This repository contains shared actions and workflows.
You can call one workflow from within another workflow. This allows you to reuse workflows, avoiding duplication and making your workflows easier to maintain. For more information, see Reusing workflows..
name: Digger Workflow
types: [created]
branches: [ "main" ]
types: [ opened, synchronize, closed ]
schedule: ## 8am every week on Monday
- cron: '0 8 * * 1'
uses: kieranbrown/github-actions/.github/workflows/digger-workflow.yaml@v1
secrets: inherit
actions: write # required for plan persistence
contents: write # required to merge PRs
id-token: write # required for workload-identity-federation
pull-requests: write # required to post PR comments
statuses: write # required to validate combined PR status
Please ensure you have pre-commit framework installed and configured before submitting your Pull Request.
The included Brewfile includes all dependencies necessary
to run this project. You can install these dependencies with brew bundle