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Table template base set assets

Notoner templates support different layouts for each language: for example, the Poker Dice template has a sheet element that uses a different SVG for each language.

To do that, I suggest working on a master SVG file for all the languages with a layer for each of them (EN, IT, etc.). Then, when you're happy with the result:

  • Save a different copy of the SVG with the layers you need (i.e., sheet-1-EN.svg, sheet-1-IT.svg, etc.) in your template directory.
  • Before saving each copy, make sure to convert all the text to paths to make sure the text is rendered correctly anywhere. (On Inkscape: for each layer select all the objects, then select Paths -> Object to Path)

Chronicles of Stampadia

As a more complex example of JavaScript-generated tables, Notoner includes the game Chronicles of Stampadia, a single-player print-and-play roguelike dungeon crawler I worked on in 2021. This script takes care of bundling code and assets, applying little patches, minifying everything, and saving it into its template directory.

If you need to build or update the Notoner CoS generator, download and unzip a snapshot of CoS source code, go to the script directory, install the script dependencies with npm install, and then launch it with node generate.js [path-to-stampadia-snapshot].

7 Dice Wonders

This page loads the original images downloaded from BGG, cuts them, prepares the table template assets and definition, and allows you to download all the pieces.

Zombie in My Pocket

This page loads the original images downloaded from BGG, cuts them, prepares the table template assets and definition, and allows you to download all the pieces.


This page loads the image in the database folder (she is Mae, our naughty cat), cuts it, and prepares the table template definition for you to copy and paste. The pieces are created by clipping the original image, so no pieces image is needed.


This page builds all the game elements and their macros and prepares the table template definition for you to copy and paste.