected socket in the request object, via req.socket
in your controllers.
This is most likely because you don't have any express cookies yet in your current session and are requesting from a domain other than your server. To alleviate this and prevent the error from cropping back up, you should build in some kind of request to your server BEFORE you initialize your connection. So, if you're using Mast, something like this on your client side:
// location of your server
url = "http://localhost:1337/"
// dummy request to the server, retrieves cookie. using jQuery, you can use whatever
$.get(url, function() {})
// NOW setup
Mast.raise({ baseurl : url })