Centered around 4MHz -> 50% means 6MHz tops, that's 12Msps min.
- @todo clean the code to have Cleaned signal around fPiezo
- using a 3.3V source : with the ino file
- 1 period is 60 lines at 488us -> period of 30us then.
- Period 300us, 150us between shots means 100 lines
- 200 lines for a full sweep, back and forth
- 30kpts means freq of 16Msps or for a single image, 32k
or with 3200 -> 200 to 2200 : 2000pts per line
Setup of the experiment
Setup of the experiment
View of motor control
Experiment: 20181104a-1. Duration: 190.0us (195000 - 5000), for 256 repeats each 1953 us. Fech = 10.6666666667Msps, total of 2026.66666667 pts per line, Nacq = 256. hp2121 with wiretwophantom, probe: hp2121, target = wiretwophantom. Timestamp = 2018-11-04 11:39:39.179730
Experiment: 20181104a-3. Duration: 150.0us (175000 - 25000), for 158 repeats each 488 us. Fech = 21.3333333333Msps, total of 3200.0 pts per line, Nacq = 158. hp2121 with wiretwophantom, probe: hp2121, target = wiretwophantom. Timestamp = 2018-11-04 11:59:23.366979
Experiment: 20181104a-2. Duration: 160.0us (175000 - 15000), for 306 repeats each 488 us. Fech = 10.6666666667Msps, total of 1706.66666667 pts per line, Nacq = 306. hp2121 with wiretwophantom, probe: hp2121, target = wiretwophantom. Timestamp = 2018-11-04 11:51:12.404972
Experiment: 20181104a-3. Duration: 150.0us (175000 - 25000), for 158 repeats each 488 us. Fech = 21.3333333333Msps, total of 3200.0 pts per line, Nacq = 158. hp2121 with wiretwophantom, probe: hp2121, target = wiretwophantom. Timestamp = 2018-11-04 11:59:23.366979 (category: FFT).
Scan converted image of 20181104a-3 using a piezo: hp2121 (category: SC).
Experiment: 20181104a-1. Duration: 190.0us (195000 - 5000), for 256 repeats each 1953 us. Fech = 10.6666666667Msps, total of 2026.66666667 pts per line, Nacq = 256. hp2121 with wiretwophantom, probe: hp2121, target = wiretwophantom. Timestamp = 2018-11-04 11:39:39.179730 (category: FFT).
Experiment: 20181104a-2. Duration: 160.0us (175000 - 15000), for 306 repeats each 488 us. Fech = 10.6666666667Msps, total of 1706.66666667 pts per line, Nacq = 306. hp2121 with wiretwophantom, probe: hp2121, target = wiretwophantom. Timestamp = 2018-11-04 11:51:12.404972 (category: FFT).
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