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Gijs Molenaar edited this page Aug 4, 2016 · 3 revisions


For all these steps you need the git-buildpackage package installed.

Create a new KERN package

  1. create a new repository here with the same name as the package:

  1. Create a new git repository on your build system with the same name as your package and run git init in it

  2. Download the released tarball for a package. make sure it is named -version.tar.bz2 or gz or xz

  3. inside the new git repo run gbp import-orig

  4. create the debian folder with content. Copy this from an other repo and modify or use dh_make.

  5. run gbp build-package and check if everything works. If not, fix.

  6. if everything works fine add a tag gbp build-package --git-tag-only

Update existing package

  1. git clone<package> && cd <package>

  2. If the package has a watch file you can run gbp import-orig --uscan

  3. If no watch file, add a watch file. Otherwise download release tarball and run `gbp import-orig path/to/-.tar.gz

  4. increment version number using dch -i

  5. check if package builds with gbp build-package

  6. if everything works fine add a tag gbp build-package --git-tag-only

Uploading changes to github and launchpad

  1. If everything looks awesome run gbp build-package --git-tag to tag this version.

  2. run git push --all && git push --tags to upload all your changes

  3. run debuild -S -sa for building a source package in the parent

  4. run dput ppa:kernsuite/kern-dev ../<package__source.changes to upload package to the kernsuite dev repo.

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