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Keval Patel edited this page Apr 15, 2018 · 4 revisions

What is authenticator?

  • PasscodeView supports custom authentication methods for authenticating the user using PIN or pattern.
  • An application can provide their own PIN or pattern authentication algorithms and hook it into the PinView or PatternView. In another case, the application can create authenticator to send PIN/Pattern entered by the user to the server for the authentication.

Types of authenticator:

  • There are two types of authenticator interfaces.
    • PatternAuthenticator:
      • Pattern authenticator authenticates the pattern entered by the user in PatternView.
      • It provides the list of PatternPoint when the user draws pattern. The authenticator will authenticate the user based on those PatternPoint.
    • PinAuthenticator:
      • PIN authenticator authenticates the pattern entered by the user in PinView.
      • It provides the digits of the PIN. The authenticator will authenticate the user based on those digits.
